Name one terror attack committed by ANTIFA... you cant.
Antifa is better than trump supporters
Other urls found in this thread:
just because you always fail doesn't mean you're not dangerous
Why is "terrorism" bad?
>Left-wing and anarchist terrorism: The numbers of attacks of left-wing and anarchist terrorists increased in 2016 compared to 2015. 27 attacks were carried out and EU Member State authorities arrested 31 people. Italy, Greece and Spain were the only EU Member States to experience left-wing and anarchist terrorist attacks.
According to Europol
Berkley California.
I was thinking the same thing, though "Antifaschistische Aktion" was founded after the Hamburg Uprising.
G20 "protests"
Welcome to hell xddddddddd
Sage all bait threads
such a stupid argument
if one member of any organization commits a 'terrorist' attack, that organization becomes verboten, but no matter how much violence a group perpetrates it's fine as long as it's not 'terrorism'
if you want to be technical, antifa street-brawling is 'terrorism' since it's using violence to advance a political goal
>what is 1930s germany
Antifa so evil it caused the nazi party to come to be
Antifa was in the middle of a road,
He even stooped Brake light lit to let an idiot get out of the Street!
on top of that,
They hit his car with a loaded bag!
Milo.... Berkley..... You cant deny the beginning of ANTIFA downfall.
The Alt-Left has killed five police officers in dallas
Attempted to massacre republican congressman
Attmpted murder of two ferguson police officers
Murdered a Dallas officer while he was getting gas
noun: terrorism
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Any Eurobros know if Antifa has killed anybody in Europe?
9/11, totally antifa. Rwanda. That Bjork swan outfit.
None of that was antifa.
Oh well ANTIFA has been side by side with BLM for almost a year now. We call that common law consent.
Same team. They are allies.
In Spain I remember:
9 years ago they wounded 5 people while they were carrying axes and knifes.
7 yeas ago they killed a kid (he was a minot but don't remember the age) because he was wearing a polo shirt with the spanish flag stripes on the shirt's neck.
But aside from that they burn food and shelters from "spanish-only" NGOs. Yes, they burn the food so no one can get it. If it's just for spaniards is too racist for homeless people to eat it.
I guarantee those people were against fascism and therefore antifa
You nigger, ever single time antifa showed up without a permit to be there, in opposition to, and attacked and assaulted people who had permits to conduct and be at a free speech rally, they were pretty much committing an act of terrorism and you know it. Just because you white, black, yellow, red, and brown niggers fell for the deep state and soros genjutsu, mindfuck, doesn't make you exempt from the law.
Stupid American. Antifa has killed many people over the years here in Europe.
There's no such thing as an antifa Terrorist.
The textbook definition taught to everyone getting any formal education in CT is that terrorism is any violence or threat of violence committed to advance any political, ideological, or religious agenda. It must also have an effect beyond the immediate victim(s) and be committed by non-state actors.
Literally every time ANTIFA shows up to anything right-wing, they commit acts that fit this definition of terrorism to a "t".
>Berkeley again
>threats to recreate the Charlottesville attack on the March on Google protestors
>Berkeley yet again
Terrorism only exists because it's profitable. Cut the head off of the snake and it may wiggle for a bit but it surely will die.
>Name one terror attack committed by ANTIFA
Antifa's middle-east branch is a lot more aggressive than their American counterparts
White Rage
The black rage is their defense.
Now when the young guy in Charleston did his shootings, they instantly convicted me which gave us lots of publicity.
The guy who just did the Jewish Center killings has just been convicted. At the beginning of his closing argument he put up on the whiteboard that “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide”.
But oddly enough, nobody came after me.
One explanation for this is, the same reason they put it off with CNN, they can’t deal with me.
But all this has made me consider White Rage.
If a black man runs around killing white people, it’s because of oppression.
Now if we have white guys out killing, In The Name Of White Genocide, it may be a warning.
Isolated Black killings of whites are the result of a legitimate “Black Rage”.
So isolated killings In The Name Of Genocide, may mean that instead stopping all discussion of White Genocide, the White Rage may indicate that’s exactly what we need to discuss. Or are we going to just have people keep picking up guns?
