Croatia = best country

This is Croatia 2016, and some of you guys used to call us nonwhite and a shithole, meanwhile we are 1st world and one of the best countries in Europe if not in the world:

>money and high purchasing power
>birthplace of famous inventor
>already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology to more easily compete with Western Europe
>some people ride bikes to work
>strong and predictable economy
>importing cars from Portugal
>white & European
>invented the necktie so you can look like a gentleman and not like a chino faggot
>almost every family has a car and a PC with internet
>low unemployment
>strategical partnership with Argentina until 2050
>implementing unemployment plan from Greece
>exporting to Serbia and Bosnia
>army uses homemade tanks & hs produkt vhs 2
>industry based on exports and not on imports
>people wear modern clothes
>most people have smartphones

You're a fucking shiter country.

Tourism and American negros! #Win? Nah fuck it you! Birtchfuck your head

Within 5 years, Croatia will be a comfy stable (Economically) country. The tourists will be lynched too.

fucking stop, we're a shithole


>birthplace of famous inventor
so famous you can't even name him
>almost every family has a car and PC with internet
WOAH HOLY SHIT so do most European nations, save for everything east of Poland and Hungary/Romania
>some people ride bikes to work
who fucking cares
>strategical partnership with Argentina
its "strategic" you moron, no wonder you're partnering with a country as shitty and uneducated as yours
>people wear modern clothes
again, who fucking cares? besides, based off your definition of 'modern clothes' that's certainly not something to be proud of
>most people have smart phones
most of the civilized world has one you dipshit, even poor parts of Africa, SE Asia, etc.

>>already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology
>polish """technology"""

I dated a girl from Croaita. Her family moved to the US when she was little. By far one of the most beautiful girls I've ever been with and best sex I ever had....but holy fuck was she an absolute nutjob.

The worth of a nation is not measured in material wealth, but in their contribution to civilization.

Shit pasta, when i see these threads i wanna off my self and OP.

youra cunt and every croat girl is like you - some cunt. Bye bye be gone. Croatia shit country and spit on your flag with my ass.

Probably shouldn't reply but based on our small population we actually contributed a lot.

Croatia is a great country because turism. But apart from that your language is terribly hard to learn and good luck with the enployment rate. Croatia must be great for Croatian that's all.

>already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology to more easily compete with Western Europe

>polish technology

Your women are loyal and sexy, amazing country well done.

>no giggers
>no serbs

why do you want to spoil everything?

t. Ljubomir

hhaha I laugh to it - ur good funnies but not much else! Happy joke!

your dumb gay. Croat women are cunt and ugly dick muncher cum eatee!!

>contribution to civilization.
Fuck off globalist

Croats are pretty cool
Slavicize a Italian/Greek and you get a Mediterranean nation with Slavic language and elements, that's how Croatia feels like

Croats are basically Slavicized Italians genetically.

I've visited your country and you are not even whiter than my people.And that says alot.Its sad when spanish,italian,portugese,south frenc and balkanniggers do not admit to being muslim rapebabies.

Isis approves
Halal country indeed

can you be more a bitch? I think you a cunt. SPit on you with my ass! Fuck Croat cunts with cum idiot woman! FFick cum idoiot croat!

where did you get that info from?

You just outlined yourself as baited by double shitposting, good luck :(

Such a great country with a long history of being conquered and nothing else of note. Great country.

ur muslim nigger. Don't speak to me. Croat cunt cumer.

Not from a credible source, he pulled it out of his ass like most of Sup Forums does. They will forever call dinaric people italian and turkish, both italian and turks are manlets and dinarics are tallest on planet so what can you do mate. And ofc they will ignore slavic population.

fuck off you stupid Turk

>I've visited your country and you are not even whiter than my people.

gyppo pls...

sure you did

blcak nig.

I wanna put benis inside croat girl and make baby

if I travel there what can I do as a tourist? I already live in south Florida so beaches and boating dont really interest me.


slovenia is still better

Literally nothing and even that will cost you my friend
Welkom welkom john
Croatian air only special prize today maximum discount 50kn for a bottle

be atack by nigers have women that hve cum inside them. spit on flag with ur ass

Go and get some copper, you filthy gyppo.

