CNN is fake ne-
CNN is fake ne-
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I wonder if they reported why the blacks were attacking each other for.
Yeah but he has CIA training though.
>Cooper is a spook first and a reporter second.
Staged prolly
Not sure how this is news? White save blacks from themselves daily.
did they ever see that boy again?
Did they pay that black guy a free meal for his role?
and some idiot still had the time to take the pics ...
OP is not a fa-
Stop that slave owner, he's shoplifting!
Hmmm, all these (((CNN))) goys are saving a lot of people these days. Maybe they are the good guys after all.
I wonder what rape dungeon that boy ended up in.
the more I see this the less sense it makes. Why are they rushing to take a photo of it?
Where did his camera go?
>Kid, are you okay? You're covered in blood
>It's not muh blood.
Muh mass destruction violent protests
Wasn't Anderson Cooper one of the """reporters""" who interned for the CIA? And haven't reporters been proven to stage fake scenes to manipulate goyim?
Anderson Cooper is literal fake news globalist kike spy.
More like
>Anderson Poofter steals innocent kid for his sex dungeon
>photographic evidence of the child abduction taking place in Haiti.
CNN is finished!
Get them organs while there fresh
>All these blacks attacking each other
>Surely its whitey we need to blame!
Reminder that Anderson Cooper is also a Vanderbilt
>Anderson Cooper kidnapping another child for the pizza parties
nice actors
Is that even Anderson Cooper?
Whoop there it is.
just that over here we got the president doing fake rescues
>reverse it
>mr cooper does a suplex on a black hatian kid
Wasn't there just a suspiciously well-timed rescue in Houston by a CNN reporter on-air? I wonder if CNN is trying to repair their image with this shit, along with distancing themselves from supporting antifags.
and don't forget he's a cock sucking faggot.
kek this was my first thought, good to see those tax payer dollars working
staged as as shit
Very powerful imagery!
I believe this was a supposed protest against Trump that CNN was trying to make far bigger than it was
I wonder which cog of the zog that boy is a sexual slave of now
That's a rare pepe
literally Sup Forums
the guy looks like a 45 year old dude on the last picture
holy fuck, CNN actually try to trick the stupid sheep still watching the box that they are some kind of humanitarian superheroes.
Also note the psychological effect this has on the tv-zombies; they project so strongly through the box, their only source of "education" in adulthood. The box plays on their emotions all the time and, as the saying goes, "the road to hell is filled with good intentions"; they so DESPERATELY want to do something, but since its TV they cant.
They actually believe that a "journalist" is an objective observer, yes its 2017 and people actually believe this, and when their now "objective observers" change the circumstances around them, they will slide even more into the role as agitators and not "journalists".
Also, it really doesnt matter if he was muh cia or anything, he gets paid what; 50 million dollars or something? he is a high-paid actor whos only value is the supposed trust the people sitting on the other side of the box has to his face.
Corporate media in general is a cancer and one of the main tools of the enemy.
>it d-doesn't m-m-matter if he's a s-spook OKAY?
The kid sure looks bigger in the third picture...
>conveniently there was a second cameraman who just continued filming CNNs brave act of lending a helping hand instead of acting like CNN
>and thats why we need to import these niggers who created the mess they where running away from in first place
Anderson would have done the world some good had he picked up a breezeblock and removed that niglet from this Earth
Anderson Cooper a CIA asset, and CNN is literally a deep state outlet. #Fake propaganda.
it doesnt matter if he is a "spook" because it detracts from him being a "journalist"; that by itself should warren him a 1-way trip to the gas chambers. and it wont be no pussy zyklon-b this time.
>maybe if I keep being a nigger they'll forget he's CIA
>CNN puts dead muzzie child on front page for a week
>Dead white kids in France, Belgium and Germany are not even mentioned or shown
Really makes me tinker
Whatever happened to this CNN "reporter"?
>runs over with camera in hand
>lifts up kid with camera nowhere to be seen also 2 niggers literally 10 cm behind him to save the kid.
>keep carrying kid but now suddenly with the camera again and the 2 niggers have left
this is the timeline they want you to believe in.
he's bringing the nog straight to the Clinton foundation, exchanging his slaves at the nearest Tavern.
there is every reason to conclude this first until proven otherwise.
