Whats the best utility for email? Is it AOL or Yahoo? Whats the best browser for security? How do I keep the Illuminati from building an automatically generated profile on me replete with my identity and all the gay shit I've searched up over the years?
How to stay Anonymous Online
Other urls found in this thread:
chrome and gmail
hide in plain sight, goy
Be fat and unimportant and you should be fine
google should make a google waifu to keep you unstable faggots occupied
I only support this if it's cute.
If you're posting on here it's already too late.
There is no way. If you need to search something that is wrongthink you have to develop every step of your plan first, use burner equipment, and work fast
They created the internet, they know everything everyone does.
it would be more accurate to say, "they could know anything anyone does," the information is there in various forms and trivial to intercept but for the most part nobody is looking at
Yes, because your right-wing memes and trap porn will make federal agencies waste time and money investigating you. Retard.
Only browse boring ass as fuck websites. Make the Watchers Who Follow In The Shadows cry when they track your movements online because you are so boring and so vanilla.
install gentoo
Hide in plain sight works when they can only afford to collect information on the most suspicious people, and they can only afford to analyze the data on the most suspicious of the most suspicious.
When you give your information to google or any other megacorp you actually make them money and they analyze all of it with algorithms and sell it to their intelligence partners. You're like a bacteria under an electron microscope. In plain sight but not hiding in the slightest.
Google's datacenters are bigger than the utah dc which everyone was blabbering about years ago. The scale is huge, and Microsoft/Amazon have DCs on the same scale. Google was mad that the NSA was wiretapping them because it meant they were getting the data for free instead of buying it like everyone else, not because they care about the privacy of their user.
Microsoft could just bundle unedited Tay with Windows 11 and we'd never bother anyone else again.
Use something like Kali Linux on a live USB as in run it as not installed, the OS personal data will terminate every shut down. Use something like truecrupt and share the unlock key with the person who you plan to have contact with. Send the encrypted files however you want I guess.
Too much time on Sup Forums. Can't tell if this is a legitimate post.
Outlook. Encrypt an email and send it from the client, rather than the OWA.
Not that one. Owner left because (((they))) wanted him to add a backdoor.
Also, no one is gonna mention ProtonMAIL? (I'm still thinking this is just someone looking for programs and services to monitor..)
Do you know any other software to encrypt? I want too encrypt a file that contains porn before my gf moves in with me.
Tonata or however the heck it's spelt, proton mail is not secure anymore (((they))) hacked it in 2014, cockli is aswell you don't have that many opinions left, surely don type your real phone number into an email if you wanna go full secure, But remember your computer chips has back doors Linux might be safe from this, you could try Korora Linux, deepin,manjaro, peppermint.mint, solus has Trojans so that's not a good one, Ubuntu is another standard easy good one aswell. But also remember your modem is also unsecure anonymity is almost impossible lots of time to do anything buy a VPN encrytped modem if you want some what of protection. 150 bucks on amazon, sorry for the autism but use this as a guide try installing water fox as a new browser with ublock plus, have fun it's hard I don't do it myself I just know the knowledge.
just make a new partition on your HD and hide it
Step 1 : Always run a VM for whatever you do
Step 2 : Use Brave or IceCat for Web browsing and keep behind a proxy or buy a VPN. Also disable Javascript and block ads.
Step 3 : Encrypt everything
Sells your data... Stay away from Canonical Builds.
I only have one hard drive in my PC.
Tor Browser Bundle is cutting edge in privacy and security technology.
Pretty slow though, and a lot of sites won't work properly
>encrypted modem
Install custom firmware (DD-WRT), or use an old computer as a router. Enable PfSense (FireWall).
You split this single hdd. This is refered to as creating a new partition
you can make a partition without reformatting, that will shrink your HD
having only a C: is dangerous behavior, plus you don't need a big c: for your computer to work properly
Show me wise ones?
>Show me wise ones?
YouTube is a thing....
Get an Oprea.
(for free)
Turn on VPN.
(for free)
Not all powerful but mostly enought. It won't help you if you are already suspitious, but may help you not to become suspicious.
Sorry for the english, I'm too lazy to look up the right spelling. You cannot post but good for everithing else.
search for how to make partitions in (your OS) on Youtube
Anyone know an extension for Safari that helps with anti-anti-adblocking scripts that websites use to frustrate loading if you are running an ad-blocker? I downloaded one and it doesn't seem to work.
for example
>tfw you slowly indoctrinate normies and spies into your hivemind by just browsing the internet and shitposting here
>Turn on VPN.
>(for free)
I use PIA, like 7 bucks a month, and WAY better than the free IP offerings..
Use /Tor, it being an FBI honeypot is nothing more than a meme user.
Arch Linux + router with custom firmware + cock.li email
Also make sure you do a full disk encryption during install with a 32 character minimum password AFTER filling the entire drive with random data (write /dev/random to drive)
>Implying you can be anonymous ever on the internet.
Using it sealed your fate dumbass.
Greasemonky or Tampermonky work in Safari? If so, the "Anti-AdBlock Killer" script by REEK works for me...
This is a daily discussion over on Sup Forums
If you think that it's a honeypot then google "Tor stinks".
The NSA, in internal presentations, admitted they couldn't defeat it reliably
Also use a browser based on Chromium (but not Chrome) and browser add-ons that deal with ads and tracking like Ublock Origin.
TempleOS protects you from the wrath of CIA niggers
Pretty sure it has no web browser or even networking capabilities, so yeah, it would 100% protect you from internet spying
Thank you
I connect vpn (openvpn, tcp) via tor and never use any account or my real id.
join NSA or FBI and investiage others while begin above the law
100% this. Get on it anons. I wont be happy until the US intelligence services are entirely made up of pol autists
>never use any account or my real id
First thought when I saw the OP.
>>>Sure, ask now after you have a FB, G+, and Twitter has your real phone number. Kek
I constantly forget that so many people haven't been on the net since the early/mid 90's like me. Being an user and private was paramount. Anything passed A/S/L (In the later days) was fairly taboo in open boards. Now mother fuckers constantly have their fucking noses in FB and Twitter posting where they are, and what lunch they are shitting out. Sickens me.
end thread
End self
End world peace.
Yeah I never put my shit in those sites. I don't use social media and when Google asked for my phone number of course I did not give them that either. I'm just worried that If I ever become a public figure or the figurehead of a movement/ something like that then google will slip the gobment a line and be like 'hey, heres your dirt!' ... I dont want to see that happen obviously lol
>just worried that If I ever become a public figure or the figurehead of a movement/ something like that
Delusions of grandeur.
Now you're talking!
who the fuck cares,plenty of ways, internet is purpusefully not, you should question who fucking traces you
the idea of having a interconnected network obviously assumes some idiot isn't abusing it
there are tons of ways to make hidden networks, but that is not the point
OP was just naively posting in the wrong board. Cut the fag some slack.
Anytime, faggy senpai.