>be a billionaire
>only donate $1 million to help flood victims
Is Trump fucking serious? $1 million, which Trump considers a "small loan", isn't going to do shit.
Trump is a fucking joke.
>be a billionaire
>only donate $1 million to help flood victims
Is Trump fucking serious? $1 million, which Trump considers a "small loan", isn't going to do shit.
Trump is a fucking joke.
Other urls found in this thread:
So is $1m a lot of money or not?
How much did Obama personally donate to natural disasters when he was president?
$1 million isn't a lot when you're a fucking billionaire. He should donate at least $10 million if he truly cares about the city of Houston. But he doesn't.
would he be critisised for doing this if he wasnt the president?
i mean he dosnt have to do shit, and its not expected of him to use personal funds for this sort of thing
seems like people will reeeeeeeeeeeeee at just about anything, like the monged out little shit stains that they are
>DiCaprio and some other huge celeb worth literally billions donate $1 million
>Trump donates $1 milion, isn't nearly as rich as these movie stars
There's literally no winning with these cunts.
He donated more than Obama
He donated more than you
He is under no condition to donate
Why does it matter? The fact that he's donating money at all should be praised. There is no "optimal" amount of charity. It's all voluntary. And all things voluntary are inherently better than all things coerced.
If you think Leo or any Hollywood actor is worth more than Trump you should check your facts.
this type of thinking doesnt sell clicks/magazines though
Gr8 b8 m8, I rate it 7/8.
>doesn't take a paycheck to be president.
>donated his own $
How much did you give? Nothing? Well then shut the front door, because you obviously don't care either.
Now tits, or gtfo. Bitch.
Very generous donation for a bunch of idiots who decided to live in a flood zone.
I love these people
>Charitable man is not charitable enough in my eyes.
He could have given zero you nitwits. How much have you given?
Trump isn't a billionaire unless he sells off all of his assets. He is worth over a billion, but does not have that much in his bank account.
Show me the part where you donated more or got of your fucking ass and helped people, how many supplies did your huge donation buy? How much food did you buy with your mac donations?
You must have done alot to claim that 1m is nothing?
Please enlighten us plebs and show us what more you have done.
He donated moneyz, what a fucking monster
this right here.
SAGE fills every crevice of the room
What did you donate cuck boy?
why drumpf is so cheap with his money?
his old as fuck,the money isnt going to the grave with him
Is Jesus facking sewious?
The beggaw's 5 cents isn't going to do shit
THANK YOU...finally someone who understands the difference between net worth and income. baka.
If I had as much money as Trump I would have probably given at least $20 million. There's no excuse to be stingy with your money like Trump is doing when you're that loaded.
He needs to think about someone besides himself for once.
He spent one million of his own money to help with disaster relief. Meanwhile, libshits like you were spending billions to make sure that America's next generation doesn't know which bathroom to use. Congrats you played yourself.
Autocorrect changed "baka" to "baka"...wtf?
isnt he not taking a salary?
It did it again... s m h not baka
UNfag is right. Charity is optional and $1mil is worth about half the amount OP will have ever earned.
It´s going to his Kids you Retard, and no matter how much he´d spend, you guys would either complain or ignore it.
Why donate when you can put a Texas flag filter on your profile pics and make sure people know your thoughts are with the victims?
No no. He should donate 100 million!!!! Or some arbitrarily larger and larger number, because it's pretty obvious that nothing would be enough for you anyway, fag.
LOL. Jokes on YOU. God I LOVE winning.
Back to your DUmpster.
How much did you donate?
How much have you donated, faggot?
It's still a total of $1 million. What do you think helps people there more, some poorfag donating the last $50 out of his wallet or Donald throwing $1 million into the ring?
Billionaires don't make a billion dollars a year.
>>only donate $1 million
implying he's going to actually donate. he has a pretty bad track record.
1) every time he is going to "personally" donate it comes from his foundation which is almost ALL outside money, not from him personally
2) he never actually cuts the check. You never hear he "donated", just always he "will donate". Like with the veterans. It took a reported digging into it to find he never wrote the check.
So yeah, he's not even going to give and it isn't going to be his money.
Other than that, he's a real standup guy.
>Not donating 2.5x the USA GDP to the (((charities))) instead of doing it yourself.
He does not have billions saved in bank accounts you twat, he probably have less than a billion at his immediate disposal
NEET /thread
Doesn't matter because he's never going to donate that money anyway.
Liberal way of thinking, it accomplishes so much.
How much did you donate fag?
You think people who need clean water care about how much of a *sacrifice* people made? No, they care about getting clean fucking water.
Trump donated 50 percent of what he makes being president.
So you donate 50 percent of your paycheck to a cause?
You lose your pacifier again?
Where's your million dollar donation you dickless faggot?
Can't expect poorfags to understand this because they never invested any of their money, they don't understand that Trump doesn't have full access to his net worth right away.
yea he isnt required to hand over any of his personal money. i understand that your inner gib me dat has taken over tyrome but try to pretend your human just a bit longer
we might get a race war with white people taking to the streets killing all the nonwhites soon... in blue states !!!
baka is superior to that nigger slag desu senpai
>person voluntarily donates money
any act of charity is good
>he never actually cuts the check
lol your problem, that jew u all are worshiping didnt allow money lending
>in 7 years
Wow that would be substantial if Trump was 7 years old
This. A real estate billionaire has fairly little cash at hand. His value and wealth is buildings, property and enterprises.