At the moment we’ve had very isolated incidents, two of them, but should we not consider White Rage?
There is no excuse for anybody just shooting other people, on a basis like this, but it may signify that we are going to have to discuss the real issue. And that does not mean with in the current bounds.
So maybe we should start looking at these isolated two killings as White Rage.
And a warning.
Why do all the ANTIFA I have seen in multiple videos look like the same little shits I used to beat the fuck out of in school? The women look like men and the men look like women. ANTIFA members are uglier than MUSI's fighting with ISIS.
>ask yourself what is worse,IS tier movement or innocent internet trolls
>decide it's trolls who only exist in the virtual world
Antifa simply means "Anti-fascist". Anyone who isn't in the Alt-Right is Antifa.
At least that's what the left has been trying to shove down my throat since the election. He was bashing the fash. Don't you want to bash the fash, user? Don't you want to kill police officers, shoot at congressmen, and try to ram presidential motorcades?
And if this was the work of a madman trying to inflict terror on the Republican Party, it would likely have been committed while there were people inside. If anything, the choice of Sunday afternoon – when everyone knows that no one is likely to be working in an office – suggests that this attack was plotted with the intention of making sure that no one was harmed. That points to some kind of inside job.
This attack in North Carolina also comes just a few days after the Donald Trump campaign announced it was pulling out of Virginia and shifting those resources to North Carolina instead. What better way for the Trump campaign to change the narrative in the swing state, which it’s currently losing but appears to have figured that it must win, than to paint its own party as the victim of a vile firebombing attack?
Tell your friends it means 'Anti First-Amendment'. That'll get some laughs down the line
Tons by blak blok as a whole, going back to the '90s.
ANTIFA is a terror group therefor everything they do is a terrorist action.
berkley boston seattle washington hamburg paris phoenix . i could show you the violence these scum commit constantly . however theres no point if you reusse to see it . open your eyes user
That was antifa op you dumb shit.
You haven't done any because in reality you all look like this when
Any time they use violence and intimidation to achieve a political goal. So just last week Antifa committed terrorism
>nu-uh! if it was really us we would have killed people!
That is some of the weakest damage control I have ever seen.
>driving on a closed road
>hiding in bushes near a pond
>speeding up when the motorcade passes
>not using the e-brake or simply taking the key out of the ignition
Oy vey just a malfunction nothing to see goy!
those are names of cities shit for brains. He asked to name a terror attack.
Kristalnact 2.0 (a.k.a. Berkley riots)
Eric Clanton hit a bunch of fuckers in the head with a bike lock.
you notice they deleted the original thread that dox'd the antifa militant LGBT pink haired dyke driver?
Waiting to take pics of trump like little fan girls. What a bunch of fucking losers.
They're Antifa filming the incident.
And may have stabbed people at an earlier event.
are youfucking retarded burger . they are places antifa commited terrorism this year . you should let the humans talk you fat diabetic fuck
Hey, friends, look!
It's a conveniently english-subtitled video on Brazilian Antifa.
Dude goes into a protest and ASKS THEM SOME QUESTIONS!!
I'm sure you guys will have a laugh.
Antifa is better than trump supporters
Better at blocking traffic and getting hit by parked cars.... yeah alright I'll give ya that one
running people over who hit your car isn't terrorism.
Well if you want to make people terrified of you I guess it's not so bad.
Jesus christ the only thing they do is terrorize
Look up the definition of terrorism pleb
Damn yo! Blump blown bhe buck bout!
>No stated motives
>No clear intent
>Legally driving on a public roadway
>In a crowd of armed """protesters"""
And yet somehow, you faggots equate this to someone driving a truck on the sidewalk while screaming ALLAHU AKBAR.
they weren't really that good at blocking traffic. the car was able to get right through
>you faggots
The entire MSM even on the right are saying he's a little nazi murderer. If a tattooed mob of protesters started beating the shit out of my car I would flatten them all without a second thought. I've seen the videos of what happens when you let a nog pull you out of a car. 1 nog = 10 mob members in terms of degeneracy.
>not neva 4getting the deplorable trash can purge of January 2017
and it's not ANTIFA
They pretzy much just riot here, throw shit at cops and destroy public and private property.
