Sounds like Trump is going to let the DACA illegal immigrants stay in the country.
RIP his base. He's fucked. The idiot has no one in his ear but Democrats and neocons.
Sounds like Trump is going to let the DACA illegal immigrants stay in the country.
RIP his base. He's fucked. The idiot has no one in his ear but Democrats and neocons.
He wants to get his tax cuts passed. If he uses DACA as political leverage so be it. If he builds the wall, continues reducing illegal immigration, and keeps deporting criminal aliens his base will be happy.
>slightly lowers taxes on middle class
>middle class then loses half their paychecks paying for illegals to stay
What a win.
It's about time Sup Forums realized that it was Steve Bannon they liked, not Trump.
>less taxes = more taxes
What an argument
That's not true. Bannon joined the campaign like 2 months before the election.
But Trump is swamped with open borders people now. If he doesn't end DACA completely I'm done with him
>lowers taxes
>that means taxes increase taxes increase
Social programs for illegals and the poor aren't going away if he lowers taxes. If they don't get it from the citizens, then it goes to the national debt.
I fucking told you you stupid fucks.
Please, you're gonna be licking his balls at the next Trump rally