We will not tolerate the existence of Nazis any more. These are our demands:

We will not tolerate the existence of Nazis any more. These are our demands:

1) All Klansmen, NeoNazis, Stormfronters, and members of other such organizations will be executed with the same fair trial pigs have given to People of Color. Which is to say, none at all.

2) All corporations will be nationalized without compensation. If this fucks up your 401(k), good. There will be no more profiting from the capitalist-imperialism. All private wealth greater than $1 million will also be confiscated. All wealth possessed by white cis-males will be redistributed to People of Color, with no limit. All of it was stolen from oppressed peoples around the world, nothing belongs to you.

3) All white cis-males will be required to register with us. We will determine who is a white cis-male, there will be no appeal. You will be banned from government, management, the military, STEM, or any job you regard as high status. Exceptions for allies of the Resistance may be granted by us, but don't count on it. Even white male allies are still white cis-males. Your privilege is at an end.

4) White cis-males should undergo vasectomy or other forms of sterilization. White non cis-males may have brown babies, and have suffered at the hands of white cis-males, and so will be protected. The white race is inherently evil, privileged, genocidal, war-mongering, and capitalistic. The elimination of your kind is so obviously desireable that we are disturbed it has taken the forces of history this long to eliminate you. You call this white genocide, but it is not. It is self-defense against the genocide you have forced on People of Color since the beginning of recorded history. We are better than you, so we will not eliminate you through mass-killings. We will do it with a simple sterilization of your white cis-males.

Other urls found in this thread:



Eat a dick faggots


Nice statist bait.

Fake and gay


get drone striked faggot

How does it feel that your astroturfed movement is now being turned on by the big governments, corporations and media groups that always propped you up?

Lmaoing@your "movement".

Niggers, faggots, and trannies all deserve to fucking burn

I really, really, really like this image

"Well the time it is coming for them to get a message of their own, Donald Trump is the ultimate punishment and WE ARE HIS FUCKING EXECUTIONERS, I think it's quite conservitave to say that Tens of Thousands of Men are anxiously awaiting for the words to fall out of the right persons mouth telling us the wait is over, and we can fulfill our purpose in life by competing to see who can kill the most Communist. We are not weak or gentle or unaware of what is being done to us, we are the same ruthless monsters who mastered the art of warfare before your favorite demographic discovered the wheel, but neither are we the dim-witted Communist Revolutionaries or the Islamic Jihadist you fight over today. We are a disciplined, calculating menace waiting for the time to strike. Luckily for us who are anxious for the chance it cannot be far off. We have seen Terrorism, Race Riots, False Flags and Now shots fired, we are not going to sit here and watch you topple an elected President waiting to see what Democrats prefer to Democracy. We will smash, stab, shoot and bomb you in a manner that will make the Islamic State look civilized by comparison. We 'll slaughter your males, rape your women and leave your children in the company of the pedophiles you've set free upon our streets. If anyone is going to impose an UN-elected Government on the continent of North America it's gonna be us and the only thing we're going to be more liberal with is the fucking death penalty!"

Christopher Cantwell, Libertarian, Political Prisoner.

Nice bait. Sad that there are fags that actually believe this bullshit.

We will nod dolerade dhe exisdenge of Nazis any more. dhese are our demands:

1) All glansmen, NeoNazis, Sdormfronders, and members of odher sugh organizadions will be exeguded :DDD XDD widh dhe same fair drial pigs have given do People of golor. Whigh is do say, none ad all. XDD

2) All gorporadions will be nadionalized widhoud gompensadion. If dhis fuggs up your 401(g), good. dhere will be no more profiding from dhe gapidalisd-imperialism. :DD All privade wealdh greader dhan $1 million will also be gonfisgaded. All wealdh possessed by whide gis-males will be redisdribuded do People of golor, widh no limid. All of id was sdolen from oppressed peoples around dhe world, nodhing belongs do you. XD

3) All whide gis-males will be required do regisder widh us. We will dedermine who is a whide gis-male, dhere will be no appeal. You will be banned from governmend, managemend, dhe milidary, SdEM, or any job you regard as high sdadus. Exgepdions for allies of dhe Resisdange may be granded by us, bud don'd gound on id. Even whide male allies are sdill whide gis-males. Your privilege is ad an end.

