Why do u like sticc women who look like prebuscent boys?
Dont u realise this is jewish plan to payback at white women what nazis did to jews(starving).
Why /polacks are falling for jewish beauty standarts?
Im probably the last generation of white men who is naturally attracted to healthy curvy white women :/ .
Is this going to turn into another thread where Sup Forums doesn't understand that breast size is determined mostly by genetics? If the women in your family have small breasts, chances are you will also have small breasts. Also depends on where you're predisposed to gain your weight at.
t. mixed mongrel
Chick on the right needs to lose a few pounds.
Faggot, those are child-bearing hips
do u think this is normal ?check your testerone guys
mmmmmmffff ahhh sniiff
jealous lithuanian female detected
For her height, yes. Victoria's Secret and high fashion models tend to be 5'8 and taller and its common for them to be leggy and thin.
>tfw your mother and sister are natural double D cups and you are a measly A.
Sorry but I'm not attracted to women who weigh more than 150lbs
You can have the fatties.
Slide thread
Nothing wrong with liking slender girls, homo.
Please don't let this thread skyrocket to hundreds of posts, anons.
>that face screaming "im a total cunt"
would rather stick to 2d than try to fall in love with that.
HRT can only do so much
>a cups
I know your pain. Just get some Lula Lu and as cliche as it sounds look at the positives.
this bitch is the ugliest woman on hearth
Both are uncute as shit.
I am attracted to this.
>Sorry but I'm not attracted to women
Fixed that for you.
>Why can't you cowards handle a real womyn?
Either you're a roastie or a sad faggot that can only get pic related isn't anyone s fault.
Most men don't like fat piles of garbage.
Stay angry.
Before marrying wouldn't date non white women smaller than C cup.
There is nothing as satisfying as a big pair of creamy white breasts to grope at night.
Show tits you slags
I mean I'd fuck both but I'd wife up then right.
She looks like she would birth many strong sons and she has a more wholsem beauty that will last longer
Underware model will look like skeletor by 40
lets see the tits
dissapointed in u guys
Hey if you want to screw fatties then knock yourself out.
Less competition for the conventionally attractive women if a good thing.
This, THICC is a jewish psyop
That's a cartoon you sick fuck
Not really
>tfw your mom has giant udders but your hot sister has mesquito bites
Wtf ever my sister is still fap worthy
who else here /bimbo/ ?
tbqh I'd let both of them sit on my face
Bruh, you do realize that meme is meant to be applied to those who come into threads seeking attention not pertaining to the subject, right.
Yes, more like 20 pounds at least, which is more than a few.
Yes, and?
i mean wtf is wrong with u ?
LOW TEST. cut your feminine pennis already
>thick is a jew meme
>thin is a jew meme
do they jews really care? don't they have more important shit to do?
my gf weighs 112lbs and i think she should lose more weight
>wah someone doesn't gain fat in their tits and likely won't until they hit their mid 30s
Nigger lmao
They both suck. Left is a skelleton but right is too fucking fat.
those are fat bitch hips. I'm not a beta fag who goes after fats. I prefer chicks to be actually fit
Bich on the right any given day. Girls come in flavors - sure she can be skinny and sporty but must have matching attitude and basically she is only good for fucking. The large tits and nice grabby ass does well for cuddling sleeping and so much more.
The thing that matters most is the attitude :P and brains. If a girl is smart (Ph.D. is appreciated), funny, and can be a total whore for her man only, she really can be average looking.
Personally, I like the curvy woman on the right.
The stick girl is not as fertile, there are far fewer of them, thus more competition, and it lowers the white birth rate as part of the whole white genocide objective.
Everyone has a different kink for women user
tierorder of women i prefer
>cute lil slender redheads with very pale skin big tits preferably and thick lips
>huge waist slim body cute faced latinas
>big assed firm yet soft sheboons and blondes
>regular average women with 90 60 90
>secret fetish option : midgets
>passing transgender blowjob machines
And just where the fuck am I supposed to find this fabled big tidday white girl, OP?
i hate thicc and lardasses
>kurwy woman
That never case to amaze me.
This is a bullshit thread. Women in fashion are used as models only if they look like thin teenage boys. The fashion industry is all fags, so they don't want curvy women, even if they look great. They want thin women who look like mannequins.
Not that it makes any difference. If men really cared about this, there wouldn't be any fat girls left. The only girls getting dates would be thin.
You do know they're trying to make every man gay, right?
Flat, boyish women are just the trick.
The south.
source on right girl
Wait, do people actually think left is more attractive?
Stop posting blank picture nigger
Pics or this mythical southern tit unicorn doesnt exist
no1 besides teenager do , model industry needs those stickwomen because its easier to make clothinglines for them than actually sexy women.
I'm just going off of what I've heard.
u cant fight the nature
neither men or women
>I don't live in the south user, I'm just perpetuating a myth
Do you see what I'm getting at?
Ain't nothing wrong with A cups.
was it hard to learn how to speak like a man?
p o s t t h e m a n y w a y q t
you better stop that shit right now son
>many people in the West would rather shag a twink than this
Did it ever occur to you that a blank picture is not a contribution, and maybe you should start contributing?
>justifying your fat fetish
You're all more niggerish than I am and I'm an American
My wife looks like OP pic on right. Came inside of her last night while sucking on her big ass titties shit was SO cash.
>t. mixed mongrel
For real though. I can't even find decent thicc women on reddit's porn boards. Why is it so hard to find thicc women?
but she's all brown and shit
what's wrong with having sex with both of them
for you
I would say that if anything Jews want you to like thicc girls because that's closer to the negros natural body type, but I took the thicc pill and I can't help it
skinny girls are always such bitches they have a false sense of superiority thanks to fashion industry brainwashing
in reality most men don't even notice them
lol i reread this and i sound like a fucking feminist but it's actually true i would have to really concentrate to get hard over one of these model girls they all just look like beta men to me
white penis cant reach vagina of the women on the right side, she was made to be bred by bbc
>that face
Yea I'd rather be gay tbqh
need 2cc on the one on the right, for scientific purposes
K thx, still shit taste though.
Same could be said for landwhales like Tess Holiday and others such as herself who, through the fat acceptance movement, believe that they're the ideal and above reproach. If I had a dollar for every time one of them said that Marilyn Monroe was plus sized while using that one, poor angled swimsuit shot I would be Soros rich.
>it's a /fit/ thinks if you don't like their THICC whales then you must love women with little boy bodies
Time to fuck off back to your gains board, faggots.
>I was right
>Matured men
I want to fuck woman on right way more than the left.
Impregnate her like 50 times
and in general just have her around the house forever.
Thing is I am sure I would have felt the same way when I was 16.
Your 'mature' line is bullshit.
>Why do u like sticc women who look like prebuscent boys?
Why are you equating her to that. Sounds like you just wanna demonize others sexuality to look better.
>what matured men like
What does maturity have anything to do with attraction to body types? You sound like those lying self righteous pussies that say they think skinny women are disgusting around women to look better.
>Dont u realise this is jewish plan to payback at white women what nazis did to jews(starving).
Oh I'm sure that true OP :^)
nah m8 real men like pajeet women
doesn't being overweight have a negative impact on fertility? I'm not suggesting the woman on the right is fat, but just a general question about people believing THICC = more fertile and nobody questions it
Thick women give you stronger and healthier sons. Jews want you to lust for skinny sickly whores to make your genetic line weaker.
Thicc pill is red.
Damn i might be a Jew then? What do?
What if I like left?
too heavy for your scrawny arms? she looks to be about 140 at most, unless she's tall
Pls don't project. Its not qt.