What is Sup Forums's opinion on euthanasia?

In the Netherlands it's regulated and it takes allot of effort to euthanize them.

In my opinion euthanasia should be
>100% free
>Prescribed in extreme cases
>Immediately available to everyone >18yo

The only moral point taken against this, is by religious freaks claiming that life is sacred.

That small minority in civilized countries should be ignored for the greater good.

The benefits are immense from an economic and social point of view. These people tend to be a huge drain the economy and their immediate surroundings.

There is literally not a single good argument against this..

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only for jews.

If it's just going to be years of pain and futile therapies give me the gun

Yup. If i want to kill myself i don't want to throw myself in front of a fucking train, upsetting my friends and family, instead of getting myself a letal injection with all my friends there. The government can provide this for me. That's what's freedom is like.

>100% free
fuck off commie

NATURAL SELECTION. KILL all retards, people with brain fuck ups, drug addicts, people who can't figure out how to use a fucking lighter. GEEEAWD! People spend millions of dollars on saving the lives of retards, and why. I don't buy that shit like "oh hes my son though!" so the fuck what, he ain't normal, kill him, put him out his misery. He is only a waste of time and money, then people say "But he is worth the time, he is human too" no he isn't, if he was then he would swallow a bullet cause he would realize what a fucking waste and burden he was.

That's a given.
Exactly my thoughts.

>The government can provide this for me. That's what's freedom is like.
Literally the dumbest shit I've ever read here

"There’s no such thing as brain death; it’s an invention of transplant medicine." -Professor Franco Rest

What they aren’t telling you is that your organs must be alive when they take them out of you. Even a master surgeon won’t be able to bring dead organs back to life. If transplanted into a living body, they won’t start functioning again either. So your body is just as alive, just as functional, as it was before your brain stopped working. “That means organ removal is a form of murder!” you cry out, appalled. Yes. That’s exactly what it is.
And that’s what it was, until the day in 1968 when a commission at Harvard University decided that there is such a thing as ‘brain death’, a state from which the patient can never recover, finding themselves in an irreversible coma. The basis for this decision lay in the heart transplants first carried out by the South African Christiaan Barnard on December 3rd 1967. They naturally entailed taking a living, beating heart from an accident victim or someone in the final stages of illness, and therefore killing them.

The patient is normally tightly strapped down during all of this, because the living body rises up and tries to defend itself against the outrage being inflicted on it. An anaesthetist injects muscle relaxants into the body; in Switzerland they go so far as to administer a general anaesthetic. The German Organ Transplantation Foundation recommends the use of fentanyl, an artificial opiate, “to optimise the surgical procedure”. Fentanyl is around one hundred times stronger than morphine. Food for thought! A rise in blood pressure, pulse and adrenalin can all be measured in these supposedly dead bodies: during normal operations, these would all be seen as unambiguous signs of pain and distress.

Even the methods used to diagnose ‘brain death’ cause unnecessary, even inhuman pain to people who are not really dead, and therefore still sensitive to pain. These include pricking the inside of the nose, irritating the cornea using a blunt object, exerting firm pressure on the eyeball, pouring ice-cold water into the ear canals, and irritating the bronchi with a catheter. Sometimes, medical staff go so far as to conduct an angiography, 2 which in living donors can lead to anaphylactic shock resulting in death.

Last of all comes the respiratory failure (apnoea) test. The doctors switch off artificial ventilation and observe whether a breathing reflex sets in in the next four to ten minutes. If that doesn’t happen (in the meantime, oxygen is being fed directly into the trachea), the patient is declared to be ‘brain dead’.

But not really dead, as transplantation specialist Werner Hanne stresses in his writings. He explains: “When it comes to ‘organ production’, the apnoea test is the riskiest: the patient must not ‘really die’ during this test (circulatory collapse). If this happens, resuscitation will be attempted if necessary. If the apnoea test proves negative, i.e. there is no spontaneous respiration, then the two doctors present, by means of their signatures and a date and time, transform a patient who was alive up until that moment into a ‘corpse’ from whom organs can be removed.”

“If the patient still isn’t brain dead after all these tests (for example if respiration restarts), then it’s just their hard luck having had to go through this torture twice. The patient is then regarded as a ‘normal’ coma patient again. However, the tests will be repeated at a later date. And the time of death is perfectly flexible. If one weekend, for example, no one is available who is qualified to diagnose brain death, then the assessment of death will be correspondingly postponed. The paradox: the heart-lung machine saves the patient, two signatures kill them.”