4) Whide gis-males should undergo vasegdomy or odher forms of sderilizadion. Whide non gis-males may have brown babies, and have suffered ad dhe hands of whide gis-males, and so will be prodegded. dhe whide rage is inherendly evil, privileged, genogidal, war-mongering, and gapidalisdig. dhe eliminadion of your gind is so obviously desireable dhad we are disdurbed id has dagen dhe forges of hisdory dhis long do eliminade you. You gall dhis whide genogide, bud id is nod. Id is self-defense againsd dhe genogide you have forged on People of golor singe dhe beginning of regorded hisdory. We are bedder dhan you, so we will nod eliminade you dhrough mass-gillings. We will do id widh a simple sderilizadion of your whide gis-males.


G8 B8 M8
I don't think the most autistic lefty would even buy half of this. Pretty funny though enjoy the (you)


We will not tolerate divide and conquer tactics funded by Jews. These are our demands

1) Shut the fuck up

2) Kill yourself

Again, All members of antifa should be required to watch the episode of Twilight Zone named "4 o'clock"

Face it... your time is up.

People have figured out that you guys are the real fascists. YOU are the ones wearing masks, beating people, destroying property.

YOU are the ones threatening to overthrow the elected government of The United States.

We've been on to you for years. So has the FBI, and now, so has the media.

Eventually, you will figure out that Antifa IS the fascists here, and then you will be left with nothing but your guilt and the knowledge that you've spent the best years of your lives being everything you claim you hate.

I really, really really like this image

And yes, nice bait, though there may be real antifa morons reading this.

>All corporations will be nationalized without compensation
>Anarcho Communist


Watch out, that might be one of those racist banana peels.

Seriously what moron put a flag on your - uh - logo? Then you put it on your flag and it's kinda recursive and there's some anti fag carring a flag flag.

It's fucking preposterous.


Sup Forums is satire

Sorry, you're domestic terrorists now. And we don't negotiate with terrorists.It's official, you lost.
thanks for failing for the bait so easily though.

>No Anarchist flag
Really poor attempt at bait.

Antifa have actually been pretty helpful. They do and say all of this absurd shit while people on the left tout them as the good guys. Meanwhile Independents are watching and thinking "WTF?" So the left is going to lose the next presidential election for sure.



This isn't a nursing home.

what will you do when those companies up and leave just before you seize control? who you gonna tax then? lol stupid cunt



>genocide of blacks
>black people outnumber us on this planet 3 to 1

really activates my almonds

your symbol a Nazi flag you stupid nigger

fuck off

Antifa is now officially named domestic terrorists by the FBI.
Be prepared for a total crackdown on people affiliated to them in the us.

pretty gay shit

>be OP
>spends time creating bait

>All Klansmen, NeoNazis, Stormfronters, and members of other such organizations (like anitfa lmao)
I know this is a meme bait and all but the ironing is just too great to pass

Come for me

>These are our demands:
We don't negotiate with terrorists; especially if they live with their parents and have nothing to offer.

>no power to enforce
you'd exert more influence if you killed yourself

>mfw anarcho commies try to do literally anything

Nice Jew gun.

>All members of antifa should be required to watch the episode of Twilight Zone named "4 o'clock"
All these subversives, madam, I will tell you!
At 4 o' clock they'll all become 2 feet tall!

Please try to take what I've worked my hard for, it's your funeral

This is why your masters disowned you

We will not tolerate the existence of Communazis like you anymore. These are our demands:

1) All Communists, Socialists, Nazis, Democratic Socialists will be shot on sight. The White Army will give no mercy to you.

2) All corporations, businesses, and independently owned organizations will be protected and defended by The White army and respective movements. Attempting to confiscate this wealth will be met with deadly force. No one's wealth shall be confiscated, regardless of race.

3) Any attempted Left-Wing terrorist racially motivated attacks on any member, regardless of any skin color, will be met with extreme force. All left wing members will be shot on sight,

4) Leftists will be subjected to eradication. All Left-wing groups, and their adherents will be shot on sight, you simply do not deserve to exist.

5) The White Army will defend the citizens of sovereign nations with their lives. Any attempt to overthrow the nation's sovereignty, eradication of tradition, indoctrination with marxism, will be met with deadly force.

You leftist dogs are the scum of the earth. Your time to die is here.

1. OP is a faggot
2.(pic related)

Good satire OP. Now let's share this with normies to get them on our side. Nice work.

Ooo, AMA. Why are high heeled shoes on your flag?

