Sup Forums will without question absolutely support this, because Sup Forums cannot survive a single moment without piglet cock shoved hard and deep into their rectums.
Things Sup Forums supports
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Nurse doesn't have any authority to deny a lawful request. If you actually read the details of the reasons why you'd understand why she's a piece of shit
I am oboduga and I speak for /pol./ Listen to my word, my word is final. OP is a faggot
Mmm, take that dick deep, amirite? Good little piggybitch.
if i woke up and found out cops took my dna and i hadn't done anything wrong I would be very unhappy. this lady is a champ
if it was a man i'd be shocked but who cares what happens some hysterical woman
How about this from the Deseret News, you balls-deep-in-a-pigs-ass cocksucking faggot?
"The law is well-established. And it’s not what we were hearing in the video,” Porter [an actual fucking lawyer] said. "I don’t know what was driving this situation."
the guys blood is evidence she is just a nurse, this is how the world works find Jesus OP
So what's the story here?
Bumping for curioisity.
Does anyone have a link or sauce to the actual story of this? I can't find a credible one.
Here you go, from that left-wing rag known as the Deseret News.
>supporting cops
This pretty much sums it all up
I just read the article and watched the video, and I can confidently say that the other officer was objectively in the wrong here. He appears to not have a good grip on the law at all and the police have no right to take a mans blood without his consent or a warrant. Wubbels (the woman who was arrested) will hopefully see to it that the officer and the police department face the proper ramifications in order to cement the importants of citizens' rights and find justice for wrongfully detaining Wubbels.
She isn't breaking the law in any way though. The police have no right to seize an innocent man's blood without his permission or a warrant according to the law.
The thing is that Wubel isn't even planning to SUE the police in her testimony as long as the proper changes are made(or at least that's her testimony)
She made the correct choice. You don't have the legal means to get blood, you don't get to draw it. Hell, she could have lost her license if she DID give them blood and the Police wouldn't have given a damn and would have provided the damning evidence with their body cams.
She made both the ethical and logical choice, it's not her fault that a police officer chimped out because he realized he wasn't getting his way through proper channels
I found it kind of strange that Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio. I saw a documentary on NatGeo "the world's toughest prisons", he keeps the prisoners in a fenced in yard in a baking hot arizona desert on military beds. They have to work in chains in public and are constantly fucked psychologicaly. I understand these guys might be hard criminals, but some of them was just ordinary unlucky white guys (and women too). He treats them like animals. I understand that Trump pardoned him for racial profiling, despite the massive appearance of illegals, but the practice Arpaio gives is inhumane in my eyes. In the Norwegian prisons they rather rehabilitate and fix the criminals, re-educating them, rather than punshing with shock and awe.
Yea, correct. You and I both have all of the facts and we have both come to the same conclusion. By "legal ramifications" I didn't mean that she was looking for a law-suit, but rather that the law will force the police will get their shit together, so to speak.
>I found it kind of strange that Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio
Joe is a complete scumbag, he also faked an assassination plot against himself and got some kid locked up for it, along with a lot of other shit.
I don't know the facts but if the guy was behind the wheel of an auto they have every right to get his blood. Case closed.
I know right, i barely mentioned anything bad he is doing. What was Trump trying to do? Maybe he had the law on the right side and media used this to put Trump in a bad light?
I haven't been able to keep up with the whole "Arpaio Trump" story recently, can I get a quick rundown?
Pic unrelated.
Trump was pardoning a personal friend who supported him all through his campaign, that is all.
lol, you leftypol cucks are ultra mad. You just shitpost like homos all day here
This is the documentary i mentioned. He was caught racially profiling and stopping people, that was the case.
Strange friends he got.
>I don't know the facts
Then learn them. The guy they wanted blood from wasn't even the one who caused the accident. He was the one who was CRASHED into.
They had no legal grounds to get his blood, because they lacked a warrant. The patient was unconscious so he could not consent, they had no warrant or probable cause, so they couldn't get any. He did not instigate this accident and was a victim in it. The only reason to get any blood was they either wanted to prove his innocent or that they were fishing to see if they could get a criminal charge on a victim in this situation.
The Police Officers did not understand the law and then chimped out when they didn't get what they want. They literally handled it in the single worst way they could have, outside of pulling their guns out and forcing themselves to be allowed to draw blood.
How STUPID a police officer has to be to handle Medical Personal roughly when they might the ones taking care of your ass on a day you've been hurt is mind boggling.
