WHITE degeneracy thread

Post the most worst degeneracy of whites

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that brought a smile to my face

Her name is elin krantz, bitch probably enjoyed getting raped and killed by a nigger.
I say it should be morally right to rape a mudsharker or muslim fucker .


>be middle class
>federal government extorts millions per working household to pay for people who don't want to work to exist

Yeah, sounds pretty degenerate if you ask me.

You are a retard, that was not the same person. Stop posting this picture. It only harms the anti-multicult moviment.

>be a muslim nigger
>no money, no food
>dying out of starvation
>"wellfare check"
>no more hunger
>rape white schoolgirls with full belly.
>yay white government system, praise allah.
>the end.

shut the fuck up shill.

Fuck you fake news it was the same person.