The worst of them is bodhi mantra/Anon5
Flame wars are fun I guess
I was in Berlin when the first wave hit. I saw it first-hand.
>proving OP's point
seriously, you burgers need a nuke or two.
that means that deporting hispanic accelerates the cuckening?
altrighters really want to become a minority
I love how its always 46% like it just doesn't get lower every time on Sup Forums America is already 32% white how can America function while as 23% white, it really is a mystery on how America is 15% white
take a good, long look at pic related
so i checked the census website, and now i'm wondering how you got these percentages, future projection?
>implying we will just let it happen like you burgers did already
you never learn from history, do you?
ignore American posters, there is a 50% chance that they are non white
Americans are the dumbest people out there. Quality discussion doesn't exist in their minds.
Your mom's ass is dumb
Deep down americans bants us because they are jealous.
So what are you doing about it. You speak as if all the non whites were deported
>posting on an american board
>on an american website
>on the american internet
>about how much you hate americans
Welp, you're starting to get rough with Polska again. I check the Deutsche Bank ticker every day to see if Weimar is getting close.
guerra de carreras?? fucking retards..
I really hate that guy with passion. He shills erik daniken and ufos, trying to be intellectual.
All shitposting aside, I really wish the best for all Europeans.
>being this butthurt
Also, you can't be a white supremacist and an american. Your country isn't white, it never was. If your "white" population had to immigrate from somewhere else and is not native to you country you are not white. White is more than just a skin color.
Fuck Eurmuslims
haha got 'em
>America is 14% Asian
>t. Pic
t. Tyrone Chang Hernandez Muhammad
What a powerful picture. Look at that (((white))) guy with an interracial mistake.
the best part is how all these liberal jewy newspapers were planted in europe by anglos
dumbass burgerboys
>posting a pic from America to prove your point
>Nice work there with Brexit!
>Thanks mate, good luck in germany
there is some high quality bait in this image
That pic is America
^this one is Germany
OP's pick makes no sense. It never happens. It ALWAYS is Europeans doing pic related.
>you can't be a white surpremacist and American
But...you can? I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Am I magically a half black half Native american jew from mexican just because I live in America? Show your flag silly. A single person is not an entire country.
>your country isn't white, it never was
There's no way you can be this retarded. Just because you saw some image posted by a random guy on Sup Forums about how every American is 90% black and 9% native does not mean it's true.
>future projections
Oh noooooo
I'll have fun with me fellow white friends while we go to protests with our guns and freedom of speech
imagine the look of goebbel's fuckin face if he were to see this. i want to resurrect his ass just for his reaction. priceless
Oh look, this thread.
>We know the end result of Europe's current actions
>We try to warn you, over and over again about your inevitable fate
>typical European response is "HURR DURR LE 52% FACE"
The USA is the source of all problems in this world and why fascism failed. You are the murderers of western civilization.
His reaction would be "wow, America looks like that?"
top fucking kek
Ya I wish my 5 yearold daughter could get raped by 7 or 8 shitskins. So jealous I'll go out and buy a gun I think, then maybe some Qurans for target practice.
Does it say Sup Forums.co.de?
No, it's Sup Forums.com and that's American