Most of his buildings are financed. He just needs to outpace his mortgage.
he was evidently wrong
now niggers will simply ask for him to pay everytime something happens
How much did King nigger ever donate to flood victims?
lol he is taking paycheck fag
>"Sources say"
>He donated more than Obama
He hasn't though and he won't.
> generous donation to a good cause
> not obligated to donate anything at all
> doesn't care at all what others think of him
> Still donates a million dollars
Stick to whacking off two dicks at a time instead of your pale attempt at shitposting
Damn, even catches flack for making million dollar donations. Yeah, the opposition is TOTALLY reasonable.
>Some specific projects he supported as president also received his private money. After a 2010 earthquake rattled Haiti, Obama met with[2] former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, and they agreed to head up the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, which raised money for the impoverished nation.
inb4 fake news. Trump's lack of actually giving has been documented in so many ways by so many angles.
take your gaslighting somewhere else
...I'm sure the Clinton foundation will make up for his shortcomings.
What you're saying is that while you yourself don't have the money and aren't going to do anything about it, you would like to use your "democratic powaz" to force other people to pay for it.
You little lazy coward.
Lol, if the general public knew the truth about the "Haiti Fund"
...Nothing would happen because the general public doesn't give a fuck anymore.
Nigger are you actually fucking brain dead. He fucking paid off a farmers whole mortgage. He fucking gave money to homeless people in the street. He fucking called the bank of the mortgage company after paying telling them to keep that farmers damn house! He fucking helped a guy on the street being attacked. Get out of here with this bullshit.
0.01% of his alleged net worth. Hope nobody else donates more than 1/10 000th of their net worth.
>So is $1m a lot of money or not?
For me it is, if I was worth 10bn$ I'd use 1mn$ as toilet paper
Be a billionaire?
be President and have all your assets signed away
no businesses to support income
donate paycheck to charity
be under investigation, have lawyers draining you dry
still come up with a million dollars to people in need
>it's a we're entitled to someone else's money and property episode
This is why America hates you demoshits. A million dollar gift is extraordinarily generous.
No you wouldn't
OP has to be right wing making the left look retarded , well played
Doing God's work lad.
Entitled niggers and boomers can fuck right off. There's a reason people pay for flood insurance.
>2 posts by this ID
>net worth as President
If you're the type who blows cash like this, you'll never become wealthy unless you inherited it. Trump made a gesture, more business leaders and celebrities should feel compelled to step up.
>Is this type of gesture the norm for political leaders?
>How do most politicians get rich again?
Oh right, speaking fees because they managed to win popularity contest after popularity contest and have the national spotlight, and for being such innovative leaders. Give break
Wow, he gave a million dollars to help Americans.
Didn't he get the memo?
He's supposed to give that money to help starving africans have more babies so they can starve to death.
Nobody cares about nigger infested shithole like Houston. Hilarious that residence there are getting a second dose of Katrina.
They never hang around when it gets real.
You don't get rich or stay rich by giving away money, stupid.
$1 million, which Trump considers a "small loan", isn't going to do shit.
errrr look what Trump did with it.
Fuck off shill
Donate a thousand, people want a million.
Donate a million, people want 10 million.
Donate 10 million, forced into donating all of your money.
Nothing can be good enough for people with a chip on their shoulder...
So now you are going to admit that Trump is a billionare? What happened to the "he's a failed businessman pretending to be rich" narrative?
FYI for anons that do want to donate, the OathKeepers are taking donations for their crew down there rescuing people and providing supplies. Might be a better use of your money than Red Cross, if you're interested.
this generic facebook post that a 40 year old would write is 100% accurate
>if I was worth 10bn$ I'd use 1mn$ as toilet paper
Maybe that is why you'll never be worth 10bn$
$1mil is more than he makes as President, I believe it's $400,000.
OP, be honest, what have you donated?
He could cure cancer and you'd bitch about all the cancer researchers and oncologists who'd be out of a job. He could end world hunger and you'd lament the loss of the culture of nobel starving masses.
Your pitch isn't working, you guys have got to do better if you have any shot of beating Trump in '20.
The national flood insurance program is already a huge entitlement program. It's completely insolvent with unfunded liabilities only surpassed by Social Security and Medicare in the federal government. The long and short of it is that the premiums they charge is nowhere near enough to cover the amount of damages they have to pay every year. God forbid they raise their premiums though because, as you said, retarded boomers would throw a fit that they're actually being asked to pay fair market price to insure their McMansions that they built 18 feet away from the God damn ocean like the retards they are.
Bad bait.
I donated to samaritan purse, but nice to know about the oathkeepers
entitled millenial liberal asking for muh gibs
oh thats not enough, you must be racist or dont give a fuck, we know you have money. GIVE MORE!
I know The Rock and Nigger Hart donated 25,000... Trump donated 1,000,000 but no he doesnt give a FUCK we need more gibs!!!
>entitled millenial liberal asking for muh gibs
oh thats not enough, you must be racist or dont give a fuck, we know you have money. GIVE MORE!
I know The Rock and Nigger Hart donated 25,000... Trump donated 1,000,000 but no he doesnt give a FUCK we need more gibs!!!
>Earn $40k a year
>Only give $10
Any normal citizen who donates is a fucking joke
if he donated more you'd bitch about political bribery so shut the fuck up whiner
DiCaprio didn't donate he promotes a charity that uses tax money to help disasters