RN here, she handled this perfectly. I find the one cop going crazy funny IMO.
user, how can you possibly justify that line of thinking? Simply because a man was in an auto-accident that wasn't his fault the government (Police, specifically) should be able to take his property (his blood) without his permission? This is totalitarian level rationalizing and it should have no place in the United States legal system because it violates the bill of rights. faggot
Police ordered a blood draw, she has to do her job, she is not allowed to have an opinion. If she refuses, she is hindering the police and must be arrested and the blood draw must be ensured by the next
she literally has a list of when she is allowed to give blood per an agreement between the hospital and the police department
1) under arrest
2) has a warrant
3) gives consent
The man in question had neither warrant, was under arrest nor was he able to consent.
>Police ordered a blood draw
Police can't just order what they want
All American cops are just pieces of shit, nice 'country'
This. Well put, user.
Goddamn it's nice to see someone actually make a smart, concise argument on this board.
Oh my fucking God, have they really brainwashed you Germans that hard? Here in the US we actually have this thing called "The Bill of Rights", you should read it and learn that it gives you legal ground to tell the cops to guck off when they are in the wrong you bootlickIng swine.
yep. order != lawful order.
Do you think that work in the prisons? They lose all their rights there, which they doesn't in Europe. Harassing imprisoned people is sociopathy and excessive force.
also an RN here
if she has collected his blood she could be held criminally liable if this guy decided to sue (which would have been very likely)
Will the hospital or clinic help defend her?
Exactly. And you know that that Chimp fucker would have gladly handed over his police cam footage because "not my problem lol"
The Hospital already says it's siding with her. This isn't even more a moral stand point, the Hospital would be FUCKED if they didn't support her and instead sided with the cop, because it'd literally put their integrity into question as to how they protect patients.
I used to work at hospital where I at times got to deal with battered and or raped women.
These women would come in kinds of fucked up, bloodied with cum dripping out of them. Bruises, barely open their eyes. It was a college town, many were victims of NCAA athletes. Coal burners enriched for the first time.
Well, one time, Officer Piggy, decided he was the law and could do whatever he wanted. Or so he thought.
As I was assisting the rape kit, and consoling the patient, fuck face walks past the curtain where said girls vagina and butthole is out. Starts to scream at her that she has to tell him RIGHT NOW who did this. I told him to back off, you do not have consent to be in here or to even talk to her. This was not the correct time. He told me I was obstructing him and I could be arrested.
I immediately called my supervisor and the heads of the department, while combatting this lunatic to get out. He grabbed my wrist so hard I it bruised the next day. They called station, got the Chief, and shortly after cockbag left slamming shit, telling me he would be looking for me if I broke the law.
Fucking lunatic, unstable piece of shit. This story reminds how fucking stupid the police are overall. Too many holier than thou bullshit.
Your English is a little off their, m8. I can't understand what you're trying to say.
if the nurse violated HIPAA the hospital would fucking you over at the earliest opportunity
the nurse did the right thing in this case and being unlawfully arrested will result in her winning a tidy lawsuit
Damn, your story is pretty intense. Did you take legal action so that cocksucker lost his job? That kind of person shouldn't be a police officer.
>Did you take legal action so that cocksucker lost his job?
>Cops ever losing their jobs
good one
Jesus christ american cops are fat as fuck. Is that the reason why they always shoot the suspects so they don't have to run trying to catch them?
>she's not pressing charges
Makes me think there is some key details that antifa media is leaving out.
>he keeps the prisoners in a fenced in yard in a baking hot arizona desert on military beds.
Are you kidding? The prisoners loved that shit. It was like a vacation. Prisoners were requesting to be transferred there
>the hot sun
Fucking pussy ass Euros
She's white and she's a nurse. The reason she's not pressing charges is because she's bluepilled as heck and causing a divide to form between the Medical Field and the Police Field is a situation nobody in charge wants to happen, because the Police could easily find ways to obstruct Emergency Response teams and the Nurses/Doctors could easily find ways to just let Police officers die when they come in.
The Hospital likely doesn't WANT legal action taken and she's a bluepilled idiot who thinks the Police take "justified" action, like when a Lib gets beaten up by a black guy and says they understand why they did it and don't charge them.
>The prisoners loved that shit
Apart from the ones that died
Do you, in a sense of the matter of mind, agree to the principle of the American prison system, where the imprisoned person, do lose all their rights by the moment of judicial imprisonment, and that the immeditate reaction of the guards is to abuse them, taking advantage of such a vulnerable position the prisoner now have gained by the unfavorable circumstance?
maybe she's just no a greedy person. to get this video and story out is seemingly what she wanted.
this, you don't fuck with the people that stitch you back together.
