>when the only examples of successful feminist societies are in fiction
When the only examples of successful feminist societies are in fiction
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Are you gonna call him out or what?
And non stop dyking until they all die the end
No, they end up like they do in amane's route in grisaia no kajitsu.
They all die after like 2 weeks.
Seriously why can't they distinguish between fantasy and reality?
>when the only examples of successful nigger societies are in fiction
See Wakanda
came here to post this kek
>We know
I feel like im going insane here. Maybe it's because I am in a professional wagecuck enviroment, but whenever we presents example they have to be well sourced and actually real.
What's the point of using a fictional example to try and explain a real life scenario?!?
To be fair, there have been quite a few successful matriarchal hunter-gatherer tribes (
I have a theory that its something to do with the deterioration of the Corpus callosum due to caustic chemicals in the water.
I would need to dissect a few before I could prove it though.
That shit was built by Zeus.
>The guys catch and kill an alligator then have a bro meal together while letting the guy that killed it have the honour of eating its heart.
>The women spend all day walking around in circles only to break down when the realise they've spent all day walking around in circles
Fucking hell this is too much
Hmm, I remember the first time a woman was in a paradise...
Holy fucking shit, that was genuinely funny.
>Hasn't even been out for a whole day
>Breaks down and starts crying because two women start to argue about panties
>Somehow manage to lose more than half of your group
>Spend minutes building a shelter
>"we're almost there" *breaks down*
>"positivity, positivity, positivity"
All-women LOTF would look like Battle Royale.
Does anyone really expect realism from hollyjew? They will obviously try to push a feminist agenda and not make the women look like incompetent fools.
Source? From my studies, true matriarchies haven't existed in recorded history since written records didn't start until women devoted themselves to child rearing leaving men to build and create. Amazonians aren't real... queens are just figureheads... tribe elder mothers is just a Disney meme
Could someone upload the tl;dr of that reality show where a group of men and a group of women got their own island? The men built shelters, caught fish and had a good time.
The women on the other hand spent their first days tanning, so a man had to be transferred to help them.
>when the only examples of successful feminist societies are in fiction
The real trick is to fine successful feminist societies in reality.
I watched couple of episodes of this and the intro is hilarious..Wich will win? Brutal strenght (shows the men) or mental strenght(shows the women) and all the women do is bitch and cry
That clip is from the Island, which is a great show.
The women didn't do too badly DESU. They even caught and ate a pig(let) at one point.
They did have to be bailed out due to lack of drinking water due to abandoning one of their jerry cans tho.
I thought they raped shipwrecked sailors in order to breed then they killed any male babies
>didn't do bad
>bailed out due to lack of water
Wew lad
>Womyn are strong, guys
>All the Amazonians wear high heels/wedges
I got you senpai
one based on a white mans fantasy of bunga bunga parties and death by snoo snoo, one based on the youngest years of a grammar school in wiltshire. top kek
>comparing women to kids to make a feminist point
The best thing about this is that there have been multiple versions of Survivor for different national audiences, and the women frequently fumble and have to be bailed out whilst the men get shit done. In every instance, the men do better than the women. There are several examples where the women fail utterly, and the men suceed.
Tellingly, there are no examples where the women succeed and the men fail.
I actually think young girls would have a better chance at survival than women.
I had a child in Boy Scouts and in Girl Scouts
When the boys were left unattended for a while thing went along pretty smoothly, they stuck to tasks and got into some mischief, usually involving fire or Harmless pranks on the other scouts.
When the girls were left unattended it was BEDLAM they turned on each other began infighting and picking on each other, they would sabotage each other's projects and camp sites it was unholy
Most probably yes
In that continuity the majority of the women are birthed from a rapist and many of them are evil and end up starting a war with the rest of humanity.
Amazons Attack for example.
In the comics the Amazons sell their males to Hephaestus. Basically sell their sons into slavery, and somehow they are the good guys.
