Is she /ourgirl/?
Is she /ourgirl/?
It doesn't matter if she is or isn't so long as she continues to spread a message or messages that direct people towards our way.
Don't know, but I'd still give her my benis
no she's my girl hands off >:(
>man voice
>manly jawline
>even uglier without makeup
>e-celeb roastie who rants about stupid shit
You neckbeard faggots who waste time watching women talk on YouTube are fucking cancer.
ur just jelly
Do you have a life?
>fuck islam amirite xD
>antifa are the real fascists!
>don't be a radical idiot, be a moderate conservative like me, remember to donate btw :)
she's about as much /ourgirl/ as le kekistanese.
>>fuck islam amirite
It's a good thing, isn't it?
>>antifa are the real fascists!
Their methods are repressive, similar to what the fascists in Italy used 80 years ago.
>remember to donate
Nothing wrong with capitalism.
>she's /ourgirl/
INB4 Lefty/pol/ arrives with their Nazi flags
she's a jew and a race mixer
>she's a jew and a race mixer
Prove it, faggot. You can't, huh? Then fuck off
keep quiet shill
I wish I could hug her. Just momentarily.
No, she's millennial trash who believes in LGBT faggotry.
She a cute. Idc what she has to say though.
Every time
a 21 year old college dropout who has dated shitskins is giving others dating and life advice? Kek, what a retard.
fuck off kike whore
the only way you're going to "make it" is by stripping and releasing sextapes.
nobody cares about your bullshit parroting of popular alt-right memes. you contribute nothing original, kike whore.
never watched any of her shit
recommend me one video and only one
The only e-celeb we like is PewDiePie because he's pink-pilling his mostly 12-year-old fanbase so that when they grow up we can give them the red pill and turn them into Nazis. Lurk Moar.
أيها الشباب, هل من موحدين الله في هذا الخيط؟
she's doing good regardless of what autists/shills say
على الاطلاق
>(((Deus cuck)))
Anti-European controlled opposition jewish shill more than confirmed
Good old "i'm a promiscuous race-mixer who is pro homosexuality and capitalism but i don't want to illegal immigrants and that makes me a savior of the European race please donate to my patreon and orbit me in social media"
لا اِله الا الله
This has been debunked to death. We see you for who your are, /leftypol/.
Finns aren't white
Hey, bud. You're a useless retard. Stop larping.
She is a piece of shit Jew cunt, please kys for even thinking she has the potential to be our girl.
الله القرف
Neither are americans.
She is cute redpill normies.
Even if she was a shill, she would be ourgirl.
Also...the wheatfields....
And you're hurting your people every time you pray to a jewish God. Stop larping
شاذ جنسيا
عيدك مبارك يا صاحب القضيب الكبير
Don't these thots talk about "traditional values in relationships" yet they still thot it up like every other millennial whore with a stylist?
(((Lauren Simonsen)))
نعم بحق الجحيم يا زنجي
She made a White genocide video.
I'd say that makes her one of us.
holy hell that boob jiggle!
People shit on lauren for being too moderate but who the fuck among us came out of the womb as a 14/88 kike-gasser?
Christ you're pathetic.
Her 'great replacement' video.
this and also checked
>attention whore are ok when they want my attention
Fuck off jew-chan
No shekels for you
>عيدك مبارك يا صاحب القضيب الكبي
This comes up as:
"Happy birthday, the owner of the penis"
in google translate. I'm guessing "owner of the penis" is some sort of profanity and this got lost in translation.
I was born of the union of an oven and a gas chamber, a swatiska birthmark on my forehead.
Found ya!
Hes not the one with a lesbian PM and his country getting its land taken one piece at a time
Bleach hair
Brown eyes
Definilty mygirl
No shes jewish and ugly
They keep getting away with it! Do something report this shit
You can have her user, her sister is the new /ourgirl/
100%. She generally guides people towards the right direction. She has already done things that have destroyed any possibilities of a career in mainstream media, she could have been a Fox News leg-crosser no problem but she choose to do the right thing.
She is working in the grey area that exists between the alt-lite and the alt-right but, again, she is guiding people towards the right direction.
Also remember that she, Goldy Faith and others have to put food on the table so give her a discount based on that too.
Also use psychology. The young White girls are both the curse and the salvation of our Race, if they are guided towards the right direction we will achieve Global White Supremacy...young girls love a pretty Alpha girls like Lauren, so think from that perspective too.
And btw, there is a picture of her doing the "White Power" hand symbol in a very explicit way.
Definitively /ourgirl/ doing a little "alt lite" LARPing.
Second post best post
A 7.5/10 sucking in a constant stream of beta males that eventually go down the red pilled rabbit hole is pretty much part of Sup Forums doctrine
Alt light is the path to us altrighters, natsocs, identitarians, etc.
Stop the purity spiral, it is retarded on a nigger level.
Every "Leftists are the real racists" and "Im not racist BUT..." is full of potential.
Pragmatism and LARPing are essential to achieve victory.
Last time I checked she was a man! A really hot man turning me really gay!