Get Israel Out of our Government

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Signed. This needs to get big.


mother fucking


had a day in court today, more details being revealed about the paki spy ring he was running in the US congress and military!

Embarassing! Let's watch the justice system in action!


George Webb is mossad

fuck off Mossad nobody cares about George Webb.



Bernie Sanders doesn't:

You know, you actually have to stay in Israel for 3 months to get Israeli citizenship.

t. eligible descendant


bump for MAGA


Signed as promised. Thank you OP and creator of petition.

Tired of being a Jew slave.

>implying that burgers have real freedums


Israelites, hebrews, jews, they are one of the cultures that compose our world history, they have a rich culture and religion. They shall prosper.

They shall NOT have control over other people, culture or religions, and they shall not conspire to throw all the rest of the nations under their feet and exercise domination over them.

Talmudism is the poision of the jewish people, not content with having an honorable tradition and ancient linage, they seek to destroy their brothers, the other nations and religions. They shall not pass.

Never consider your culute superior to any other, for every culture presserves in itself a treasure, the ancient tale of world creation.



more signatures coming later from my very limited social network. At least four.

How many other countries accept dual-citizenship leaders?

>Never consider your C U L U T E superior to any other
then why are you a Nazi flag?

That's a long debate my man.

Food for the mind:

Only one republicunt. . .
No, post all of them. Which still won't work for all the fucking christcucks that love sucking mutilated jew dick.

>online petitions

do they even work? has any online petition ever changed anything?

Alex Jones might (don't hold your breath) advertise this petition. I've heard him bitch about zionist control of the US a couple of times. Maybe some other e-celebs.

not holding my breath at all

This is a major security flaw. Israelis, Saudis, Mexicans, Indians, and others have proven this.


I'm glad I finally took the 2 minutes to make this, been thinking about it for a while. This is a huge issue that needs some light shined on it.






This thread deserves a hearthy bump

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was there any happening today?
>see you in september

don't think so.

>2% of the population
>6% of representatives
>13% of senators
>33% of supreme court justices

why is jewish privilege not a meme?

it should be meem'd hard

Herb Kohl hasn't been a US senator for over four years...

Fuck Israel


they aren't even good neighbors



Are people really stupid enough to think that all (any) these people are actually citizens of Israel...???

kill yourself kike.

No I'm serious. None of these people hold dual citizenship. They're just Jewish. You really think this is going to attract anyone?

Yeah I do.

Sorry kike, ur days are numbered.

??? I'm not a kike ??? If you're just interested in the echo chamber of /pol and not interested in impacting the real world with the change it needs then by all means continue doing what you're doing...

As always, Sup Forums will continue being Sup Forums and as always we will raise awareness on this issue.

Right I agree with raising awareness of the Israeli lobby's power, but starting a petition to stop dual citizenship against a bunch of people who don't have dual citizenship is simply an exercise in futility. We have to be honest.

Listen, man. Just stop...This petition is going to continue so this conversation is pointless.

you have a point (maybe?), do it yourself, do it better, with reliable and checkable sources

It can continue but you're just making us look stupid by claiming every single Jew in congress is an Israeli citizen. We're just going to look like loons.

>not knowing that national socialism makes no such claims.

the dual citizenship is not the issue. The issue is the bought and paid for support and the foreign wars we fight for Israel. These are sponsored and waged by non Jewish neocons and washinton insiders, so if we got rid of every Jew from congress, it would still be a bought and paid for lobby for Israel. Just a stupid effort overall that will make it look like we don't check facts.

falafel, bye


Here's politifact debunking this list. If we just want to make things up and have others in our echo chamber cheer us on we can do that I suppose. I would rather have facts and logic on our side...

Please archive those

Yes only a Jew wouldn't get on board with something that isn't true, or examine an issue beyond the most superficial sense. John McCain is not on that list, nor is Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. They are more zionist than the Jews on that list. I'm saying even if you accomplished your goal you won't have solved the problem.

sorry dad.


You're an idiot for being serious

you have plenty of good points, It's ok for you to point the weakneses, but it is better for you to provide an alternative o solution

>I would rather have facts and logic on our side...
so get working user...



Even though the last person that tried to label the predecessor to AIPAC a foreign agent got domed, this is some needed shit.


Ya'll arguing against it just don't understand. The point of the petition isn't to cause any harmful blows or to get Jews out of government, because honestly a silly petition doesn't have that power.

The point is to promote something that would seem common sense for normies, and then if you can get the kikes kvetching over it the JQ will become mainstream.

this seems to be the happening of today btw:

This image has been debunked before, though. None of those people have dual citizenship. OP is likely a kike shill trying to discredit the legitimate grievance of our unwavering bipartisan loyalty to (((them))) and is trying to spread fake news to delegitimize those claims.

Fuck you OP

These Zionists pigs slithered from the KHAZARS into Europe and pretended to be real Israelites while inventing our current banking system. Get these Rothschild fucks outta here man. End the Fed!




only a jew would oppose this petition.


My name is Steve Israel and I'm from Israel.



Signed and bumped.


If you would kindly post proof that these representatives hold dual citizenship I would gladly join you in the fight against the kikes.

Nah, fuck all the kikes

>Steve Israel

>jews were expelled

is it now?It would be hella cool, like just imagine Israel so fucking full of jews it turns into an IRL ghetto

If you would kindly stop shilling and maybe do something that helps the world instead of being subversive kikes we wouldnt have to make petitions like these.


>Asking for proof = shilling
Go suck on a can of bug spray kike.

Ok retard.

If you provide proof you will have an ally but otherwise you can GTFO with your shitty hopeless campaign.

You must have proof.

You know what the sad part about shills like you is? After months and months and months, you still use the same 5 pictures to claim he's a zionist. You realize that right?

btw, the swastika and the "star of david" both have ancient ties india, jews just addapted them

swastika was firstly found in Mezien, Ukrain 12.000 years ago

second oldest swastika found to this day dates back to 11.000 years ago, found in india (Harappa I think, I don't remember)

Dig user, dig.