How bad is it Sup Forums?
I don't want to cry.
How bad is it Sup Forums?
I don't want to cry.
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Watch it you fucking idiot.
Most of it's alright but sometimes it says a bunch of stuff without proof and resorted to "muh holodomor" at one point.
>HItlerist propaganda
Hint: you don't have to defend the actions of Adolf Hitler to be conservative or to oppose immigration.
Watch it now. It's good
Eternal leaf
It cites everything
It's bretty gud. Not 100% accurate but the filmmaker does a good job of providing sources for everything. Prepare for feels
It's full of shit. 8 hours of made up shit, omission of facts and nazi propaganda. Fuck off national (((socialists)))
He's right Goyim, nothing to see here.
Hitler brought his country to ruin, permanently lost all territories east of the Oder-Neisse line, and his actions caused Germany to be occupied for generations (it still is occupied by the American army) and to have German education replaced with an anti-German propaganda system that resulted in Germany having the lowest birthrate in the world and having perhaps the most pro-immigration leadership and population in the Western world.
Defend Hitler.
Hellstorm would be a better watch.
I used to think like that. Then I immersed myself in his world.
Now I think. Why even bother with anything else? Why can't we just build a fucking time machine and prevent ww2. Fuck any other solution.
I just hope like someone like him emerges in my lifetime.
>Hitler dragged Germany out of ruin just to ruin it
Germany sure as hell couldn't survive another Hitler
This. It was the most one-sided documentary I have ever seen
Better to try and fail then not try at all.
If you judge a leader by how the country was before compared to how it was after their rule, Hitler was an abject failure. It's not even authoritarian governments that are the problem, look at the Catholic-influenced fascist governments of Italy, Spain and Portugal, they were largely successful. The issue is that National Socialism is a revolutionary ideology a lot like communism, and this dooms it to failure.
They didn't cite it when they said that the USSR planned to invade Germany.
>Defend Hitler.
Fur mein Fuhrer!
Sup Forumspraganda
It's not a documentary.
im watching it now. about a 6th of the way through.
It's pretty good. Reading through Mein Kampf and other works is the best thing you can do. Conservatives on here are asshurt that regardless of how much publicity or (((power))) they have in the US they still can't keep abortion clinics from opening, social decay running rampant in unis, etc. so they'll probably just trash talk it.
Just watch it and enjoy it.
its literally what the germans would have made if they won. It's the opposite of the ww2 story we are taught today. Except after personal research into it, I think the greatest story never told is much closer to the actual truth.
Yes goy all fake go back to watching your television
Watch it having other sources around to cheek the facts. Just because they talk nice about Hitler and you like it doesn't mean it isn't liying to you
Better to judge how the country managed prior to the war breaking out, or how it held together despite being at war with empires and industrialized nations with higher economic output and overall military strength.
Nah, screw that, just compare the ruined cities and rubble to the Weimar. That'll do it. :^)
Yeah, those millions of mobilized Red Army units against their 'Western neighbour' (Germany) a long with a million paratroopers, hundreds of newly built runways, thousands of tanks, artillery pieces, etc...
Nothing wrong there, goyim.
If you're properly informed on the history you can easily spot inaccuracies and convenient omissions. It doesn't pretend to be impartial, and it's worthless for "converting" normies, but go ahead and watch if you have too much free time.
mobilized Red Army units stationed near the border*
Wars don't "break out," someone starts them. And being aggressive towards all your neighbours will definitely lead you to war. Declaring war on Poland was just the cherry on top
eh, theres some lies and propaganda there but it shows the human side of hitler which is the opposite of lets say history channel documentary about WW2
>Germany takes over Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, leading to it sharing a border with the Soviet Union
>Hitler has aggressively anti-Soviet views
>Soviet troops were mobilized for "no reason"
Give me proof of a plan to invade Germany and if they were all mobilized and ready for battle, how come they were destroyed at the start of Op. Barbarossa?
