We will not tolerate the existence of Nazis any more. These are our demands:
1) All Klansmen, NeoNazis, Stormfronters, and members of other such organizations will be executed with the same fair trial pigs have given to People of Color. Which is to say, none at all.
2) All corporations will be nationalized without compensation. If this fucks up your 401(k), good. There will be no more profiting from the capitalist-imperialism. All private wealth greater than $1 million will also be confiscated. All wealth possessed by white cis-males will be redistributed to People of Color, with no limit. All of it was stolen from oppressed peoples around the world, nothing belongs to you.
3) All white cis-males will be required to register with us. We will determine who is a white cis-male, there will be no appeal. You will be banned from government, management, the military, STEM, or any job you regard as high status. Exceptions for allies of the Resistance may be granted by us, but don't count on it. Even white male allies are still white cis-males. Your privilege is at an end.
4) White cis-males should undergo vasectomy or other forms of sterilization. White non cis-males may have brown babies, and have suffered at the hands of white cis-males, and so will be protected. The white race is inherently evil, privileged, genocidal, war-mongering, and capitalistic. The elimination of your kind is so obviously desireable that we are disturbed it has taken the forces of history this long to eliminate you. You call this white genocide, but it is not. It is self-defense against the genocide you have forced on People of Color since the beginning of recorded history. We are better than you, so we will not eliminate you through mass-killings. We will do it with a simple sterilization of your white cis-males.