I'm sure wild piglets would magically run to a bunch of starving women, who, under great drama and many tears, decided to butcher them.
It's a reality show and some bullshit has to be expected, but that show was just over the top.
Women don't need a desert island to turn against each other. They do that all on their own. There are plenty of sheboons fight WEBMs to prove how violent they get.
Iceland should be carpet bombed with napalm until nothing living remains.
the producers put those pigs on the island for the women.
Hello kosovar roach, what are you doing in Serbia? Go back to Alb*nia
Women would only talk about getting powerful and wise and building paradise. Then, realizing they haven't done anything, they'd succumb to petty bitch-politics.
Men would actually DO something. Good or bad, that is up to them, but at least it'd be SOMETHING.
You know what I notice most about this? Look at the fire in the men's eyes. None of that lethargic half-lidded look you often see modern men have.
There's such an intensity to their expressions. Wonderful.
hello gypsy, who's internet are you stealing?
I imagine that, recognizing this, the producers will eventually engineer a scenario where this happens.
>What's the point of using a fictional example to try and explain a real life scenario?!?
t. Everyone dealing with (((Marx's))) ideas for the past 200 years
>David S retweets his own tweets
This is Jeb!-tier sad
Hello Mohammed Shqipërin, have you had some chicken sausages and eggs today?
Hello Borat have you been touched by the village rapist today yet?
Hello Ahmed, raped an already raped british child yet?
Women did the child rearing and the gathering/picking of plants grown close by. You can see this now in surviving Amazonian tribes. The ones we have cone into contact with. There are still many that we haven't contacted.
This is the biggest meme. Women are catty and don't like each other. They are incredibly jealous of more beautiful women. Men on the other hand tend to work together well enough and can set aside small differences. Men often idolize more successful men and wish to join their ranks. Not women though. Insecurity and jealousy gets in the way of all that.
>I'll lead if you tell me where to go
so women friend groups are just facades and they all probably secretly hate each other underneath it all?
someone reply I guess you haven't seen survivor man vs woman
>Implying we won't survive that and just rebuild our nation
What the fuck do you think we're made of. We're literally a bunch of introverted, centre conservative and semi autistic Norwegian people who found some stone in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean that had no trees or animals, many volcanoes and long winters. Then we died of one by one until only super broad shouldered farmers and beautiful people who could charge through feets of snow, work the whole day in cold, swim in freezing waters and smart enough to farm and survive solely on isolated crofts in an inhospitable landscape and some fish. Some bombs from Serbia won't be able to touch the power of superior Nordic Asperger and an average IQ of one hundred and one! It's you who should be bombed, It's the whole world except for my nation and Norway that should be bombed. We shall rebuild the whole world and end up exploring the stars. We're superior to every single being that has ever been.
Only an ugly chick and a slightly better looking skirt can be friends.
you forgot the part where you fiddle little kid and fuck each others bung holes
Well and that's ignoring parts where they are stuck there to guard the door to hell for being sluts.
You can't forget something you've never done, I think you're mixing us up. It's understandable, don't feel bad. You only have an IQ of 98 and the colors in our flags are the same. It's okay, not everyone can have an average IQ of 101 and differentiate between forms.
I disagree, Sweden is successful.
I am the best
>muh IQ
lol literally the white version of niggers claiming their dicks are bigger.
Where does IQ that high get you? You rationalize pedophilia and let molesters walk free in your country. You legalize sodomy. Your whole nation is a joke.
Running out of water is a complete failure user. They would be dead in 3 days.
Would this not be hampered by the fact there would be no men to compete with?
imagine, a world full of black women.
Thread relevent.
>The Bloody Sire
It is not bad. Let them play.
Let the guns bark and the bombing-plane
Speak his prodigious blasphemies.
It is not bad, it is high time,
Stark violence is still the sire of all the world’s values.
What but the wolf’s tooth whittled so fine
The fleet limbs of the antelope?
What but fear winged the birds, and hunger
Jewelled with such eyes the great goshawk’s head?
