Would you prefer to live in a world where the Romans exterminated Abrahamic religions? Judaism and Islam would be gone. So would Christianity.
Would you prefer to live in a world where the Romans exterminated Abrahamic religions? Judaism and Islam would be gone...
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Yeah. I'm not religious myself, but I feel like pagan religions were much more healthy for people and their national identity. Christianity became something like communism of religions.
Hard to say if paganism would last till today though.
But instead, Christianity conquered Rome.
He is risen.
He is risen indeed Alleluia!
>Abrahamic religions
That's heresy, O.P.
Great LARPing
I think it'd be interesting to see, but there's honestly no telling how it would end up in the long run. We could have ended up a galactic utopia, or exterminated ourselves.
There's no telling with questions like these, and this, and delving in them is essentially mental masturbation
With all that said I don't see how this is related to politics.
I still worship Iupiter.
No. The Roman religions were essentially clans which were in a constant feuding for Senate dominance against each other and the non-voting frontier territories / colonies of the Roman empire.
If we did not have forced absolution when Rome converted to Christianity, there would likely have resulted in 14 "westphilian" roman empires in the 800's vs. just the two which emerged; East & West Rome.
Imagine instead of 1 USSR we had 12, and every one of them thought their interpretation of Roman law & society was the "pure" form of Republic. Now give them nukes.
We never would have lasted to 1960, let alone 1000 AD.
it could be possibly as good as that movie but who I am to judge?
Pagans were literally nigger-tier savages. Catholicism is the foundation of Western civilization.
Yeah definatley. Abrhamic Relgions destroyed cultures that had existed for thousands of years
What cultures? You mean like human sacrifice and slavery?
10 centuries level christcucks got able to reach Roman levels of culture
good for them
Nice try barbarian
They tried to, but Diocletian was a fucking loser and couldn't do it properly.
Absolutely, yes. Watch all those filthy coalburners of the soul ITT debase their own kin.
Slavery lasted way after abrahamic religions.
Human Sacrifice just required civilization, doesn't mean you had to replace the entire religion with you're semitic one
Says the leaf
>I feel like pagan religions were much more healthy for people
Practiced homosexuality and human sacrifice is not healthy.
>Catholicism is the foundation of Western civilization.
You mean the Romans. Catholicism as it is wouldn't exist without the Romans.
Paganism was also very environmentalist, the process of industrization may have been different but it probably woulf have been cleaner if slower. We'd probably have a lot more rivers you could drink from.
This is where my qualms with abrahanic religions lie, they make very little effort to connect man to the planet, and they generally act as if focus on some sort of inevitability after this (now)wrecked world is the 100% best solution, even though that itself represents a hefty gamble
Plus personally, I like the idea of the "old" gods...why would the "real" god wait until then and drop just that much on humanity then watch it flip put for 2 millenia? Makes no sense for a hyperdimensional being to do that, its a very "human" thing to do, something omnipresence would probably elevate you above
All I see is architecture inspired by Catholicism.
There's literally nothing wrong with having a system in place that allows you to regularly weed out the trash.
>implying christianity was any less bloody
>inspired by Catholicism
Care to explain what in particular is catholic about that, user? You mean domes and pillars? Because that stuff's been around before the first European started LARPing as a jew.
without christianity we would likely have ended up with something equally hellenistic, just minus the semite 'chosen' crap. so yeah. might even have been totally aryan, of persian inspiration.
>human sacrifices
>homosexuality and other degeneracies
pagans ...
I would prefer to live in a world were Rome never fell just so I wouldn't have to hear Nordniggers larping we wuz
See, that's the true abrahamic cucks
Why the fuck do you care about gays or whatever people do in their own beds? The problem with today's leftism is affirmative action, not gays themselves.
Human sacrifice would not live till today. Or do we see inquisition nowadays?
The "chosen" Zionist Christianity is a relatively modern concept, Jesus makes it clear in the New Testament that he fulfills the Word, so Jews that chose not to believe in Him lost the mantle. Large parts of Mark and Matthews are fairly anti-Semitic and the Gospel of John is pretty much the textbook of hating the Jew. Until the Holocaust, Christ was used for thousands of years to justify uprooting the Jews.
Christianity in its earliest form was definitely roman.
Except maybe for arianism, chalcedonism was the foundation western civilization for centuries to come.
Throught it, even the German invaders could relate to the Romans and not totally fuck shit up and hack Europe back to the Stone Age.
rather tasteless, umberto. tacky, even.
and heavily drawing on pagan roman motifs, to boot.
Without a doubt. Fall of room set back progress hundreds of years, maybe a full millennium. Never forget the treachery of "Saint" Augustine.
The Church was absolutely justified in trying to stamp out heresy. Religious schisms destroy societal unity.
>Religious schisms destroy societal unity.
Weird thing coming from a subversive semitic shit.
Explain faggot
You don't even know what you're talking about
I was baptized and even confirmed but now, i don't believe in Christ any more. The clerks have gone mad with egalitarianism and immigrants. The doctrine is at the same time ridiculously complex and ridiculously magical and impossible. Also it's somewhat hard to keep faith when the whole church is obsessed with niggers, and kumbaya bullshit. We didn't even have white priests anymore. The bishops are state appointed and are a bunch of old retarded freemasons. The pope is a latin american communist bent on destroying europe in the name of universalism. The rites are boring and the songs are not at all soul elevating.
