HAHAHAH holy kek
Trevor Noah the "comedian" just criticized antifa and leftists are flipping their shit
The salt mines are glorious hahahah
HAHAHAH holy kek
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Trevor Noah is just listening to his shekel overlords. Never forgive anyone in the media.
They're cannibalizing each other
I know but it's simply too funny to see leftists squirm in pain and become salty once again, i just find it pleasing to see leftists suffering.
Looks like Shaun King has a long lost brother
I've never liked Trevor Noah's show. But what did he say?
C R E mullins really changed my opinion desu senpai
He literally said "antifa is the 'Vegan ISIS'"
he also condemned their violence, that's fucking it but leftists are acting like if Trevor literally installed a fourth reich.
we antifa now
Frog-sage Justu PEPE....Master of Nature Chakra, will be Hokage one day, Believe IT!
so I though "Bloody Honey's picture was a giant black man's head on two tiny chicken legs
This is the reason why the right becomes so much more powerful than the left when they organize.
The right does not fracture as much between each other like the left.
It's good that he did that. Liberals need to denounce communists and socialists the same way that conservatives need to denounce nazi's and white nationalists.
>Wtf I hate Trevor Noah now.
He said "hey guys, assaulting people and property is bad."
You can understand how people would be upset at this.
It's here
literally who? why do we need a thread everytime a non-white says something? oven yourself OP
Remember, folks -- This pile-on on antifa is a lot of fun to watch, but it's basically just further evidence of the fakeness of the mainstream media. It's all a controlled narrative. While this is not new information for Sup Forums, we should use this to open some Leftist eyes to reality. They are fighters and we could use some of them fighting for the truth, instead of the piles of horse shit they've been fighting for.
Lefties can't handle the bants.
>Peter Coffin
I've fapped to his blow up doll wife numerous times
Full blown trump derangement syndrome
I absolutely refuse to believe these people are being serious. Its absolutely incredible. I always wondered why these people were so desperate to oust Trump when he has not actually done anything wrong and now they're calling an openly liberal, Trump hating TV presenter a "fascist collaborator" because he does not support their group.
Its scary how they cannot see how they look to the average person. How can someone look in the mirror and believe they are fighting for an objective good when they would quite happily kill those they do not agree with if they had the chance.
I guarantee that fucking nigger has never read a single work of his. I laugh at them chimping out on twitter but nothing makes my blood boil more than some pseudo-intellectual ape doing this shit.
There's a guy I follow on twitter who has a high position in Microsoft who keeps retweeting retarded pro-antiifa shit like this.
Can we get him fired now that Antifa is now a terrorist organisation?
> The right does not fracture as much between each other like the left.
So we finally agree that Chie is WORST girl and Rise is for Tradwife?
>denounce white nationalists
Maintaining what has been the dominant demographic in any given country is important for social cohesion. Countries are reflections of the people living within them.
National Socialism is stupid.
i love seeing the alt-left eat each other. You can't win with leftists. Their underlying model is based on constant victimization so they look for ways to be oppressed and seek to find oppressors. They don't care who, anyone can be their target even their comrades.
Let this be a lesson to Leftypol, you slip up just one time and you become the enemy of the left. Meanwhile, the right loves bantz and although we talk shit to our own, but we LOVE a redemption story
Yo dem Zars was black mah nigga
Nothing worse than a nigger who thinks she's russian because she was able to grasp the first few pages of the manifesto. That's by far the cringiest shit in that photo.
That bread comment is the fucking stupidest thing I've read all week.
he's the guy that wrote the communist manifesto right?
i love that guy.
1 chin for every 1 opinion changed. I belive.
this is what happens when the propaganda office changes its tune way too often
I have a bud in the FBI and he tells me the antifa has been compromised for years.
Lmao these people are insane
They are so quick to jump on anyone who steps outside of their cult for even one second
Neogaf is flipping out about this, too!
It was retarded of the media to deny the existence of antifa violence just to attack trump.
What an absolute faggot too
You're thinking of Groucho Engels.