It's fucking shit. There is much better media on the topic
It's a mixed bag of fabrication, omission and anachronism in order to make Hitler look like he dindu nuffin. If you've never read any book on 20th century history, you might fall for the memes.
No shit, and its not like the Poles behaved the same away towards the Czechs, Lithuanians, or Ukrainians...
Oh wait...
i found it a bit dull
read/listen to an audiobook of mein kampf instead
>what is operatsia groza
I must have missed when Poland invaded Lithuania and Czechoslovakia (Ukraine wasn't even independent)
Poorly made. Half of it is just a wall of text floating past your screen. They re-use the same song for a lot of scenes. It's also just a bunch of one sided Nazi propaganda, and a lot of the things in the documentary are outright false. If you're a retard who believes everything he sees you'll like it.
Hitler is a saint. St.Adolf, forever in our hearts.
>no reason
That was sarcasm, and yes, they were there for a surprise attack on Germany while Stalin waited for Hitler and Churchill to wear each other out.
Been here for about 3 years. Its a bunch of bullshit. Most people are already right leaning so they buy into the garbage that's spewed here.
What interest did the Soviets have in invading Germany? Stalin's form of communism wasn't expansionist, and he had Icepick Trotsky (the supporter of permanent revolution) killed
On the other hand, we know that Hitler wanted to expand into the USSR
>(Ukraine wasn't even independent)
Doesn't stop it from being seen as aggressive.
As for the rest, Polish stole Zaolzie off the Czechs, and captured Vilnius from the Lithuanians.
Not like Western idiots give a shit about consistency on this.
>which is the opposite of lets say history channel documentary about WW2
Wrong. I recommend Goebbels Diaries, a great documentary narrating only passages from Goebbels 20+ dusty tomes that survived the destructio of the bunker alongside footage of entire nazi era in a chronological order all the way to the last entry. Shows an interesting light on quite a few nazi leaders. Not that it changes what they did.
>if they were all mobilized and ready for battle how come they were destroyed at the start of op. barbarossa
They were enveloped and destroyed precisely because of their being deployed so far forward in preparation for attack.
The Soviets of that era had no real defensive plans or tactics. All of their training was with the attack in mind.
>no examples
>no arguments
>wonders why they constantly get their teeth kicked in intellectually
Why are you still here?
Because you never leave.
So Poland invaded just a part of the Soviet Union? Interesting.
>Polish stole Zaolzie off the Czechs
>The Zaolzie region was created in 1920, when Cieszyn Silesia was divided between Czechoslovakia and Poland. Zaolzie forms the eastern part of the Czech portion of Cieszyn Silesia. The division did not satisfy any side, and persisting conflict over the region led to its annexation by Poland in October 1938, following the Munich Agreement.
Uh oh, looks like Hitler did that
The Soviet Union also invaded Poland, it's why they capitulated. The Soviets intended to take as much of Europe as they could get away with, but they understood enough that they had to get their house in order. They were in a consolidation phase prior to the purge and felt they had more time to prepare... And made a fatal miscalculation that Hitler wouldn't strike first. Stalin was absolutely shocked because he held put hopes that there could be friendship, or at least detente, between their regimes... Allowing for an amicable splitting of Europe in the short term. But war was inevitable one way or another.
I'm pretty sure you don't know what do the triple parenthesis mean.
>a goddam fucking commie
>speacks about NatSoc leaders
Hitler made a pact to give part of Poland to the Soviets because he himself wanted to invade it, and the Soviets minimally participated in the Polish invasion. This was so he had more time to prepare his invasion of the USSR
And? You don't need to be an ethnocuck to find weimar and ww2 interesting.
I had a high school teacher play this in class in my senior year. I dont think he knew what is was about and I was shocked. I wanted to say something to him about it because I didnt want him to lose his job over it. The students didnt pick up on it though because they were all just talking and texting like retards.
You're also ignoring the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
>Uh oh, looks like Hitler did that
No, the region went to Poland prior to WWII breaking out. Your quoted green text even states the case for me.
