Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - angry for no apparent reason -edition

Upcoming events:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders [Open]
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory [Open]
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check [Open]
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>We are going to start translating and converting all english memes in Germans.. An example of this would be taking a smuggie, translating the mug liberal into German and slapping a CDU logo on his shirt..
>The Chad/Virgin meme is hot right now too so we could make some of those as well but let's start with the smuggies. It I'll be easy and fast
>Ignore shills, don't reply to Schulz/Antifa faggots /defeatists

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



TV-Duell Sat1

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.



AfD Leude

I hope one day we will get to firebomb Germany again this time destroying everything Dresden wasn't enough for you dirty rats

na, schafft ihr einen Faden ohne Koti?

I'm back you yellow bellied Nasheed singing cunts.

try it fatty, we all saw how horrible you failed in Afghanistan when fighting muslim guerilla troops kek.

Get active, people. Become members or at least sponsors:

If you can't afford the few bucks a month, consider helping with the various election efforts:

Campaigns are heating up, every little bit of help is appreciated.

And remember, there isn't just this general election, there are still local elections to be fought and won. It starts right in your hometown. Everyone can do their part to help bringing Germany back on course.

Listen here, John. Despite the fact you cunts all parade under 'freedom', your people are still willingly replacing themselves. Why is it that the most White states in the US are the most Leftist?

Please sign up before we leak the next member-lists. Would be a shame if me missed one of you.


Der Nachzug von engen Verwandten ist von der Bundesregierung für Familien von Flüchtlingen mit subsidiärem Schutz ausgesetzt worden - für zwei Jahre bis März 2018. Möglicherweise wird diese Sperre verlängert: Die CSU fordert dies bereits. Kanzlerin Angela Merkel hat sich bislang in der Frage noch nicht festgelegt. Sie will Anfang 2018 darüber entscheiden. Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière sprach sich bei einer Podiumsdiskussion aber bereits für diesen Schritt aus.

this is important. Even though we hate the CDU, if they don´t allow the refugees to bring in their family, we will already have achieved a small victory. you could say, the upcoming rightwing movement pressured the government into submission.
the pile of shit is big, but the rate at which it is growing is decreasing.
on the other hand, normies will forget about refugees and the shitskins in our nation. a big backlash would be bigger.

the only redpill their is: we need more refugees

Please do, we need more such examples of leftist anarchy for our campaign.

>a big backlash would be bigger.
the backlash would be bigger, if we received more refugees that put more tension on the whole issue

Previous OP here. Thank you for making the new thread. I was busy for quite some time, due to work. However it´s always great to see so many anons contributing and creating These generals

>Kanzlerin Angela Merkel hat sich bislang in der Frage noch nicht festgelegt.
This fucking cunt, I don't trust her one bit. She'll just "imply" she'd stop it, and after the election she might just as well shrug her fat shoulders and spew some more platitudes like "Wir schaffen das" and "Der Islam gehört zu Deutschland".


390,000 Syrians are eligible. The average family size in Syria is 6.3, so assuming between 300-400,000 apply for family reunion, that's 1,800,000 to 2,400,000 "new Germans". Just think about it.

say that after you lost your job & most of your social contacts. Usually works as an eye opener, even for actual nazis.
why limit the family reunions if you literally campaign with "no upper limit"? Letting them in is the easiest solution = Merkel solution


>Just think about it
dont want

she will say it right before the election, so their isn´t time to explain how they are planning to do it and the citizen must take her word... which they will

you better value my rsponse, i had to solve 6 captcha´s

>why limit the family reunions if you literally campaign with "no upper limit"? Letting them in is the easiest solution = Merkel solution


Actually it´s a damn shame that the Swastika is forbidden in Germany. It existed for thousand of years and is a smybol of peace. However due to the loss of the nazis we will never be able to use it without having negative backlash... Sadly

The Wahl-O-Mat says im 75% aligned with the NPD and ~40% with Die Linke. Does this make me a Social Nationalist?

>Does this make me a Social Nationalist?
Nope you are just a faggot

Nobody here loses his job for being in the AfD, just as nobody loses their job for being Republican in the US. You're an idiot LARPer. All you idiots can do is make some annoying phone calls. MUH RESISTANCE
All you can effectively do is dox someone and try to find Facebook posts of that guy like "GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW" and THEN you'd have ammo to get him fired, and that's the only way such a case would have any hope of success before the work protection courts. Of course reality doesn't matter to the mushy brain of yours and your daydreams ...

it makes you an imbecile
what am I now? A LARPer or opposition you actually argue with? Think before you type.

ain´t clicking that

Ist Sup Forums aber in deutsch
dort ist es nicht verboten deutsch zu reden
und man muss sich auch nicht auf einen Faden zurückziehen

>Verteile Pfefferspray
>Werde angezeigt wegen Volksverhetzung
Deutschland 2017

aso krautchan, gar nciht richtig gelesen. wie is da so die stimmung? mehr moderater als hier, würde ich vermuten.