>liberal cannibalization thread
Truely the most comfy threads
holy shit that guy is so unfunny
it's really quite fascinating
Point being she probably couldn't even get through parts of TCM and just heard the name Dostoyesvsky and thought it would be cool and "rebelling" when, like the other user said, she probably hasn't read shit and just cracked a book open, saw "oh more free gibs sounds good" and went full on commie like a literal retard. It's just a testament to how these young idiots lack any depth whatsoever.
>why denounce white nationalists?
Because in practice you can't separate 14 from 88. Privately, almost all white nationalists are National Socialists.
I don't see how anyone can be in support of the violent left after last Sunday.
Yeah, just like Zelda is the guy in the green hat.
Spend a moment and think about what National Socialism is.
Consider that the US was effectively a White ethnostate until 1965.
It can and has been done, NatSoc is a recent invention by comparison.
The way to fix the demographics now is to disincentivize migrant births through removal of welfare, change immigration policies to favor merit based/European countries.
It's easy and peaceful.
5 bucks to the guy who asks her what her favorite Dostoevsky novel is
post results
most googles know how to google. 5 bucks lost
The irony is that Dostoevsky fucking hated progressives in Russia. He wasn't a fan of the Tsars either, but his biggest problem was with the overtly violent progressives
Dostoevsky wrote War and Peice
Spengler wrote the communist manifesto.
what if a non-European country turns out to be more meritorious?
I agree about demographics and immigration policy. The problem is if you start palling around with white nationalists, it won't be long before they start giving "Roman" salutes and flashing swastikas. In principle there's no reason for this, but white nationalism is such a fringe belief that it attracts dysfunctional people who can't help but LARP as the Third Reich. It's unfortunate.
>theyre cannibalizing eachother!!!
says increasingly nervous man for the 8th time this year
>Trevor Noahs best ratings was his first show
I.e. his best night is when people tuned in for Jon Stewart accidently. If he was smart, maybe he would stop pandering to the leftist mobs.
They all change directions together, like a flock of birds or a school of fish. I don't believe any of them anymore.
>not denouncing white nationalists
Have fun getting mossa'd.
What the FUCK is that CRE Mullins thing at the bottom?
combine it with overall less immigration. 100K chinese people a year is better than 1 Million Mestizos a year.
Canada's immigration system wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that we import 1% of the population each year.
the important think is that meritorious K selected people will breed less than R selected people, so overall merit based people will breed less so its better to have indians and chinese than mestizos
The main issue is that in a world of (((human rights))) where all people are seen as equal to the point that people demand equal outcomes, all of the K selected populations of the world will end up being overun by africans who have 8 kids, its inevitable in a world of open borders where we also value every human life equally for the entire world to become africans who can't feed themselves.
Unity is a weakness, decentralization is a strength.
The mainstream establishment distanced themselves from them because Antifa was recently labeled as a terrorist organization by the DHS and FBI.
How are there not more comments about Peter Coffin lmao where my oldfags at
>vegan ISIS
Take a look at Trevor Noah's Twitter comments. Leftists are freaking the fuck out.
I haven't seen butthurt of this magnitude since election night.
>Watch this
>Pretty sure those were Sup Forumsacks larping.
Naoto>Chie>Rise>Teddie in a dress>Yukiko.
I like Yukiko, but she's bland as hell.
I liked Trevor Noah.
Then I went to see him live. The nigger should fucking hang.
>Jeff Covfefe
What did he mean by this?
If (((they))) are doing this, this means Antifa is or already fucked up (((The Narritive))). Let's see if Antifa backs down, or if they try another tactic.
Holy shit what a cesspool of communist cancer.
It's been amazing how coordinated the entire media and political establishment has been with this. I wonder if the lefties will ever wake up and stop following these people.
My nigga
White nationalism is literally what this country was founded on, National Socialism is Germanic ethnonationalism.
but did the audience in the studio laugh? You know damn well they did because when the sign said APPLAUSE or LAUGH they did what they were told.
Shhhh. The more they talk the more they drive average Joe American to the right.