Alt-right censorship

Liberals are the only who really cares about the first amendment, you know this is true.

Other urls found in this thread:

>upload video
>remove it
>haha they censoring us, what hypocrites

>Soviet Anthem
Rly? Ok.
Next Use the

I think Liberals don't know russian language and National Anthem of the Russian SFSR

that's not ironic. it's hypocritical, if true.

The two aren't mutually exclusive

free speech is code word for fake news. we need way less freedom in this country.

>Leftists complaining about censorship


liberals have demanded that things they consider to be offensive be made illegal to say for years.

black people seem to think their feelings are all that matter so while they were menstruating for the past 3 years all they have said besides "he was a good boy he dindu nuffin" was "hate speech isnt free speech"

It doesn't censor the videos YouTube censors. Isn't that what the selling point is? Being able to upload and have viewers view rightwing material that YouTube deems detrimental to their cult? As far as I'm condemned this is how it was meant to be. Want commie shit? Go to hebtube.

free market bitch

These people who uploaded the video were caught using a script to inflate view numbers. They were banned for breaking the TOS to "hack the system."


fuckin RETARDED nigger

that makes sense

it is true, every single space owned and operated by right-wingers ALWAYS has insane censorship.

Most other places do too, but the only places that actually allow you to say the most are always started by leftists. Like Sup Forums itself.

Look at the spinoffs hijacked/created by the right, like infinity's pol, if you say anything the mods don't like, they call you a shill and ban you. Like calling somebody a shill magically means it's not censorship to silence them, even if they WERE a shill.

The right never protects free speech, they just use it as a pretense to escape having to defend their positions, instead of discussing their actual content they whinge about free speech and by sdoing so are able to spew rhetoric with no dissection as they divert any criticisms into strawmen arguments about free speech even though initial criticisms usually have nothing to do with their ability to convey their propaganda, but rather attempt to address it directly.

Pewtube is just somebody trying to cash in on wingnut welfare. They don't give a single shit about free speech and they never will, and they will absolutely never uphold it.

infinity chan is natsoc not right wing.

Sup Forums was never leftist. Our first meme was never relax around blacks

Yeah... You're the champions of the free speech. What is your real flag, faggot?

Which is right-wing, which you would know if you actually tried to learn about the world that you live in. Nice flag that you don't even comprehend. Lol.

Moot is/was, and he created it, learn to read and learn to think about what you've read.

Your nation was occupied by niggers and it still is.

nigger that shit was a meme before Sup Forums. I remember that shit from SA when the guy who actually did those cartoons posted about it a thread. guy wasn't even racist, he just wanted to get paid.


You, leftists, tried to occupy my country in the 30s, and failed miserably as always.

Does pewtube claim to be a "censorship-free alternative"? Last I checked, it was always designed to be a platform specifically for right-wing stuff that normally gets kicked off jewtube.

I don't really care about them removing communist stuff, because they're free to put that up on YT without getting censored. It's like saying "daily stormer is free speech, so they should include my pro-feminism articles too"

moot was just a 14yo dweeb who was pissed off with SA's way of doing things when he created Sup Forums and not any kind of principled leftist. Your spewing revisionist bullshit. Sup Forums has never been leftist. However, it has also never been actually rightist. It has always been contrarian.

They posted on twitter that these guys got removed for botting


> communist stuff is allowed on youtube

didn't bat'ko just lose his account like two weeks ago? fuck off


>cares about free speech
Are you fucking stupid or what's wrong with your goddamn brain?

Yep. Pretty funny how even stupid irrelevant weeaboo history gets rewritten to suit people's narratives.

Expect a lot of this when the alt-right realizes you can't just open up a website without at least trying to curate some of its content. I'm surprised nobody has tried to upload CP in bulks by now.

the fag is liberal enough to keep his job at google

Oh wow, one fucking channel that got taken off because 8/pol/ did a flagging campaign. That doesn't compare to all the shit that's been leveraged against right-wing content creators, and you damn well know it.

AT BEST you could call early Sup Forums libertarian or anti-authoritarian. We just did shit to fuck with people on the left or the right. We were doing habbo nigra raids and joking about kikes and niggers since day one. It's just that this sort of anti-establishment thinking wasn't honed, like it became after we had further discussion on old Sup Forums, /n/, etc that gradually led to Sup Forums becoming what it is today.

They're a private company they can do what they want :^)