So the one time I treated a woman with respect means I'm not a misogynist anymore?
Thank Christ! I was worried I was going to have to improve myself
Also OP is a massive faggot.
>maybe if i keep the intellectual discourse on lowest common denominator & use my low iq to misunderstand on purpose, they will think im a cool edgy kid and not pic related
go commit suicide, burger. you are the lowest form of life, a sad pathetic jew copy.
There's a whole gallery of them in this page, but yeah we should take your word for granted
>dude come on you're a retard
>btw I'm not gonna say CIA anymore itt and let the accusations roll off my back
Pic related: it's another spook (like you, snownigger)
>You Thought i wasn't going to come back to life again didn't you Dahnald.
>You think would forget about that faithful day that was taken from me in 2016.
>Think again Dahnald
>Now the Mummielegates are on my side and now i am AWOKE
>You better start doing reparations for me now Dahnald
>But this is all because of you
>Thank You Dahnald
lol why does it look like the kid doubles in size after the first picture?
and the second pic just looks way unrealistic for him to be carrying him that way. photoshop?
it's the narrative they represent which is toxic
attacks against minorities and how their rights are violated gets way more attention and features far longer, anything demeaning to ethnic Whites is plastered up there for days.
Take the attack in france for example, a day later they were crying about how france was islamophobic and how the burkini was an insult to all muslims while the French were still mourning their victims, they even had the audacity to show a crying sand kike as if it were muslims and not French / europeans afflicted by this attack.
CNN are traitors, traitors to the west and they need to fucking burn.
Kidnapping the kid and selling him to the Clinton foundation more likely.
You know that he ass raped that kid after he saved him, right? That's what fags do.
culturally enriched
The dead muzzie child on the beach was fake news, yes
But guess what, the Nice truck attack was a Mossad fake news HOAX as well. No one died, no one got hurt. Pure media police state Sandy Hooknose-tier bullshit.
>Anderson "stick it in my pooper" Cooper
Come on stop being a fucking faggot and just admit that NOT EVERYTHING is staged.
Fucking Sup Forums sometimes, I swear, you're just as fucking bad as the SJWs you're fighting.
>Anderson Niglet Scooper
Thumbs up to CNN reporter, actually did something useful
He was kid napping the child to use as a sex slave. He probably got turned into kebab meat.
The first people killed at Nice was an old arab woman called Fatima. Two of the kids killed at Nice were arab immigrants. Nice is full of them, and even on French TV you'd see them crying and bringing flowers cause their children had been killed. Not saying it wasn't a fucking muzzie that got killed, but it's not really a manipulation to show a mourning family that lost a child and his mother.
The burkini scandal was a month later. Valls spoke publicly about it on august 17th 2016.
Maybe call out CNN for their bullshit when it's real but don't make stuff up.
>Not saying it wasn't a fucking muzzie that got them* killed
I think he is implying that his fucking your mom
reporters cant interfere. coop interfered. therefore can is fake news
>being so autistic that he actually think he is surrounded by spooks
rofl you are a prisoner of your own feeble mind.
oh no, filthy cutfag, dont hurt my feelings. im so sad I come from a country and race superior to you in every possibly way
>in b4 muh freedoms
I am freely expressing my national socialist political views while you have to hide behind 4 vps to even dare say something outside of the narrow left-right paradigm. And even when you do that, you actually believe you are being surveilled to the degree that you think im an agent and not a 1.92m blonde norwegian man who initially wrote my first post when taking a shit.
KYS nigger, you are truly pathetic
So why the niggers over there kill themselves that much? i'm still struggling to understand the animosity behind the soccer gangs over here (also composed by melanin enriched ones)
Low IQ
No Dad
Violence from the adults to the kids having an effect on the expression of genes related to violence (MAOA in particular)
Alleles of these genes that predispose them to violence
Result: el Chocó, a department full of niggers, is the worst dump in our already shitty country
unbunch ur panties and grow up anime nazi fagtard.
how did these guys build the pyramids
You know every country has its Ultras, right?
9 dead after the first match of the World Cup, in the capital only