Give me one serious reason to believe in atheism.
Give me one serious reason to believe in atheism
you don't "believe" in it horse boy.
How ? Atheism is based on faith, you blind dumbfuck.
You dont believe in atheism you retard, atheism is a descriptive word that is used to describe a lack of faith. A-theism =no theism. No belief.
Also you cant choose to believe something. Either you do or dont, there is no choice
Atheism isn't a belief. Not collecting stamps isn't a hobby.
Bannana is the only reason user. Bannana.
>Lack of belief is faith
The ultimate way of life is to believe that Christianity is beneficial to a white country's traditions and units, but to ultimately deny it as a viable entity to worship in.
TJ, is that you ?
'' BELIEVE '' in Atheism.
You dumb tard. Atheism IS the LACK of BELIEF. Holy shit you fucking moron. Are you Paula Stachecka? You ARE Polish after all.
We won't put you in the gulag.
Pretty much this, Atheist take a giant leap of faith everything happened by chance rather than an intelligent entity being behind things.
Hurdur big burg made comprex wrife hahaha
Hey hey hey, don't bring my people into this.
Why would god punish you for your natural skepticism?
Because you don't believe in religion. Atheism isn't religion, it is the lack of religion, you don't believe in Atheism you simply don't believe in any real religion.
why dont you believe in allah?
Nein. It is described to believe the lack of faith in God which is faith nevertheless.
But its faith-based, it means that atheism is a belief. But hey, some atheists worship richard "the poop" dawkins. However, atheism is a dangerous cult. They have own priests (Dawkins, hitchens), own church (Secular humainst organisations), even own faith (atheism). Atheism is a dangerous cult.
Not believing in "any real religion" is still a belief nevertheless. A worldview=belief.
>A-theist = theist
Fucking idiots, the lot of you.
you cant prove that something doesn't exist, that's fucking stupid
going by the same logic prove to me that your Religion is the right Religion and not for example Buddhism, or Christianity, or any of the few thousand religions
Fucking think before you type you fag
You need to prove that something doesn't exist.
As a reasonable man does not believe in something unless there is evidence to support it. There are equal levels of evidence supporting the existence of god as there are big foot.
There is no reason to worship the god of Christianity. He either does not care about the plight of humans or has left earth ages ago and your prayers go unheard. There is a child being raped somewhere and your god is doing nothing to stop it
What do you call it when you just don 't believe in the devil?
>Ben Garrison
The other guy is obviously trolling, you polish stupid motherfucker
Go back to cleaning toilets
If God was real, then why would he create niggers ?
Dawkins was wrong here with his muh science one day we will have proof of god
Are we just pretending to be atheists ITT or--?
>You need to prove that something doesn't exist.
is this the power of Polish intelectuals?
Prove to me that the nazis did not built a base in the dark side of the moon. You can't? Then the nazis have a base on the moon
Checkmate atheists
There's a giant floating teapot in space. Prove me wrong you dumbshit Polack.
If you can claim there is an invisible god in the sky who is all knowing, all caring, and all loving, and can do this without providing any proof whatsoever; then I can as easily denounce your claims and argue otherwise.
how the fuck do you do that?
to prove something doesnt exist you first have to prove that it does exist
Its impossible to live on the moon
I can't because thats possible. Just like God but God is very possible to exist, if you look how complex world, it makes quite high possiblity of existence of Eternal Father.
Athiests arent making a claim, the burden of proof belongs to the theists because they claim a god exists. Athiest don't believe because there isn't sufficient evidence to prove there is a god. If you can prove there is a god all atheists would convert.
Yes, obviously a magical jewish tribal cheiftain called yahweh created everything on this planet
Oi, I'm Polish, I'm on your side
you can't prove a negative
pic related
sage and hide these slide threads
Atheism is not a belief.
It's a rejection of placing belief above facts.
You must be a gay atheist socialist feminist anti-fascist faggot
>Complexity cannot exist without a designer.
Who created God?
Nope, nice cop out, cuck
There are no good, serious arguments for atheism for one who has studied it.
t. ex-atheist
Not an argument tho.
>i can't understand how shit works
>therefore everything was created by the jewish god!
I bow to Polish intelectuals
Because a just god wouldn't let shitty threads exist
just because science cant explain something, its not your cue to slide god in like a well lubed dildo
no one is that extremely retarded
do not engage and sage
God is a initial point of universe, it means that God was first and he was always.