Mach deine Hausaufgaben, Hansl.

Delet this

>Croatia must be great for Croatian that's all.
Not even for us. Shit country that's litteraly dying out. 60k people left it to seek jobs mostly young people, for a little country that's disastrous. Croatia will cease to exist

Croatia seems like a nice country to visit. All eastern european countries do. They seem like they have a lot of history in them.

The neck tie was invented so you coukd wipe the slop off of your face.

we're already full, go on youtube and type croatia tourism, i don't fucking know
use google you lazy cunt

Most Austrians are Yugos these days.



I bet that fp will come from a bitter westerne--

aaaaaaaaand I was right

>already full,
>every month thousands of people leave the country

No you doofuses, it has nothing to do with Croats having actual Italian genetic ancestry (or Turkish, no one in the Balkans has Turkish ancestry). The Bronze Age Croatian genetic samples were a lot like Italians. And then the Slavs came, intermixed and gave modern Croats.

"Dinaric" is just a local phenotype.

I've been in Croatia. Love your cuntry.

Every day, a turd leaves my asshole, it doesn't mean that you're welcome in it.

> money and high purchasing power
you know, this pasta never took off because pretty much instantly it makes people lmao about about balkanroaches

sounds like where I live already

I think you meant illiyrians
>Illyrians =/= italians

most germcucks have always been germcucks
these days there's also some cuckroaches
t. whiteman

>on misli da postam sa bliskog istoka
Hehe only the stupid ones stayed

croatia greatest country

that was funny

lmao suck dick much, cockroach?

suck my dick you slavic rapebaby

I can't believe people still fall for this shit. It's an old Sup Forums pasta.

I know right, croatia is about the poorest shithole there is in europe

Why don't you suck each others dick?

If serbia and croatia united we would rule the world with a iron fist, strong but fair!

you are retarded
those were illyrians, not fucking italians

I have a serbroach gf for that

Are you that Albanian that always starts sperging when people mention Croatia?

Havent seen this pasta in months

superpower by 2020

are you that balkanroach?

you have nothing you neckbeard larper

If bosnia and herzegovina unite they would rule half the world!?

lmao, nice propaganda, croatia is a shithole

Jebem te vise, prestani pricat o Hrvatskoj, zadavit cu te ako te nadjem

Why would albos hate croatia?

*tourist superpower

Yes, but at least I'm not a šiptar.

It's up literally every day. First time I ever clicked on it.

>>invented the necktie so you can look like a gentleman and not like a chino faggot

I played you guys in Cossacks: European wars

Wow we really are famous

I don't know, but there is this one Albanian guy that just goes nuts every time. Not 100% sure if it's this exact one though.

>almost every family own a car and pc with internet
If that's an achievement for you, then this is really really sad..

Everyone who's been to croatia sees that it's still not much better than serbia, and i would consider slovenia more advanced in ever aspect than you

If its such a great country why are so many croats diasporafags?

*high fives*

As if anyone would want to move there hahahahaha

Son of a whore

>being this new

Bosnia is cursed
Just leave them alone

Not even close but a shithole regardless.

> slav
> catholic
> commies

yea so great

slavs are subhumans

No, I meant (modern) Italians. Those Bronze Age proto-Illyrians were genetically like modern Italians.

Honestly says more about you that you are clueless about what I'm talking about than my supposed confusion of Italians and Illyrians.

On vacation in Croatia right now, loving it! Almost no niggers, feels very safe (in tourism hotspot of course), croats are friendly.

From Germany by the way.

> no niggers on vacation in croatia

yes but modern croats are nothing like italians you actual nigger

white trash or diaspora

croatia spain and turkey are for slavs and european trash (teens)

croats are ugly useless slav subhumans


nice, now fuck off tonjibljer

That's what I wrote, you moron, and you went apeshit. That Croats are genetically like a mix of Italians and Slavs.

spics are ugly and disgusting

hitler attacked stalin and failed miserably sucking his cock while tito manipulated him into sending yugoslavia moneyz and then giving him a middle finger when stalin sent assassins who failed to kill him

aryans are pussies : )

>danke deutschland my soul bleads out for you.jpg
There are literally no black people here
No black queens unfortunantly