Last time i went to the church was easter last year and it was total gag. It was a small provincial decrepit church. Here, the priest was an old guy spouting platitudes. The chants were terrible because only old people actually sung them. The only young people acted like they didn't realize they were in a fucking church, their children were standing on the bench, wearing shorts, chatting during the liturgy.
the last "good" priest we had was a white 40 man, now he's in a closter because he touched some teenage girl's boob.
>TL:DR catholicism in today's world is decrepit cringe and a dead end especially in France. It's a disgrace
the risk of such interpretation was always present when europeans shat on their own ancestors to claim bullshit pedigrees going back to david and thee tribes of israel.
How's that weird at all
larping that far back is pointless due to chaotic nature of society
Fuck off shill Pagans drowned fags in bogs
>causes schism
>schism is bad
Doesn't work out. The people - YOUR people - who caused it in the first place should've been and still need to be eradicated.
Oh yessss... New jagoff fantasy, thanks.
"I have come to turn families against themselves"
My people?
Jew LARPers
>Would you prefer to live in a world where the Romans exterminated Abrahamic religions?
i agree with this now. If the romans had discovered the printing press we'd all still speak latin
To establish a moral code above themselves,under good,and yet within themselves
Bad goy.
> you could equally say "look at all the horrible suffering in the world"
Yes, because the Christians ran Europe to the ground and it took nearly a thousand years for Christians to get their shit together.
Made me remember a Indian told me that in Upanishads the Ancient Indians concluded there's no difference between monotheism and polytheism, everything is come from and part of the one, every gods are one of the supreme avatar of the one, praising the gods are greater than the one is dumb, every teaching from every god will eventually lead to the same end, reconnect with the one which is something Abrahamic religions long forgotten, the only thing left in Abrahamic religions is self-justification
A world without jews. We would have colonized the galaxy by now...
>Then conquered the entire world,liberated it,and made industry and literacy a thing
>Christians ran Europe
You mean saved Europe from barbarianism and Islam. Read some history, Cletus.
You can model chaotic systems over long periods better than over short. You can say stuff like winter will be colder than summer but not much about the weather on a specific day next winter. You can predict the future accurately in broad terms but not what happens on a specific day or anything like that.
A relatively stable Rome would have advanced similarly to relatively stable China, slowly with no vigor. The pursuit of truth as the ultimate ideal and the culture of scholarly research that took over Europe and eventually gave us the scientific method etc was all thanks to Christianity.
Yes. Without a single shred of doubt.
>Would you prefer to live in a world where the Romans exterminated Abrahamic religions? Judaism and Islam would be gone. So would Christianity.
Realizing Christianity ruined the West is the ultimate red pill.
No jews......... Yep.
Don't ever post on Sup Forums
This is exactly the lie the Satanists want you to believe about Jesus and have you participate in simulated cannibalism (spirit cooking).
The great cleansing will occur soon, nonetheless.
Can you name 1 (one) non-European Christian country that did any of that?
How many wars have been fought by Christians against Christians?
Islam wouldn't have happened though without Roman state becoming Christian.
Orthodox is redpilled
Oh your still playing into OP's dumb mental game. Alright if Islam and Christianity didn't exist you'd be living in a fucking hut. Because if Rome fell without Christianity we would still be in a Dark Ages.
Not enough non Christian's outside of Europe,otherwise America. When Europe started becoming less Christian,it began to fall apart. No accident
Rome wouldn't have fallen if it weren't for the christcuck splitting the empire.
>Alright if Islam and Christianity didn't exist you'd be living in a fucking hut.
How can you not be ashamed saying nonsense like that, user? Take that circumcised dick out of your mouth, it's disgraceful.
Fedoras grew up with the anti science meme. These people are diseased
i was going to say yes but then i remembered that we wouldnt have all those beautiful churches or any christian/biblical renaissance art. so no.
these religions will disappear soon anyway. in a few 100 years or so
Thought so.
So China did not have Abrahamic religions.
How more advanced than Europe it did get?
And so both Americas, for example.
>China devalues Roman currency
>Gets invaded by non Christian's
>Caracalla makes everyone a citizen,ruining the whole system
Ok faggot,how did Christianity cause these things
Yes but I believe that christianity ultimately didn't significantly alter the sort of "atavic" European spirituality, it just changed its exterior forms. The vigorous and unspoiled(by civilization) Germanic tribes would have given new life to Europe anyway, be it under christianity or Sol Invictus or whatever eastern cult were to ultimately take over the dying religion of Rome.
What is of significance though is how the abrahamitic influence affect us in this moment of spiritual decay, with its plebeian universalism and innate meekness.
you're a fucking retard. don't post or speak if you're going to say something stupid.
The problem is not enough Christianity. I don't understand why this is so hard for you
No, it absolutely isn't, r/the_donald youtube.com
Because it's evidently false, looking at how you can't even name a non-European Christian country that managed to do any of the shit you try to take credit for, user.
That's actually a surprisingly quality post, mate.
absolutely disgusting
They had already had dozens of brutal Civil Wars since the start. Plus the split of West and East preceded Constantine.
Of course
Fixed that for you
Roma is my greatest love but...
It's reddit teir to break down into cursing or buzzwords when something is too hard for you to understand or argue against properly. Read a book and come up with an argument or let go of your childish world view that you have to be correct on everything.
Also julius caesar legalized Judaism in Rome and invented the Synagogue, he called it " a place of learning" instead of a religous center so they could get around the ban against mystery religions. Also Augustus spent a fortune building Synagogues all over the Roman empire and sacrificed daily to the temple of Jerusalem, the high priest he chose did it on his behalf
Considering that the inquisition destroyed my culture I think it's safe to say that we will be a lot better.