Lol this so much!

All the republicans at my college always bring up democrats and slavery, yet they're too dumb to know this. Even my ex had a hard time admitting this, and he was also in total denial on the fact that republicans still try and run systematic slavery to keep black people down.

Other urls found in this thread:

Big if true. To bad it's not, lmao.

Are you implying republicans were for slavery in the 60s? How fucking dumb can you be?

I didn't even finish reading it, lmao systematic slavery. R u srs.

>switched platforms
Fucking what?

Hmmm, kind of odd that a political party would suddenly switch to a completely different platform. Why would they do something like that?

>Me, passed 6th grade, knows...
I seriously doubt that.

stupid lib arts major slide thread, probably a trans-nigger.

sage and hide

Because they wanted to capture the negro vote.

Same reason they started to love women and Mexicans.

Yeah, because they just said "you know what, WE want to be known as the bad guys so let's switch mkay?"

The fucking mind games that the left goes through to try and morally justify themselves is insane.

David Duke, a KKK member, ran as a Democrat in the late 1980's. So unless you're saying the switch happened in the 90's, you're full of shit.

The switch never happened.

>the 60's

explain Jimmy Carter

But they didn't. They clearly didn't. All that changes was the Democrat party switched racism for perpetual economic poverty for brown people

Democrats realized its way easier to put them on welfare to guarantee them votes

Everyone forgets that Democrats were all for censoring free speech in music in the 1980s, too. Shows how much you can trust that lying hypocrite Al Gore.

>parties switched platforms

LBJ called blacks "niggers", and he was a Democrat.

How can humans actually be this retarded?

Fucking this. There's no difference between "who will pick your cotton???" and "who will serve you your McBurger???"

Do you actually believe that all republicans in congress and democrats just stood up and changed places just like that?

I'm always really confused by this fucking retarded scape goat, THEY SWITCHED PARTIES
What the fuck does that even mean.

Are you implying FDR was ever a conservative? This is the dumbest argument ever

> (OP)
>How can humans actually be this retarded?
"Is math related to science?"

ah, Maryland has always been a Democrat hell hole

>both sides switched
>kept the same voting base

Wanna trade platforms bro

They didn't switch platforms, thats such a braindead way to think of what happened.

Basically post-Civil War you had a progressive liberal Republican party and a conservative Democrat party, but since Dems had supported the South they couldn't win elections and we had mostly Republican rule (Grover Cleveland being the exception). The Republican Party was split between its liberal and progressive wings, and eventually the progressive wing had had enough with the liberal wing. Those progressive basically invaded the moribund Democratic Party and used it as a vehicle to win the White House (Woodrow Wilson) and then to occupy the entire government (FDR and New Deal). Republicans were still basically liberal, but the "zeitgeist" had rushed past them, they were stuck in the liberalism of the gilded age. That "liberalism" is what winds up being the "neoconservatism" of Reagan, Republicans don't actually have to "switch platforms" so much as they kept the same platform but started selling it to the socially conservative South instead of the North. The few Democrats who stuck to their conservative roots (George Wallace) eventually got weeded out of the system entirely.

You can really see this process happening if you look at FDRs campaign speeches. He's constantly posing as an old Democrat. Its a trip and a half to read his debates with Hoover and realize you could swap the names and the dialogue would make more sense

Republicans are for slavery even to this day.

If you think that a retard like Trumpf wouldn't have slaves if it were legal, then you're deluded.

Do your research.

In 10 years the media will call AntiFa right wing Republicans. The normies will never bother to look into it.

Why don't republicans make slavery legal then?

>inb4 nazis support unlimited african immigration and commies want ethnic cleansing of nonwhites

you should feel a deep, burning shame in your heart that leads to your inevitable suicide, wrongfag

The democrats are STILL the ones for slavery fuckhead:
Who wants to bring brown people here to do cheap labour that "whites wont do"?
Who wants to control them once they're here by placing them into one voting block (by promising them 40 acres and a mule) and keeping alive their own state dependence alive over generations?
Wjo is willing to ho to war and divide the coubtry over it?

FUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOOOU is who you fucking trash.

That means that Eisenhower was a crypto dem and that le 50s America meme is the democrat endgame. Meanwhile that also mean they probably agree that FDR was a disaster.
>Wtf I love democrats now!

Basically the democrats adopted some positions that were once republican so now they're no longer guilty of supporting slavery because

>ex, he

LBJ "With this Great Society crap we will have niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years!"

Fucking off yourself you stupid fucking faggot

Nazis switched platforms in 1946. Therefore holocaust doesn't count. Your move fuckbois.

The stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze me. Another mindless robot out of America's liberal public schools.

>Hey voters
>we're switching titles cause...??
>just remember if you used to vote republican, you should now vote democrat for the same issues

democrats openly promote slavery via the import of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS that are then bought and sold by labor management corporations. democrats do this. california has over 90K SLAVES working fields. you're evil. die.

But you lefties STILL show your racism through your push for Affirmative Action by telling blacks they aren't smart enough to compete for college slots and jobs on their own merit.

There are laws protecting minorities against discrimination, EOEs are there as a minority's safeguard to sue businesses that pass on a more qualified minority.


Ah yes the opposite day that never ended, how could we forget.


Why would they switch platforms?

They are also willing to gontonwar and divide the country over it.
Once a pro-slavery democrat alsways a pro-slavery democrat.

>Hey guys let's all just completely 180 on all the issues between us, that'll really shake things up!

Fucking hell the dissonance is reaching gravitational proportions.

Lmao I don't even know these people, but they're probably republicans. They're definitely now democrats.