All the more horrifying, then, that on many occasions, ‘brain dead’ patients have come back to life

This had been picked up on by public prosecutors in several countries, who made a case for wilful killing. Something had to be done otherwise legal constraints would put a stop to organ transplantation. So it came to be that – in hospital – a human being is no longer dead when their pulse and respiration have ceased once and for all, rigor mortis and livor mortis have set in, and spirit and soul have visibly left the body. Instead, it is when the brain ceases to function. According to the doctors, this is the point at which the warm, breathing, heart-still-beating body can be wheeled into the operating theatre – to be taken apart with scalpel, saw, hammer and chisel. Blood shoots out in high fountains, and to quieten the still-living organism, 15 litres of ice-cold water are poured as quickly as possible into the torso. The organs are then cut out one by one.


d66 shill get the fuck out

The problem with euthanasia is that old people in hospitals get this option thrown at them, which causes them to believe they are unwanted and they might opt out of life on the wrong basis

we should instead incentivize people to take care of their elderly instead of having people put in homes

Implying that they aren't unwanted?

that's a terrible way to look at life

If someone wants to die, why would they go through years of therapy and torture when they can just drink bleach, cut jugular, etc

It's mostly their own fault though. They chose either not to have children or raise their children to be individualistic.

Also if you are weak enough to be coerced into suicide, you kinda deserve it desu.

you're a disgusting human being, and a clear example of what is wrong in dutch politics

You're the retard restricting my freedom to kill myself in peace

I don't care, people who want to kill themselves are either weak minded pussies or terminally ill. Terminally ill shouldn't have to suffer and the weak minded pussies shouldn't make the world suffer so both should be allowed to. In fact I think we should encourage euthanasia for the mentally ill and drug addicts honestly seeing as both are drains on everyone.

you can still kill yourself, retard

all you need is alcohol and sleeping pills

How can someone stop you from killing yourself?

But euthanasia violates the NAP

I think of the greater good. These people drag down our overall worth. Politicians should adhere this.

Let me guess you also want more refugees? You voted SP?

They're restricting me from dying in front of my friends and family. If i take a legal injection in front of my family they're going to jail.

Not sure about the details like free or not, but def pro. People who don't have to deal with chronic pain can fuck right off.

You can go blow your brains out in front of your family right now if you're really that greedy of a person. Nobody is stopping you.

"these people" are a part of our people
one day you will be a part of "these people"

and no i didn't vote for a commie party, where did that fucking come from

>wanting to traumatize your family like that

just take some fucking pills and die in your sleep, idiot

Why would i want to lay that burden on my family?

The moment i become weak enough and lonely enough that suicide is a viable option. By al means please end it. Anyone with an ounce of self respect should do the same.

At least half of the people who are against it because they think that's a conservative thing to do, will be begging for it when their time comes. That's all I have to say on this topic, gl.

I have no idea, maybe you're mentally ill. Should talk to a shrink m8, I'm just pointing out that you can kill yourself anytime you want and you can do it in front of your family if you're the much of a narcissist, force them to watch you die if that's really what you want.

do it yourself

That's why we need euthanasia completely legalized and easy to do.

Why would i want them to watch me blow my brains out? That's a trauma they'll never forget.

It's already easy to kill yourself you coward, why haven't you done it yet? Too scared to do it yourself? Imagine being that much of a failure at life kek

You stop suffering and lay it on the shoulders of people who love you. I'm not a religious nut but I'm an anti-narcissist-nut. Do it yourself.

the law isn't preventing you from buying some sleeping pills and alcohol, you moron

there's a myriad of ways of killing yourself that the law can't stop. what you're advocating for is doctor's killing old patients after convincing them it's the right way to go and that's fucking disgusting


He clearly means that dying in bed with people you love and making the choice with them is less traumatic for them than blowing your brains out in the attic.

How do you not get this?

Why would you want them to watch you die at all? So you can feel special watching them cry as you die?

If you want kill yourself do it yourself coward.

Yes please.

What if i'm not in the position to do these things?
Sleeping pills and alcohol also don't guarantee a clean safe painless death.

Plenty of people want to end it but their isn't a viable option to do it. The government should provide this.

I do get it and I think it's hilarious and pathetic. Imagine being so much of a pussy that you want to kill yourself but you won't do it alone because you're too special for that. I would be happy if you and the other pussy ate a bullet right now but you won't because you're cowards who need mama there to comfort you.

No, most people actually really prefer it to be with their relatives when they die instead of them jumping in front of a train?

That's pretty greedy wanting to force your relatives to watch you die. Just go kill yourself right now pussy.

That's a very selfish way to die. As an empathetic person i want to lessen the trauma they will endure as much as i can.

You are either completely autistic or a full blown psychopath if you don't understand this.

I think it should be banned if you are over 21 since you are too valuable to society at that point. You have a long work life but you just used up states resources in schooling.

You can't do it yourself.

Holy kill yourself you pathetic edgelord

No one wants their friend to jump in front of a train but rather be with them in their last moment

>What if i'm not in the position to do these things?
how the fuck would you not be in the position to take some alcohol and some pills, but you would be in a position to sign a euthanization form?

>Sleeping pills and alcohol also don't guarantee a clean safe painless death.
they do if you're old and weak

you're just coming up with very bad excuses to defend your position. you are either dishonest about your true intentions, or you are are indoctrinated

>Plenty of people want to end it but their isn't a viable option to do it. The government should provide this.
fuck off communist fuck

literally nothing is stopping you

Yeah, it's impossible for one man to kill himself without help.




