Finally 18

>finally 18
>browse Sup Forums
>browse /k/
>browse /fit/
>have been for years

Should I just kill myself for being such scum

Other urls found in this thread:

Suez crisis.
U.K. Literally USA bitch.


Lost too Emu's


Italy won ww1

>never realy fought anyone
We wot?
Retarded. We fought wars since we are a colony.
We defeated the French during the Napoleonic wars. We defeat the dutch during the Portuguese-Dutch war. We take clay from our neighbors and hold it. The only time that a country invaded Brazil, they lost 80% of their population and almost half the country. For fucking sake, we captured 2 entire Germans division and an Italian division in the most fortified German stronghold (the fucking Gothic line).
And a sheep fucker accuses us of never fought.

>straya never lost a battle

well not to humans

And you'd have also WW2 if you also changed sides too.

So you're 18 larping on an image board, why are you not out fucking qt's?