Violence has been the sire of all the world’s values.
Who would remember Helen’s face
Lacking the terrible halo of spears?
Who formed Christ but Herod and Caesar,
The cruel and bloody victories of Caesar?
Violence, the bloody sire of all the world’s values.
Never weep, let them play,
Old violence is not too old to beget new values.
I don't speak ethnic you fuck
Feminism destroys Societies/Families. It's a bioweapon/virus that has no cure & the only way to stop it is to Eliminate those who are infected with it.
Birth Control causing Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder & Social Engineering programs accelerates it.
lol, great fucking argument you moron.
We let molesters walk free after about three or more years in prison because we're 300.000 people. News spread fast here and if you're put to prison for this your life is absolutely ruined. We're not going to spend prison money on some losers that will live alone in a small apartment as they're ignored or dismissed by everyone.
Czech Republic doesn't have any sodomy laws either and allows it you idiot.
If they don't stave to death in 2 weeks it's bullshit. Anyone have that episode of Survivor pic?
>News spread fast here and if you're put to prison for this your life is absolutely ruined.
as it should be when you're a pedophile, you retard.
>Low IQ Czech tries to counter my point
>Literally builds upon my argument and dismisses his previous point about our laws even more
Good job.
there was no point to counter, you moron. All you did was brag about your average IQ which you don't probably even have. I'm 3 deviations above my national iq so suck on that.
Sure it's a failure. They didn't immediately run out, they just degraded their water purifcation facilities. , so ran out gradually. Watch the show, it's great.
Bet it would be something like this
Literally making a novel about how men our violent without the nullifying force of society, a story that supports feminist ideals like men are inherintly violent
Now they will do the same with women.
I have to believe this is some sort of subversive ironic joke on feminists, there is no way they could be this retarded.
Also, "no feminist icons"
Except Joan of arch, Zenobia, cleopatra, Catherine the great, queen Elizabeth, margret thatcher, Gilda mayor,.
I can go on, men have always been willing to folllow female leaders of the women can prove hemselves worthy of leading
I'm 14 points higher. Suck on that.
But my reply was more about me completely diminishing your points and then you only agreed with them, it was pretty unnecessary and dumb.
Either way I hope you understand that I was simply replying to a dumb comment by a serb and then you started talking shit about me from nowhere so I threw some banter at you.
Average Euro:
Average Aussie:
>14 points higher
that still makes me 8-15 points above you, dipshit.
>We know what happens when girls get their own island.
>They get powerful and wise and build paradise.
You should hear the horror stories from all-female tech companies.
>horror stories from all-female tech companies
Yeah you're right.
Sounds like the crocs were added also:
Bit easier for the women, pigs vs crocs :)
That isn't even in fiction, they just stole it from a story already in fiction. It was done by men both in fiction and reality
Am i the only one who finds something disgusting about british women accents?
lol, great job figuring that out!
I'll watch myself by your superior intellect big boy.
maybe there will be one in the future as physical strength becomes less and less important
i know must feel awesome discovering that numbers and statistics don't tell you shit.
Statistically you're 50% a woman a 4% faggot.
Woh. I never realized that before. All these feminists and male feminists are so distant and gone from reality that they are creating their ideology from fiction. The male feminist in the photo thinks women will build a paradise because thats whats presented in fictional fantasy works written by feminists. David S. is so far outside of reality he believes that it is reality.
kek I loved when this was first on. We would have weekly Sup Forums watching sessions making fun of the women and commenting on how the men were going to start a space program after finishing their boat
>throw out an offhand genocide comment against some foreigner
>the inbred moron got into a full autistic fit for the next hour
Cheers. Great feminism redpill.
No, I hate them to, tbqh. There's something very grating and whiny about how the average English woman speaks. Scottish accents are far more pleasing to the ear. (I'm English, btw).
>give me the pussy already! I'm a good guy can't you see ;_;
>Women at workplace