What makes the right wing superior than the left wing according to Sup Forums?
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What makes the right wing superior than the left wing according to Sup Forums?
pic unrelated
At the moment, far less dysgenic.
Not being retarded and understanding :
>Basic Economics
>Basic Sociology
>Basic Politics
>Basic moral values
>Basic philosophy
The only fault we have is :
>2 autist too understand sophistry
pluralism is cancer
>republicuck states are 100% dependent on blue states to avoid becoming 3rd world tier
i had a good laugh at your post. at least you kids have fun pretending to be adults i guess! don't worry, we'll keep taking care of republicucks, i just feel pity for you.
wow that was excellent
>muh cities are self sufficient
you'd starve and plunge into chaos within a month if red states get fed up
The (correct) belief that the family is the basic building block of society and not he individual
>the feds spending money in your state is a good thing
Aside from economy, all of those fields are dominated by left-wing schools of thoughts and the best thinkers are progressives
>>Basic Sociology
>>Basic Politics
>>Basic moral values
>>Basic philosophy
And they are all currently shit
Define progressive, that word has no fucking meaning.
Progressives from 20 years ago are now right wing extremists according to the media.
White genocide is wrong
Supporting it or being ignorant to it is being on the wrong side of history.
Standards, values and traditions.
Your economies are based on keeping people in debt (banking) and advertising. You prop up an industry of vogue luxuries that is currently falling apart (retail).
Your economy is a fucking House of Cards
just to elaborate on this your shit economies are overvalued and will be the first to go. The rest of America will survive while technocrats, such as yourself, and their cities will descend into an abysmal state that could only be described as Hell.
But newfag mods are banning people for posting anime now..... shits getting fucked up
it's a balancing act
>it's a balancing act
name one good thing about the left
Well, one side is wrong, the other is the right.
You do realize that raising the states' monetary autonomy and allowing them their own currency would stamp out these problems, right?
Your progressive allies, however, divert millions of dollars of taxes to these shitholes, which fixes nothing.
>Aside from economy, all of those fields are dominated by left-wing schools of thoughts and the best thinkers are progressives
>Implying they aren't the reason the general public think all is fine and dandy while the world is in a major crisis that will eventually either be stamped out by an authoritarian (((new world order))) or by an all-out race war
Good Goy
Our movement is about TRUTH......
The Left and Right factions (there is no "Alt-Right", that's a term coined by Hillary Clinton) are about LIES.
I can say whatever I want and my fellow compatriots do not bust a absolutely pressurised shit when I call them a bad word.
Lefties are just filthy casuals.
>Darwin crossed out.
>Thule arise!