If we would go back in time, we had a far-left terrorist group called RAF (Red Army Faction) which killed some ppl.
Some members are still on the run to this day.
Fat bitch on every hood. They know you put the biggest people in front of a car to stop traffic. If you honk to move the fat bitch somebody else slams your side window with a bat... Mob Intimidation 101
Suppressing the lawful free assembly of citizens is terrorism, plain and simple.
Ford Fischer and the Charlottesville event exposed:
> Ford Fischer and the Charlottesville event exposed:
This is important. It proves people had prior knowledge of the event.
> This is important. It proves people had prior knowledge of the event.
Your done son. Thrown under the bus and used like BLM by your Democrat masters. Your sacrifice may have been worth something to them at least. Whatever it was.
>From 2000 to 2010
Anders Behring Breivik incident happened in 2011. Nice cherry picking you fucking faggot.
1932 Reichstag Fire.
Anyone got a gif of the car smashing into those people in Charlottesville?
bike lock thug.
no, i only have a .gif of a car running into commies, not people. sorry about that.
>Antifa straight up murders a kid for wearing his national flag on his shirt
Seriously, I think the dude just made a wrong turn and was surrounded by "peaceful protesters", he had the choice of;
A) Getting out of his car and getting the shit beaten out of him
B) Just fucking drive though them
I would pick B imo.
That's then the right thing I guess. If he has no other option.
It's clear that the Charlottesville PD could've avoided this by making a bufferzone and not listening to the unelected person who ordered them to stand down.
Man, has any group ever fallen out of favor faster than Antifa? One day they have the entire political/media establishment covering for their terrorism, even cucks like Romney calling them peaceful protestors against bigotry, and they're picking out seats on the bus they're going to rule from in the ashes of the White House after they burn it down. The next day even the crazy pizza-lover leftists like Pelosi are throwing them under that bus and the media is treating them like an embarrassing STD. Brutal.
Looks like the glorious revolution will have to be delayed a bit.
>Media rushes as fast as possible to endorse a group to virtue signal
In all seriousness this has been a great test for politicians to see if they are hacks whose political opinions are just branches in the wind.
selective memory?
Haven't you heard? Anybody that isn't a nazi is Antifa. Weather Underground weren't nazis, therefore they were Antifa.
What's the difference between antifa and any other alt left terrorist groups? They are one in the same you dumb nigger
ANTIFA Leftists Confirmed Training In Venezuela funneling hundreds of American ANTIFA terrorists into Venezuela—and whom once they reached this South American nation, were then, in turn, “assigned” to various paramilitary Colectivo's where they received political, weapons, bomb-making and counter insurgency training prior to their returning to the United States.
Milicias Antifascistas
Death to ANTIFA.... Violent little bitches.
>Name one terror attack committed by ANTIFA... you cant.
The photo pictured is not a terror attack. They were Communists and as a result no humans were injured/killed.
>S-s-self d-d-d-d-d-defense
G20 Hamburg you can't deny it
baseball game shooting
killing that guy with a shovel
using violence to shut down opposing views is literally terrorism according to settled law
yes it was
astute user
doesn't matter what "we" think, "you" are under the watchful eye of those who will imprison you after declaring your actions terrorism, dating back to pre-election activities, hahaha
>Some DHS and FBI intelligence reports began flagging protesters before the election, POLITICO reported.
>POLITICO reported recent FBI and DHS reports confirm they are actively monitoring “conduct deemed potentially suspicious and indicative of terrorist activity” by Antifa groups.
btw, look up legal definition of "domestic terrorism" sometime
ANY destruction of property for poli purposes falls under that
don't drop the soap, OP
Pic related was a multi-cut staged event.
>/leftypol/ fags get btfo on Sup Forums so hard they resort to going to boards without ID's
You're going to get the boot, faggot.
I can't wait for the news of the first wave of 3AM door kickings.
>they took our zines and didn't let me bring my service animal
Well there go ANTIFA's November day of unrest and civil disobedience.
i wonder how many deep state obama hires are going to find themselves in deep shit?
all of them hopefully
nah i think they will do it anyway and get BTFO'd super super hard