Convince me with rock solid arguments that this world should not be destroyed.
Convince me with rock solid arguments that this world should not be destroyed
Because "life" n shit. Would be a damn shame if life stopped existing.
That doesn't make any sense.
why not?
>he thinks hes important
>he thinks we're the only intelligent life in the universe
how does it feel being a retard?
you'd fucking die
Because every time you die you wake up in a slightly shittier version of the world you just left. You're a communist, how many times have you starved, or overdosed on hard drugs? Why do you think your world just keeps getting worse and worse? It's because it's easier to try to escape than it is to try to make your current world a better place.
I didn't specifically mean MY life you fucktard. I meant life in general.
The formation of amino acids, peptides, and phosphodiester bonds is inevitable provided the conditions exist (liquid water, subsea hydrothermal vents). Life is just electrons trying to find a place to rest. This specific Jew World Order should be nuked for sure but I think the deer should get their own planet.
Life and ultimatedly, consciousness is just the cause and effect of the self. No matter what happens to us or all life on Earth, there will still be consciousness somewhere else because there's no other option.
Nukes when?
A better place for who?
Who asked for being here?
Life almost got extinct several times by some rocky encounters.
Shame & shit has no place in such considerations.
If you hate it so much just kys
my cock
So your reasoning is: "nothing matters therefore nothing should exist"
No, more like emotions and morality are not valid arguments.
Then what is your argument for wanting the wolrd to be destroyed? Is that also not guided by an emotion?
Nope. I just asked for concrete reasons.
Based Tintin
there are still good, strong people; most of it may be destroyed, but there will be survivors
You asked for reasons why it should not be destroyed. Do you have any reasons why it should be?
I have a child.