You're just assuming things. She's "blue pilled". You fucking moron, if she had a lawsuit she would've taken it. It has nothing to do with the hospital. Wtf are you even talking about?
>prisoners who died
From drug overdoses
Just stop. Youre applying some heroic altruism to a random fucking nurse. She not Joan of Arc, if she had a case and could win money, she would've taken it.
This. You broke it down to its smallest element here.
Nurse did the right thing.
>Since he was elected sheriff in 1993, county taxpayers have shelled out more than $140 million to litigate — and ultimately settle — claims of brutality by the sheriff's deputies. Lawsuits charge that the sheriff has cultivated a "culture of cruelty" motivated by Arpaio's incessant trumpeting that he is America's toughest lawman.
>From 1996 to 2015, the suicide rate among jail deaths in Sheriff Joe Arpaio's lockups was an astounding 24 percent, with 39 of the 157 hanging themselves.
>Furthermore, of the 157 deaths listed on the sheriff's watch on the M.E.'s chart, 34 simply are tagged as having been found dead with no explanation as to cause of death.
seems reasonable that she didn't press charges because she feared it would affect the cop's other job as an ambulance driver.
not all people are as greedy as you.
No, I do not. The justice system should have no room for hatred or ego, but rather just simply justice.
>Arpaio's SWAT team once conducted a raid on a house expecting to find a weapons cache, only to have gotten the wrong house. They burned the house down in the process and forced the family's dog, which was trying to escape, back into the house to be burned alive.
Its hard to understate how much of a piece of shit this man is
>The guy they wanted blood from wasn't even the one who caused the accident. He was the one who was CRASHED into.
He could still be responsible for the crash though.. If I ran over a red light, and another car crash into me, then I would be responsible for the crash, even though it was someone else that drove into me.
Secondly, all this shit about consent, if there has been a traffic accident and you can't take a blood sample for the people involved in the accident to see if they have been drinking - unless they consent, then how does that work?
In your view on policies regarding traffic accidents and the need for a blood sample to test if people involved where intoxicated, does they have to consent? does you have to get a judge to sign a warrant?
She won't sue because the piggy's friends will make the rest of her life a living hell no matter if she's in the right.
Your digits seems like a reasonable token for a valid response to my inquiry, thank you. I give you this tool to provide further mutual understanding.
>Police ordered a blood draw, she has to do her job
If she had obeyed, she could have been fired and possibly sued. Police have to have a warrant.
The hospital administrators should have had their security and lawyer on the scene instead of hanging out a nurse to dry. Now THEY are probably going to get sued by the nurse.
1. [sobbing]
2. What a bunch of fucking amateurs, where's the praxis? Who the fuck lets a blonde, fatass, bimbo nurse who admittedly doesn't know what the fuck she's doing deal with this, where's the higher ups, she couldn't have made this decision by herself without others being involved, what the fuck is this shit, completely retarded. Jesus fucking christ, this is what public institution cooperation looks like.
well, not to be a stickler of for the rules, but
>Tits or GTFO
What is happening in this thread? It's almost like Sup Forums is not collectively licking the police boot anymore. Never thought I'd see the day.
Cop fucked up, biggly, and then joking about bringing indigent patients to this hospital just underlines that this cocksucker needs to get motherfucking fired.
Thanks for the legal analysis, Hans. No wonder you all are so fucked.
It's almost like we believe in the law whereas leftshits overwhelmingly do not.
The guy was not even a suspect...
>How does consent work?
Read up your fucking Police rules. There's a reason why there are 3 types of sobriety tests, INCLUDING BLOOD, and you get arrested if you refuse to take them or you fail them.
The Police Officer was a Chimp. He was presented with a situation in which none of the usual bullying tactics work and as people have said in this thread, had the Nurse let him take blood, she and every single person in that hospital that allowed it would be getting anally reamed for Hipaa violations.
The reason you ever submit to any tests from a Police Officer is to avoid being arrested, but as he could not arrest a man who was in critical condition and THE LEGAL DOCUMENTS THAT HIS POLICE OFFICE AND THE HOSPITAL HAD BOTH SIGNED AND WAS CLEARLY EXPLAINED TO HIM FORBID HIM FROM GETTING BLOOD, he decided to take out his aggression on a Nurse because she was the only target he had. You do realize he could have arrested her calmly if she was violating any law. He could have calmly told her that he believed she was violating the law, read her her rights and asked her to come with him. Instead he BATTERED her into submission and physically and emotionally attacked her out of frustration.
There was no justice here.
I'll trust you know what that feels like
Sup Forums sides against Chimps.