DIdn´t that site get banned, or users raided there. Or what happened?

>Einige AfD-Mitglieder hätten dabei erklärt, man könne sich so vor Nordafrikanern schützen.

Direkt im zweiten Satz des Artikels fand ich die Volksverhetzung. Bist du behindert?

>what am I now? A LARPer or opposition you actually argue with?
You can be both, retard - leftist cuck who LARPs as a 1337 ANTIFA BLACKHAT HACKER or RESISTANCE FIGHTER and your daydreams are obvious. And I'm just using you to not only kill some time but also spread awareness of your ilk (for which purpose it is irrelevant if you're actually that ilk, only the perception counts).

I mean, look at this, leftist attacks redpill so many people, we really should be thankful:

>Selbst Nicht-Mitglieder der AfD sind von den Attacken von Linksextremisten betroffen. In Tübingen erhielt ein Student eine Todesdrohung. „Braunes Nazischwein, deine Tage sind gezählt. In 48 Stunden wirst du umgebracht“, hieß es laut SWR in einer E-Mail. Der Politikstudent schreibt seine Abschlußarbeit über die AfD und hatte sich deshalb für den Parteitag in Stuttgart als Beobachter angemeldet. So landeten sein Name und seine Kontaktdaten auf der Liste, die später auf Indymedia veröffentlicht wurde.


This thread is boring as fuck but I just wanted to bump and say I love you guys

nicht das erste mal dass es unten wäre
war glaub ich wegen dem admin der da irgentwas updaten musste

not enough explosions?

>Es werde nun mit Zeugenbefragungen geprüft, was genau von wem gesagt worden sei, sagte Brandt.
Probably some butthurt lefty making shit up or taking it out of context. They probably referred to emergency situations like the infamous New Years rapefest and immediately someone got triggered.

Wo ist das bitte schön Volksverhetzung?

Same here.
Tfw living in country with based nationalist leaders

It's quittn time in Deutschland, Burger (4:30 pm), expect a slight posting lull until evening

For everyone it redpills it stops 1000 people from doing the same mistake kek.

Its a german thread what do you expect!?
They burned 11 milion people up to 1945 so now everybody is butthurt when they make jokes.


>your gf Julia Schramm is guilty of Volksverhetzung

protecting from violent civil invaders is "Volksverhetzung" while calling for the death of your own people is an "opinion".

...Cultural Marxism

burning 11 million was the joke

>burning 11 million
and I thought it was at least 20 million ... damn

can't handle the banter?
then go extinct already lol

>sich vor vergewaltigung schützen
kein normaler mensch sieht das genauso. die klage spielt der afd in die hände

exactly. the outrage against normal stuff an afd dude said on tv made my father finally turn, since he thought the stuff said was just common sense

Wie würdest du die Tatsache bezeichnen, dass diejenigen die das Volk aufbauen wollen, weggejagt und dämonisiert werden?

btw, it was just commons sense

It stops almost nobody, because as I said, there is no legal consequence. Nobody loses their job, nobody cares. You idiots are always assuming everybody has your left-extremist mindset, which simply isn't the case. You're a small, violent minority which alienates itself from the average citizen with each passing day.
People perceive you as what you are: undemocratic filth that undermines the freiheitlich demokratische Grundordnung. Yeah, you might think that's great, MUH ANARCHY, but most people do not want it. Heck, not even legitimate refugees want it. You're all alone.

>kein normaler mensch sieht das genauso
Du kennst keine normalen Menschen, du wählst die AfD.
>die klage spielt der afd in die hände
Jaja, rechtsruck kommt bestimmt.

Was für aufbauen du Opfer? Seit etwa 70 Jahren wirst du so bearbeitet, dass du keine Kinder, Karriere und Eigentum mehr haben willst. Vielleicht ist das bei ein paar Landeiern noch nicht angekommen, aber das sind die 68er. Wir bereiten die Welt schonmal darauf vor, wenn du und deine Boomereltern seelig unter der Erde liegen.

By now I think you're actually one of us playing the role of the retard aggressive Antifa sperg to alienate even more people and mobilize them, kek.