It's part of the pattern of German expansionism, and I mentioned it in reply to you already
Its pretty well cited and well done but only really presents one side. However it is already like 8 hours long so it would be hard to get all the information in. The biggest take away is to get the information to debunk the "He was just crazy" argument.
Supplement it with The Rise and fall of the Third Reich.
>muh 6 billion
please fuck off
Do you even know what the Munich Agreement was? Holy shit
Conspiracy theory garbage. Empire of Dust is better.
>The Soviets of that era had no real defensive plans or tactics. All of their training was with the attack in mind.
Their doctrine was Deep Operations. It called for several offensives into enemy territory. It was suspected that if any units got cut off, they would simply have to wait for reinforcements by air. They didn't think a war of movement was going to be so swift, despite the western European propensity for it.
In Hoth's "Panzer Operations", he notes that in the central sector there was a large and suspiciously place motorized division that signaled to him that the Soviets were probably preparing for an offensive.
Taking over the world is literally communist doctrine. It's like cult of "liberation", which requires the forceful subservience of it's enslaved citizens and expansion to encompass all peoples.
The Soviets built up a war machine since Stalin took over. In the Holodomor, the chief reason it's considered an intentional famine is because the USSR had surplus food- and sold it to pay for raw materials and military technology.American inventor Chris Christie would even find himself working on tank suspension systems and armor packages.
The Soviets had the BT fast tank. It's primary feature is removable treads for on-road speed. The treads were meant for cross country. At the time, the USSR had no significant roadways and almost none paved. This was an offensive weapon. The USSR also had 100k airborne units, which even for it's size seems excessive.
This has all you need to know about Hitler's personal opinion of the war. The Soviets must've "lived like animals" in those factory-city conditions.
It was a strategic interest that still exists today. Stalin wanted, at the very least, a buffer between his Bolshevik state and western imperialism. Many of the motives also go back towards pan-slavic ideals.
If Stalin was benign, why seize eastern Poland and three Karelian isthmus? Stalin wasn't a good boy. He diddu sumthin.
The white race as a whole couldn't survive another Hitler. Unless he won.
If he lost, the left would just leave the death camps open, but it'd be us getting tossed into the ovens.
>muh reich dindu nuffin
top kek
The Soviets had ambitions for global revolutions since taking power in Russia in 1917. The way in which this was carried out varied before and after Stalin took power.
I also do not buy your point, its an argument that has shown to not hold up in time, information on the secret plan 'Operatsia Groza' combined with the mobilization of a massive Red Army invasion force on the border with Germany in the midst of its air war with England states clearly enough what the Soviets had in mind, and it wasn't peaceful or defensive.
Killing Trotsky has zero relevance on this subject, why would you mention that? Maybe you're a blue pilled idiot or communist.
I used to live in multiethnic post-Soviet country.
It was a fucking hell with terror attacks, poor economics and soviet-tier """""(((speech control)))""""" laws.
Now i am lived in 99.9% monoethnic society.
Thanks God for Poland.
Communism is Jewish, socialism is Aryan.
Your reading comprehension is shit, I'm not talking about the Munich agreement, which in no way justified Poland taking Zaolzie.
You appear to be ignorant of when Western allied countries engage in aggressive behavior in the Interwar period, which shows up the whole 'muh land stealing krauts' argument to be hypocritical.
>since taking power in Russia in 1917
Idiot, Stalinism =/= Leninism/Trotskyism. Why do you think he had to purge all the "world revolution" faggots?
flag pussy
Hitler was a great man.
Basically this. They tried to invade the west, but the Poles sent them packing later on.
Peace land and bread my ass.
I don't see how this is a rebuttal of any of my claims... But you are also wrong. Germany invaded Poland on September 1st. The Soviet Union joined the action on September 17th... The war ended less than two weeks later.
I should mention, on balance, that the Poles were definitely in the right when defending against Soviet aggression.
Its too bad how the rest of history panned out.
Greatest story never told wasnt too bad
"hellstorm" fucked me up though
It's only the most important film of all time.
