Handing out BTFOs daily
Can anyone stop this man?
Poast you're best Jimpills
Keep up the good work, Mr. Woods.
>get a grip
no bcuz reality is rayciss u nazi bigots
old fart like drumpf wastes all day writing shit in twitter
>black guy with dreads
>not predator
So close
>wearing thick hipster glasses in battle
Just get goggles you red punk
He has no fuckin chill
Total old man supremacy
Congress is going to try and battle ou President to support DREAMers...start the meme wars, bombard RNC and Mitch McConnell not to put immigrants ahead of natural born citizens when we are $20T in debt!
I always liked James Woods, always seemed like a good dude.
Reminds me of when my cousin got deported.
Fresh from crossing the border he got busted for drinking in public and drinking under the legal age limit.
The first thing he did after his long journey was walk into a liquor store and buy a tall can. Well deserved one might say -
Unfortunately a cop car pulled over as he was downing it and back to _______ he goes. Not one tear was shed for the dude. I think this is something the sympathetic left wouldn't believe; That this story was one of amusement to everyone, his immediate family didn't find it as humorous but only because the bonehead wasted all that money to do one massive u-turn
jesus dude its been so long i forgot about that goofy-kin dude
James is Sup Forums incarnate :^)
>mfw that one burger poster you called an Amerifat could have been James Woods
I wonder what would happen, if Goofy met Fritzl.
>bros 4 life
What did we do to deserve this timeline?
I know him pretty well IRL. He's kind of an asshole, but goddamn if he isn't one of the most entertaining and fun to be around assholes you'll ever meet. The guy is the king of the comeback and he'll conversationally rip you to shreds if he detects that you're an idiot. Oh, and he really fucking hates the modern left.
>and back to _______ he goes.
Stardew Valley?
Literally /ourguy/.
This is satisfying, now if we could just get her to fuck off too.
Remarkable coincidence that the smartest actor in Hollywood is a redpilled conservative.
So much for the tolerant left!
The Land of eternal spring.
Sounds tempting right? Why would anyone want to leave.
Greed (greenbacks) makes one do strange things
>I bet there TRIGGERED am I right XD XD XD
>i identify as a HYUCK-kin.
>middle aged, burned out, mediocre actor tries to stay relevant in front of a bunch of edgy kids on twatter via shitposts
If this was a lefty actor/actress talking politics you cucks would be foaming at the mouth about how Hollywood opinions don't matter.
>muh identity politics cum gargling
I'd say were all kind of an asshole so it works out.
It's hit you hard Juan hasn't it? Try hard not to be an assblasted alejandro.
Lol, just volunteer, gather all illegals contact info, and report
Seriously, the fuck is wrong with these people. When did they get the nerve to start flaunting they're illegal? If you're not in the US legally, you lay fucking low and don't make noise, not wear shirts and show up in pictures and events waving your dick around and declaring "I'M AN ILLEGAL, FUCK YOU!"
bumping with Woods OC
I gotta get that Simspsons episode with him, it needs a little Pepe
on second thought this needs more work, disregard
based hades.
not bad, I like it
About what, exactly?
this. You guys need to infiltrate or at least gather their infos then deport.
What's the backstory on James Woods? This guy is a master shitposter
Is anyone more /ourguy/ than James Woods?
how many white babies did he make?
>those bantz
Based James Woods.
more than you ever will, stormweenie
He lowkey fathered children for Jodie Foster and her lesbo partner. Look at the kid on the left. Obviously from the potent Woods lineage.
it must be incredibly liberating when you're an actor that reaches the age where you can actually say what you think
lmao love james
Fucking savage lol. Jmmy's the man.
>tfw I still remember being 13 and on holiday with my dads mate and his daughters
>If I have a kid I think I'll get him castrated
>That's illegal and really wrong
>Not it's not he'll never get acne and he'll be kind and gentle
These are the kind of women that are now allowed to feed their kids estrogen
Here's a couple of Woods pepes, Sup Forums
The narcos that butt raped and beheaded your dad of course Paco.
hi james
im using this, antifag made it sound so much cooler than it actually is.
Don't forget his family guy persona
I wish, he's got fuck you money.
Let me find a good FG source pic user
How the fuck did James Woods become so based? The guy became my hero over the past couple of years, most actors are complete, unrepentant cunts but this guys almost makes up for the lot of them.
He stepped into the Videodrome.
>Long live the new flesh!
Tick tock you little taco gremlins
He's a washed-up, childless degenerate, who dates women young enough to be his granddaughter.
kek james has some bants
>dates women young enough to be his granddaughter
You say that like it's a bad thing.
I love that man so much.
Wow even more based now.
Aren't you shaming a man now for having no brats now, retarded democrat?
>bumping with Woods OC
>180 IQ
>renowned Hollywood actor
>fucks 20 year olds at 66
fuck I want to be this man.
James woods 2020
Make it happen
Trump had failed
He jewd out
Woods is our guy
Zeig heil
kek how redpilled do you guys think he is? i think he's at 14, and JQ since he is a actor hes probably got redpilled how disgusting the Hollywood business is
>who dates women young enough to be his granddaughter
that's awesome quit being a jealous beta faggot
Woods' level of banter is peak tier. He should run for president. I would meme for him.