The Chimp in this situation was the Police Officer, he literally Chimps out against Medical Staff. Medical Staff whose good will he's going to have to rely on when somebody Chimps out on him and gives him a bullet. That's just stupid.
Are you some kind of retard?
Am I understanding this correct, the criminal died at the scene and this is all over the police wanting to take blood from the victim to test for drugs?
That make sense...
Some drunk driver crash into a pregnant on the sidewalk and kills her, he continues into a wall and are knocked out unconscious.
Then transferred to a hospital, the police now has no mean to secure evidence of the guy being intoxicated while driving.
Because the drunk driver that killed a pregnant woman are unable to consent and to be arrested?
I know that nurse, I work at the same hospital (University of Utah hospital). That cop is going to be fired for violating the incapacitated man's constitutional rights, and probably be sued for wrongfully arresting the nurse as well. Feels good, Fuck salt lake PD.
Really not seeing the problem. Bitch interferes with a criminal investigation (she is PROTECTING a criminal) and gets arrested. Antifa is 100x this violent with people guilty of nothing more than supporting our president and you suck their dick every day here.
Go fuck yourself!
hurr pol is one person
at least get a grip on how many people view this board
seeing this over the years is a huge newfag flag if i ever saw one. consensus of issues shifts throughout the DAY ffs lurk moar
She could sue them into oblivion if she wanted to, as the cops were effectively arresting her for her not agreeing to aid them in breaking the law. If she had agreed with Officer Fuckshit's demands, her career would be over.
Different situation. Even so, it's not like it would be hard to get a warrant if the man is a suspect. Just get the damn warrant. There's no excuse not to do that.
I know that nurse. She told me point blank that she supports antifa and hates America. She said she wants all cops to be killed, and this was BEFORE all of this happened. She should be put in front of a firing squad.
>Police ordered a blood draw, she has to do her job
Her duty is to her patients and medical ethics not some scumbag cop on an illegal power trip. Go suck a muslim dick germcuck.
The guy isn't a criminal. The criminal is dead, having hit this guys truck head on.
>She said she wants all cops to be killed, and this was BEFORE all of this happened
Did you even watch the video you little faggot? Per the agreement with the police station, the officer did not meet the criteria for collecting a blood sample. You should seriously consider suicide.
>protecting a criminal
Except for the part where the guy in the hospital wasn't a suspect, or under arrest, dumbass.
As far as I'm concerned she stood up for that man's constitutional rights, as well as her own. I don't give a shit about her political ideologies. She's more American than half the fucks in this thread simply for understanding her rights as well as the rights of an incapacitated individual. The fact that you think political ideology should be enough to pass a death sentence means you have little respect for our constitution, and as such should be labeled a traitor.
Stupid fucking prick the cop is. He's undoubtedly brutalized many people and will continue to do so to many more. He needs to be put away.
>"What is happening?"
>"Why is he so angry?"
>"This is crazy."
You're being fucked with by a deranged cop piece of trash. A nurse who actually helps people, being victimized by a dirtbag who is trying to victimized a car crash victim.
Faggot ass shills, right here. It was not a lawful request and she had every authority to deny it. The only piece of shit is the cop. So projecting it onto her, shill trash.
>The Police Officers did not understand the law
Oh yes he did. He just didn't give a single shit.
>Here in the US we actually have this thing called "The Bill of Rights"
What's the point when cops do this anyway and get away with it?
If this wasn't on film, no one would believe her.
>Jesus christ american cops are fat as fuck. Is that the reason why they go after pot heads and traffic violations so much?
FTFY, even american cops don't really shoot that many people outside very 'urban' zones.
>The guy isn't a criminal.
Oh, so I'm supposed to believe the cops want a blood sample from a random person because they are bored?
Let me tell you what is happening: This leftist bitch is protecting a criminal who is probably a spic or a nigger. If she weren't a traitorous CUNT, she could take the sample and put it on ice while he gets his warrant. That way his metabolism won't remove the toxicological evidence when some fucktard judge drags his feet issuing a warrant.
But no, the whore wants to be a pro-criminal activist. She should be taken on a helicopter ride.
bait. nobody is this retarded
>As far as I'm concerned
As far as you're concerned all cops are guilty for doing their jobs. Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion, asswipe.
>I can't refute what you said, so I will insult you and maybe nobody will notice how tiny and limp my dick is.
We noticed.
No, the shills still shill. There are just different people posting here in this thread.
No shill, you don't give a damn about the law especially when it comes time to shill for cops.
A cops job isn't to violate the constitution. So please, explain to me how he was doing his job you commie fuck.