Remember no matter what the result of this election is.

We are fucked.

Und wer pusht das du Leuchte? Sicher nicht diejenigen, die für den boom gesorgt haben. Ihr linken seit dagegen, dass Frauen zuhause sind und sich um die Kinder kümmern, da für euch Karriere immer zuerst kommt und man Kinder ja später kriegen könne, wenn die karriere schon aufgebaut ist. Das Opfer bist außerdem du, weil du anderen die Meinungsfreiheit nimmst, um bestätigen zu können, dass deine Meinung sttimme. Es gibt kein Hate speech, nur weil man Fakten nennt, die du als unangenehm empfindest. Außerdem sind nunmal ein Großteil von Nordafrikanern für viele Vergewaltigungen verantwortlich.

Have you already forgotten the 30 million, Goy?


Yeah, my normie coworkers slowly turned more and more right over the past two years, was kinda surprised to see that, I had abandoned all hope for them. But reports of those small cities of 150 citizens getting a refugee center to house 1000 refugees was the turning point from "Wir schaffen das" to "What the fuck is going on, this is not okay". Then New Years hit, and they were REALLY upset, since then they have become more aware and sensibilized for the issues and now openly complain about seeing more and more women in hijab and the like. This was unthinkable before, and those hijab "commercials" achieved the exact opposite of what they aimed for.

kannst dich schonmal drauf freuen dass die frauen wieder am herd bleiben, weils draußen vor fachkräften wimmelt, du feminist

Germany doesn´t feel like Germany anymore. Our culture will soon be gone, unless...

Deutsche Frauen sollen keine Kinder kriegen..
Deutsche Michels sollen keinen Grundbesitz erwerben..
Ihr sollt arbeiten bis ihr 70 seid und den Höchsteuersatz zahlen..

Begreif es doch endlich. Niemanden kümmern deine "Rechte" oder deine "Meinung". Es ist bald schluss mit Menschen wie dir und das ist auch gut so. Freu dich, dass du dein Leben lang arbeiten wirst, um mit deinem Steuergeld die Grundlage für etwas großartiges zu legen; Den Weltfrieden.

Soll dahinter etwa eine sarkastische Nachricht sein, die einem subtil zu anarchistischen Gedankenzügen bewegen soll? Denn ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass ein Anarchist den Kapitalismus so sehr unterstützen würde. Es sei denn natürlich, du trollierst.

Guck dir das mal an:

Wenn das deine Meinung nicht ändert, solltest du echt mal deine Prinzipien überdenken

Solltest du lieber Sam Hyde schicken, vielleicht versteht der dann was eine Punchline ist.

Dann Satz hat null Sinn ergeben und deine Meinung ist rassistisch, unlogisch und pervers

nyaaaa where are all the german fags ;_;

heute ist badetag, also sind sie wohl baden

friday, working, private life etc
always the same

If you prefer a world consisting only of third world countries, at the technological stage of the stone age, why don't you just move to Africa?

And the leave us alone?

fucking normies

anyway, for the guys left:
what are your hobbies besides Sup Forums?
i only lift and read books... and to much internet

oh and i would like to start gardening, vegetables and stuff

>not shitposting at wörk

Ach Malte-Sören etzala hör doch endlich auf hier nach (yous) zu ködern...

>Lifting and running
But I'm dommed this year, first I had a knee injury from March to August, now I got a fucking Mittelohrentzündung and Tinnitus for 3 weeks already. Antibiotics aren't working so I have an appointment for a Computertomographie on Monday.

>Playing Guitar

Wer von euch pfostiert noch im /deutsch/ Faden auf Sup Forums?
Habe das Gefühl, dass es 'ne ganze Menge sind.

KC/b/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /deutsch/

Früher viel auf Sup Forums und Sup Forums gewesen, heute nur noch auf Sup Forums uezs

>all those idiots falling for your bait
They're our canon fodder and don't know it better.

>/deutsch/ Faden auf Sup Forums?

>/deutsch/ Faden auf Sup Forums

>But I'm dommed this year, first I had a knee injury from March to Augus
i know this feel. best wishes.


nice meme flag Kevin

>Wer von euch pfostiert noch im /deutsch/ Faden auf Sup Forums?

Sup Forums Sup Forums ist absoluter Müll.

ami bump

European Civil War when?

Heino ist ein gerader Mann.


Ich dachte tatsächlich für einen Moment das du es ernst meinst.

secondary ami bump

Danke amibro

Wer noch alles schlesische Vorfahren? :^(