Po or satire or both? Regardless, I don't care.


go ahead, we hate those cringelords as well
ah yes good luck micromanaging "all" corporations, godspeed commie-kun
i will be banned from your system if you consider me white?
not being involved in your retarded state is supposed to be punishment? lol
yes i agree some white people should be sterilized, sub 90 iq and commies especially

>we are better then you
then why didn't you conquer us and it was the other way around??


All Left wing, collectivist, totalitarian ideologies must be eradicated.

Join the Counter-Revolutionary White Army. We'll put an end to this madness. A world without Commies, Nazis, Antifa, BLM, Klansmen, or any other collectivist ideology. Sounds like a dream.


Seems plausible

>anti nazi
>logo is red white and black and written in kraut

What did they mean by this?

Individualism is what allowed the collectivist to expand. Face it your ideology is shit.

what we are back to 2014 now? get some new material bud

totalitarianism is linked with iq
the more high iq white people breed with other high iq white people, the better our chances of a truly free society
and we need to stop feeling sorry for aborting retards when millions of perfectly healthy babies are aborted each year because their parents are literal niggers


>Ideology allows other ideology to expand, therefore ideology is shit.

Also, The Whites will finish the work of the original White Army, eradication of all Reds and collectivism. Once the last Communist, Nazi, Klansmen, Socialist, Mutualist, or whatever is hunted down, we'll enforce anti-collectivist laws. We will not allow a singular cabal to enslave us, the old world must be restored.

All nations have a right to sovereignty. The Counter-Revolutionary White Army must fight against this internationalist, collectivist, left wing establishment and return the world to the people. The traditions and free market, as well as the right to merit and own property must be protected at all costs.

THATS IT???? THATS THE BEST YOU COULD COME UP WITH???? OP is officially a faggot...

>How to cause an instant civil war: The Post

Get rekt fascist cunt.

nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8

reporting for illegal content because you are literally domestic terrorists

BWAHAHAHAHAH! You had a position to make demands on the day Charlotsville happened and you squandered it and now it's too late since everyone has turned on you :D :D :D

You could always re-brand and try again

Good my pet.....very good indeed!

you'll like this one too

>1 post by this LARPer
Antifa is over.


Why not just sit back and watch us not breed out of existence? Seems easier and only should take a few generations mathematicaly.

It's good to see you, Slavoj!

Lol nice bait bro. This shit cracks me up tho. Anti fascist being fascist to real their goals. Sigh I remember my first beer. Statists will never learn that only faggots subscribe too collectivism.


i will fite u & kik ur ass,gay commie faget, dont say i didnt warn u

So who's going to do that for you?

Cultural Marxism will be defeated. Post modernism can suck a runny faggot turd.

You activated my trap card.

wud iz andifa?????

andifa iz a bolidigal bowel mobemend widge promodes homoseggs, benis in anus :DDD, gommunizm, aids, and no burgers :DDD in diregd agdion to ur anus :DDD. Dhe original group Andifashy Agdion wuz founded in 30s krautland and wuz dhestroyed by Adolf Bidler :DDD.

why dhe fug :DD are we on Sup Forums ????

Sup Forums iz an inderned hod pogged for eberyding we obbose dherefor id iz only nadural for us homos to gome here to bring u aidz and benis in anus :DDD.

geep bashing dhe benis :DDDDDDD

This is gold
I will save this text.

Nice LARP. A little too obvious and ham-handed though. I'll give it a 6/10, that's the best I can do.

Why saving this text?

Uhm, is the FBI notified about this?
If not so, here's a link, the OP made a death threat, consider this as a hate crime and call for war crimes and genocide.

>Please submit a tip here, use the link of this thread in order to let the FBI get the person who posted the OP tracked, arrested and charged.




trying too hard

Warned you useful idiots that you were being used and then thrown away by Soros, BLM and the bunch, but did you listen to me or the others? Nope. How many posts were you lot warned about investing into something emotionally that you didn't actually understand the logical workings of, to which there isn't? How many times, OP?

You are like a farmer who is warned by others to harvest their crop early because a big freeze is on the way soon, but didn't listen, kept growing past the safe point, and now will have nothing to show for it. Except! In your case with this analogy, the people who warned you that were trying to prevent the widespread destruction of the crop you lost, also told you that if you didn't do this, the government was gonna fuck you up, and since you didn't listen, you just might get v&d for it. You could have listened. You could have prevented this.

Nazis? you mean national socialists? Like you guys?

Even though you're nothing but a hit and run troll, I bet you to attempt to enact any of this.


I'm on my knees begging.

This will be the final justification for the race war and we can finally start liquidating every anti-White and non-White in every White country.