Anecdotal evidence isn't real evidence.
>be me
>a few years ago
>be 'red pilled'
>as in understand Leftism and SJW and mass immigration are not good things
>also think NatSoc fags are nothing but edgy LARPers
>only knowledge of WW2 is secondary school and A Level history
>see TGSNT posted all the time
>decide to watch it in order to debunk it
>start watching it
>realise the hill of beans my knowledge of WW2 amounted too from formal education
>still want to try to debunk it
>12 hours later
>pic related
Not being a pussy but nearly burst into treats at the Rape of Berlin.
Want to say that one more time for the cameras? I just need you to move in front of this really famous gate most Europeans have seen...
>"hellstorm" fucked me up though
it fucked my oma up too man
But the Germans WERE taking land.
I was saying that Hitler wanted to expand east. Everyone knows this. He made a pact with the Soviets as an intermediate step in this plan. The Soviets wouldn't have invaded Poland on their own because of how they got their shit kicked in just 20 years earlier.
Stalin was a commie scum, but he did a good thing: for example, got rid of jewish control and killed Lev "make europeans like white niggers" Trotsky
>I shall at all times be prepared to surrender my life for this oath
Why are Nazis so weird and cultlike? Don't you see how weird this seems to normal people?
Yeah, and the point I'm making is that his form of communism was less of a threat to other countries than Trotskyism would have been
>using baby tier EU4 geopolitical arguments
>secret plans for a war with Germany
>mobilizing one of the largest invasion armies in history on their border
>anecdotal evidence
wew lad
>muh ideological hairsplits
Oh and some of those purges were deserved, one paranoid, power hungry Georgian taking out other pieces of shit.
We get it. Serious commitment kills the normie.
>basing your entire life ideology, values and vision on one biased documentary
Don't argue hypothetical, stick to the facts you fucking leaf. What happened, did. What might have did not. The Soviets invaded, and of discussion. Whether they did or did not due to German intervention is something we can't argue because it would be just as valid to say that the communists who have an active goal of world domination may have decided to try practicing what they openly preach.
>shifting the focus of the discussion
You're either a retard or a shill at this point. Maybe both.
If the sacrifice of one made a better life for the rest of the group, is it not noble?
Would you not give your house to a Asian so that all Asians feel more comfortable with less Canadians?
Because they keep telling me my people won't exist by 2040, and I'll die in a pile of uses brass before I let that happen.
>But the Germans WERE taking land.
That wasn't my point, illiterate leaf.
> toothpaste thinks it's biased because mommy filled his head with lies
Just go and smoke your puff while your sister pimps her ass out.
I'm not the biggest fan of whataboutism
>Yes but what about Stalin's crimes
>Yes but what about Americans lynching black people
>Yes but what about Britain's colonial crimes
>Yeah, and the point I'm making is that his form of communism was less of a threat to other countries than Trotskyism would have been
Explain this shit, because it looks like,on paper, that he starved millions of his own people and had them work like dogs so he could have the shiniest new tanks and weapons. I already told you, according to some German generals like Hoth, it looks like they were gearing up for something.
We didn't even mention the maps of central Europe the Soviets were issued-with phrases in German.
Stalin was a champion of the 'socialism in one country' doctrine. Ironically enpugh that was the more moderate faction within the bolshevik party as opposed to Trotsky who was an advocate for an international perpetual revolution. What do you think the 1936-38 purge of the soviet military brass was for? Generals like Tukhachevsky were veteran officers from Trotsky's redguards and they got btfo despite being good tacticians. Also Stalin was keen to push through his 5year plans for mass industrialisation and the country was broke still broke from the 4year long civil war despite Lenin's NEP.
Stalin signed the ribbentrop-molotov pact because he knew the USSR wouldnt be ready for war by itself until the mid 1940s. Of course nobody is going to pretend Stalin believed longterm peace was possible, but he most certainly was not intending (or ecen capable) in 1941 or before that.
And you don't have to be a Nazi to know that Hitler was right