78 years ago at the first of the september innocent polish and jewish children wouldn't go to the school. Instead they would face five years of nazi terror.
Let us remember the great polish hereos who were first to stand up against the most evil force in our modern history and discuss of ways to preventing such event ever again.
Considering the recent events in charlottesville and the rise of the alt right having such public discussions seems to be increasingly important in order to educate the public on the dangers of far right populism.
and none of this would have happened if not for that Bastard (((Rydz Smigly))) who cuck and shill for UK and FR. its your fault for cucking to London and Paris and not allying with Germany to defeat the (((USSR))) together. now the rest of Europe has to suffer for Polands dumbass decision back then.
(((Allies))) sold you over, because you cucked for them in 1939, instead of joining the Axis to destroy (((Soviet Union))). now the whole West is paying the Price. thank (((Rydz Smigly))) for that.
Zachary Rodriguez
Imagine how the world would look like, if you teamed-up with us instead of this faggot, Mussolini.
Isaiah Martinez
indeed, and thank you for posting that Infograph.
Levi Carter
and also if J. Pilsudski had only lived for a few more Years...
Cameron Harris
and also if his successor weren't british and french cocksucker