Want to lessen the trauma, go in the woods and do it alone you attentionwhore. I'm not a psychopath, I'm just tired of you suicidal pussies. Kill yourself or stfu, you're worse attention whores than women.

>I can't kill myself unless it's legal and a doctor does it because the last thing I want to see before I die is my family mourning

Seriously, put up or shut up. People need to stop kissing your asses.

What did he meme by this?


I would love for you to jump in front of a train. You won't though because you're a coward. I'm sorry I'm not feeding into your narcissism like everyone else does. Maybe if you're parents had treated you like a man we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Suicide should be stigmatized, not legitimized in laws. Same as abortion.

>wanting your friends to see you die

that's fucking disgusting, why would you want to traumatize your friends like that?

You're really good at making excuses. Go talk to a therapist faggot, you obviously don't want to die.

Too old to visit the store but not old enough to write. Like the average 85yo?
I'm not suicidal. I think euthanasia is an effective way to cull the "herd".

Because he's a narcissist.

>I think euthanasia is an effective way to cull the "herd"

I know, which is why I called you a disgusting human being

Abortion should be enforced. You want all these niggers to get more babies? What is wrong with you.

Lol i don't want to die you retard

Other people do want to die and do it in front of their friends to spare them from terrible sadness and tragedy

>can't move arms
>can't move legs
>can't even not breath due to ventilator
>somehow can kill himself

If you're 85 and can't figure out how to kill yourself you're a fucking idiot. 85 year olds have plenty of top class drugs to go out on. I'm glad America doesn't kill off it's elderly.

abortion is murder you psychopath

just deport all non european foreigners, don't kill their babies that's disgusting and cruel

so you can't sign a euthanasia consent form?
great way to kill your own argument, faggot

Those other people should realize nobody wants to watch them die unless they hate the person. Terminally ill are the only ones who should get assisted suicide. Coward should have to do it themselves alone.

>The government can provide this for me.
>That's what's freedom is like.

No because euthanasia is ILLEGAL!

Way to lose an argument loser.

All unwanted people should be removed with most extreme force. I'm glad politicians are getting to see this.

You can namecall all you want but a good person looks after the well being of the group not the individual.

>kill people in your own group
>"guys i'm just looking after the group"

you're mentally retarded and a complete psychopath

Lol complete nonsense, everyone of the families of the (mostly) terminally ill people that eventually kills themself in those situations actually want to spend their last moments with their loved ones

Guess (((who)))'s pushing it?

Only the unwanted ones should be killed.
Can you give me 1 argument based on facts not feeling?

That's why I specifically said terminally ill people should be allowed assisted suicide.

the term "unwanted" is based on feelings and you tell me to give you an argument based on facts

you're not as clever as you think you are


Who decides who is unwanted and what makes someone unwanted?

Pretty slippery slope.

if they wanna die they can kill them selves right?
why burden some poor overworked doctor with becoming an angel of death.

fucking psychopath you are. worse than niggers.

You clearly know which term i'm referring to when i say "unwanted". You also didn't answer my question.

I'm ok with that, i don't think anybody should just be allowed to kill themselves because they feel depressed

Because thats impossible

>You clearly know
no i don't faggot, i can't place myself in the shoes of an actual psychopath

>euthanasia becomes legal
>half of lgbt and many illegals start paperwork with no intent of going through with it

That's exactly what would happen much more than people with terminal diseases choosing to go out on their own terms and you fucking know I'm right.

Yeah I was thinking we were in agreement

1 hint WW2 and a certain bright man with a funny moustache. You clearly didn't pay any attention during history class?

All this people are morons. I use to worry we would have a second civil war, and after reading this and Daily STORMER i'VE COME TO REALIZE ONE THING, YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF FUCKING MORONS!

why are you so scared of just saying "jews"

>No doctor should be forced to practice it if he/she doesn't want to.
>No one should be suggesting it to you or trying to influence you in any way.
>You should be able to opt in for it if you decide so on your own terms.
It's that simple, idk what the fuss is about.

fuck off boomer

Do you truly believe we are anonymous here?

I think if you make euthanasia easy and legal in Europe, the white population would skydive even more

gas the jews
all niggers must hang

what the fuck are you scared of you dumb faggot

>What is Sup Forums's opinion on euthanasia?
mandatory for jews, arabs and black people

You really going to let Jew rats control you that much?

The amount of stupidity in this place never stops growing, every new red pill fat turd living in his mothers basement, hating on white woman (the same females they require to maintain their dna in the game), the happier I am. You guys are creating your own destruction, and Sup Forums has a live record of it. I FUCKING LOVE IT, YOU GUYS ARE SO FUCKING STUPID YOU DON'T EVEN REALIZE IT.

You think tip toeing around the subject and saying it straight up have any difference?
If you're being monitored they'll know regardless of how you say it