Obvious as a test , we will never be able to solve the nigger problem
>Not an arguement meme
Tell me, which psychobabble fantasy book did you choose to follow?
just like the "big bang"
>you don't have a teapot's chance in space kid
lmao at all the triggered fedoracucks
I don't know but is better than yours "The Gods Delusion".
But complexity cannot exist without a designer. This is your argument.
>God is a initial point of universe
How is this any different from the big bang theory (not that I support it)
Evolution did not dissaprove God in any way. It can dissaprove only so called "Young Earth Creationism".
I would rather not influence your thinking. If you actually care, go out and study. I doubt you do, though; you're a fellow Brit.
Believing in fairy tales and men in the sky is for children.
the only serious argument for Theism is the possibility of an afterlife
now, what religion? Because it cant be all of them
No lol why ? maybe god activated evolution after the flood because most of the animals kinds were dead
If evolution is true then why did we need a savoir, because if its true there would have been no adam and eve to give us original sin
>God activated evolution
Believing that we are descended from niggers is a fairy tale
>he wrote "dissaprove" twice
Polish intellectuals
well you could say the same about atheism and evolution
Why are you dodging the question? Say I do care - enlighten me. Which book trumps science?
>the only serious argument for Theism is the possibility of an afterlife
The British education system in this country is shit, exhibit C.
earliest human origins are from Europe, most evidence is that we're from Apes in Africa
>literally laugh at others to assure yourselves of mental superiority
No ? There are many arguments for God such as - Consciousness, Creation of Universe, Biblical Prophecies, etc etc
You sound like your butt was devastated.
All religions and anti-religions like atheism are bullshit anyway
Your """argument""" shows an ignorance into the subject. Why would I bother further?
Agnosticism bro ?
>i don't understand this therefore god
Those are not arguments. Those are topics of discussion.
You might be an ape, kurwa.
But I am an enlightened being from a different realm
electricity in our brain
>Creation of Universe
who created God then? if he just WAS there, why couldn;t the Universe just be there
>Biblical Prophecies
mate, one of the Biblical Prophecies was the Ark ill just post the picture here
>he said with a smirk on his face.
>He quickly checked if his shekels were deposited by and continued on his shilling rampage.
>we should't laugh of the mentally retarded
Are you a liberal or something?
no, my butt wasn't devastated. I didn't go to a catholic church or a seminary
>i dont understand this therefore not God
>he doesn't know what agnosticism is
Polish intelectual
Jesus was jew, yahweh was jew, Gad is one of the 12 tribes of israel, Christianity is engaged with a jewish nemesis, Islam
The belief that theres something called evidence that isn't based on a truth threshold system rather than absolute truth is a faith.
Keep fucking back pedaling, epistemological of suspicion is still a faith based axiom. You can't prove anything you know with 100% certainty, you'll only get to 99.99%, which is why we predict in percentages, because the moment you claim to know the future, the moment you get proved wrong.
How can you be a Nazi but follow a Jewish religion?
It's more like:
>i have a better understanding of this, therefore no god
What mental gymnastics do you have to play to think that atheists are "jewish pawns", but the followers of a literal branch of judaism aren't?
He said nothing about Agnosticism, i asked him do he is agnostic. Dumbass. Stop trying hard to troll me, this will not work.
you're lacking arguments against him,
Portugal seems strong in smart people today.
You do know humans have the ability to reason with things, right? Is it truly reasonable to think through your ability to reason though things that a nazi moon base exist? I guess the more popular version comment of what you just said is the "flying spaghetti monster"
Is it not reasonable to think life had an intelligent creator rather than random things taking place to form complex life?
What takes greater faith? to believe that the millions of intricately coordinated parts of a cell arose by chance or to believe that the cell is the product of an intelligent mind?
more like
>no evidence, therefore no belief in skydaddy
Agnosticism, the claim that you know you can't know without any evidence.
and if you say its an inherent lack of belief,
start back pedaling
>It's more like:
>i have a better understanding of this, therefore no god
nah you dont know shit like everyone else, and you are trying to find the truth, the things is God is the truth and you never are going to find your answer
when you dont want to see you will never find evidence
All these poor souls that need a supposed "higher entity" to rule over them.
you prefer being a LARPing Jew wannabe?
Atheism is a rejection of all Gods, not just some. Dumbass. This "argument" makes me puke. So many "Free" "Thinkers" use it.
Starting off with a picture like that, it's clear you don't really care for serious discussion.