Do Germans nowadays hate Jewish people in secret (or public)?


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Nah jews are ok
We hate sandniggers and roaches nowadays

their modern nazi party (afd) gets 10% at most. that also is probably the percentage of antisemites.

*gun at head*
>now say you welcome the refugees

they are in strong support of Israel and dislike Muslims, two things actual Nazis didn't do or wouldn't have done

nah, I'm a race realist and have huge respect for Ashkenazi Jews and their high rate of accomplishments

Why don't you hate both ?

>nah, I'm a race realist and have huge respect for Ashkenazi Jews and their high rate of accomplishments

Then they could live in Israel.

not as far as I know. There just are no jews to hate. I´ve never met one, or at least I wouldn´t know.

But this apologetic holocaust guilt bullshit evolves into a joke. Ppl are insulting each other as jews sometimes. Nobody, at least if you talk about it in private, feels bad about the holocaust in any way. They secretly know german guilt is bs but don´t express in public because of peer pressure.

good goy

Nah they fell for Zionist lies and want to see Israel rule the middle east.