Democrats a people like Hillary, debs, lizzie Warren, huma, and tulsi. You know, people who fight for women and poc to have equal rights to white men.

Even ivanka will join democrats in 2020 to do against trumpf. Even she hates him. Misogynist fuck

>my boyfriend
kill yourself

Instead of traditional slavery the Democrats advocate economic slavery now through gibs.

>switched parties
What kind of retard actually believes this?

>switched platforms

Democrats keep blacks on the virtual plantation by giving them meager hand outs and encourage their chimping out on each other by calling any rational race-discussion racist. The Dems are still the party of the Klan.

>They're definitely now democrats.

They are :)

Slavery wasn't on any party platform after the 1860's, because republicans ended it.

>parties just change platforms
lmao, tip top toppity kek, wew, fucking hell lad, etc etc

thats a total meme
>le parties switched in the 60s
they are into a different kind a slavery one that only the Government can use.

Because It's illogical currently. Plus Europe would stop them. At least European has a functional, professional, and progressive government. Germany and Sweden anyway

>some whites did bad things in the past
>some Democrats did bad things in the past

>wah you cry all day about illegals taking your jobs, but you would never work their hard farm jobs
>oh ya, you mean the jobs they get paid slave labor for under the table?

Liberals love global capitalism

OP still here FAGGOT ?

Slide thread !!

Why do people keep saying this happened in the (19)60s. It didn't. It happened during know that period of history that basically no one talks about that starts at the end of the War and didn't fully end until the 1940s?

You sound like jealous and lonely.

Here's the deal, if you win, you're raped to death by niggers. If we win, you're raped to death by white people. Make a choice.

>Go to Sup Forums
>People unanimously agree that every public school shooting is da ebil gubberment trying to take their guns
>But the concept of a political party ever altering its views is simply unrealistic

Oh lawdy, is that some Malcom X himself calling out the Liberal Whites on their hypocrisy?...and in 1963?

Say what you want about "brother Malcom" - he could read between most of the lines, despite his inherent hatred and bitterness towards most Whites.

>nu-pol retards think there's any difference between the two party's
Jesus you fuckers are stupid

>Plus Europe would stop them
with what? our military?

>my ex
Faggot or girl, political opinion discarded.

The parties didn't switch platforms the Democrats just tricked people into thinking Republicans were the real bad guys during Nixon era. Try getting more than just a sixth grade education.

>democrats for slavery
>meaning democrats against individual rights

>democrats invent KKK and want to kill blacks for their skin color
>meaning democrats against individual rights

>democrats against conservatives voicing their viewpoints, using antifa as their convenient army
>meaning democrats against individual rights

hmm, there seems to be some sort of pattern here.

Ok dumbass They may have switched ideas big whoop /guess what the past is the past that doesnt change the fact they still were involved with the klan, slavery and oppression if you cant understand that kys

Just gonna leave this redpill here

>Democrats rewrite history
>Sheeple like the OP take it like the lord's gospel

>(((((((((((((((((((((switched platforms))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Vote Democrat! Oh no, now vote Republican! Now Democrat again!

Nah, there is. It's who gets the scraps after the middle class is raped.

The Republicans were democtTs though.

If the republicans of 1860 and Lincoln were alive today they would have been #withher. They would have hated trump and and his bigotry anyway

>Europe would stop them
are you literally retarded?

"Switched Platforms"

>muh 60's


>muh subern strabegy

You misunderstand. She means she "passed" 6th grade.
D is passing.

Yes, I'm sure all those veterans of the war with Mexico would have been trilled by 12 million illegal beaners.

I know this is bait but I can't help but point out you're the kind of person who thinks they know a historical figure without ever having read a single thing they wrote

Sage, bait.

>Systematic slavery

Liberals think if you put systematic or systemic in a sentence it automatically adds credibility to what the are saying.

They can never explain what these systems are or legitemate ways to right these perceived wrongs.

I was taught that subversive shit too (I live in a hard blue state) but thankfully Sup Forums opened my eyes.


No they know how to fix it, take more money from whitey

>if I could save the union without freeing the slaves, I would

You mean the WHITE woman that pretended to be part native american to exploit the gibs they get for her own personal gain and when an INDIAN from india sent her a free DNA testing kit she flipped her shit and sent it back? Yeah I really want hypocritical WHITE people like that in power to keep fucking EVERYONE over and us niggers never getting uplifted. This is the equality the Democrats really want. When everyone are poor, oppressed nigger tier people then everyone will be the same, except them who will wield all the power and authority in society.

I'll have these niggers voting Democrat for 200 years, etc., etc.

Please describe the announcement that the two parties were "switching platforms" along with confirmation that the switcheroo was pulled off successfully and the party supporters switched too.

>wah you cry all day about illegals taking your jobs, but you would never work their hard farm jobs
>oh ya, you mean the jobs they get paid slave labor for under the table?

Wages control the labor allotment. Even in Rome the same thing happened. Slaves eventually replaced the middle class farmers. Was it also because they didn't want to do the work?

Or because it's completely impractical to join a race to the bottom in wage competition in a country where that wage isn't good enough to attract anything other than slaves.

I work trading selling software for possible AI ventures - what job are you in?

When my company replaces you with a machine is that because you didn't want to do the work?

The southern strategy

>Switch never happened
>Duke voted for Trump and not Hillary


You realise your country is the goal, and stats say that Sweden is the happiest nation? You're also a matriarchy hence why you have tree were equality. You also have safer jails and free healthcare.

USA is a laughing stock and is backwards

Please do what must be done.