What was your college experience like politically?

What was your college experience like politically?

Biased? Normal? Did it affect you and your outlook and ability to get a career?

Just got out of college. It was mostly Conservative. There were some libs, but my science and economics professors were usually right winged.

I also live in a Conservative place

So basically black people just despise all white people now, and they pretend that's not racism?

Black supremacists have been (correctly) described as hate groups for decades now, and that's exactly what this coon is.

>join frat
>make funny of niggers and bang sluts
>graduate with full time work in my feind 60k/year
its good you just need to fake it till you can make it

>top 25 university
>humanities major
>some politics, mostly history and culture classes mixed with theology
>graduate cum laude
>most of my friends go into consulting
>decide to go to grad school
>be overseas now

There was definitely a heavy leftist presence there, but you could also argue with them. It was also 5 years ago desu, so I dunno what it's like now. Hint, though, it's a college heavily cucked on the slavery question and white guilt at the moment.

>Hates neutral pothead for being apolitical and friendlt
>hates Normal guy just being friendly because they are projecting ideas of their insecurities on him
>hates someone who appreciates his culture because of their skin
>Hates someone who agrees with everything he believes just because of her skin

Wtf, the last 2 are memes, but what the fuck reason is the person projecting

I spent pretty much the majority of my time as a child brainstorming. Usually playing with toys and imagining hypothetical scenarios, didn't really read and spent a decent amount of time being quite social. Sadly, looking back I was really manipulative and lied A SHIT TON, VERY show off like and spent way too much time in my room. I don't think they're very Sup Forums like traits. However, I did find it hard to listen to my parents when they told me something. I usually questioned it. But beyond that. I was quite a social person and broke 99% of all social rules. I was cold hearted as fuck by the way, which is probably because of the way I was raised. I saw my mom cry a lot and that made me really sad and kind of made me a bit numb, so when I saw my peers cry I couldn't help but stand there in disbelief. I had no idea why they were crying. If I had been sent to a psychologist I'd EASILY been diagnosed with some sort of disability in terms of empathy. (This is how I was before the age of 12 by the way)

what college
were there any conservative sororities or was it all progressive whores

>attend large state university
>stem major
>join ethnic clubs for free food
>ignore bait, not too bad in stem
>fast foward, earn six figure salary
I think I made it out okay
>still in california

I majored in Physics and then Engineering. Physics was before PC and Engineering had an exception to the PC classes because we don't have time for stupid shit.

Mostly, avoided politics. I had one openly communist professor for Marco Econ but I just played along. It was an easy class if you learned to parrot his idiot rantings.