Why do so many Europeans want to move America Sup Forums?
Why do so many Europeans want to move America Sup Forums?
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Your sparkling personality.
nah, its coin.
no guns, no freedom of speech and taxes.
Clarify yourself Sven
Literally this: In America you have freedom. Freedom to say what you want. Which invariably means, freedom to THINK what you want. Over here, hate speech is a crime, so you can literally get arrested/fined for being critical of Islam.
America just has a much more gung-ho culture in this respect. There's a much stronger contingent of people who act like "yeah I'm doing it, and what? Who's gonna stop me?" - whereas a lot of Brits (not all, but a lot) are faggots.
Also America has tons more open space. Which would be a much better environment to raise a child in than our cramped towns and cities.
And America has lots more variety and opportunity. Even among the major cities, they vary so wildly - New York, Seattle, Miami, LA, SF, Atlanta, Chicago, etc. And of course there's the variety of climate. Nice warm climates which we don't have over here.
Britain WAS the best country on Earth, back in the day, but now our country is pretty fucked. And America presents more of an opportunity for new communities to form, I think, because of the amount of space. Look at Mormonism. They just went to a new part of the country and said "this is ours now". In our country there isn't enough space to do that sort of thing. Our entire country is just going to be swamped by migrants and there's nowhere to run away from them (apart from maybe the Brecon Beacons - Welsh mountains. Hardly a hospitable environment though.)
do we ? usa is full of niggers and mexingers.
I feel cramped up on this cold, wet, shitty tiny patch of grass and I can't have a gun, basically.
Man I'd move to the US in a heartbeat but your healthcare system is garbage.
Those used to be the things you made fun of the US for. When the nignogs started going froming a tent army in Calais?
That's when there was a most remarkable shift in European sentiment. All of a sudden they started wanting our 1st and 2nd amendments. In one memorable instance, Germany ran out of bear spray for a 3 week waiting list because volk were spooked about the raping.
>Britain WAS the best country on Earth, back in the day, but now our country is pretty fucked.
Excuse me but when was that? Britain has been objectively shit for most people since time immemorial. The best thing Britain ever had was the part of it that became America.
With our obesity rate, I'm happy the way it is.
Because they want to live with mexicans.
>his socialist healthcare coverage doesn't work outside his country
lel not so hot is it?
BTW I met a slovak guy who told me he just flies home when he needs to get some medical work done. Just buy catastrophic bare bones insurance in case you get shot and handle all the other shit through your EU citizenship.
i'm pretty sure sweden has the best freedom of speech laws in europe
Thought the danes had decent gun laws relative to the rest of Europe. Is it because of your city or just living in the country in general?
They're overcrowded.
If you haven't caught on yet, your system is going to be tanked by non-payers who don't care and live like they're in the throes of barbarism.
They were used to it there. You think they won't be used to it in Germany?
>Why do so many Europeans want to move America
because they are cowards and would probably vote pro-immigration to have more muslims in the USA too. FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL.
>i'm pretty sure sweden has the best freedom of speech laws in europe
That's true! They can wear rape bracelets!
euros want to witness the great burger civilization before its inevitable demise
The RAISE act would make it easier for Europeans and Anglos to move to the states.
>want to move america
> to move america
>mexican humor
Without us you wouldn't exist you fucking imbecile. Your country literally started as British colonies. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin - yup they're all British descendants, obviously. Franklin's own father was born in England, and his mother's parents were too.
But anyway, since you ask, Britain was the most powerful nation in the world between 1815 and 1915, the period known as "Pax Britannica" ("British peace" in Latin). We played the role of world police force, essentially.
Much like what's happened to the US today. Our current period since 1915 has been called "Pax Americana" ("American peace") since America has assumed the role of world police instead.
Funs desu. Our long guns are ok-tier but pistols are cucked af.
actually many of them, including george washington, were german, you ignorant fuck. this is the british version of we wuz founderz
Don't mind him. He's a tard. It's been something of a problem in this country since about 1968.
do they? never heard one beside on here
because they hear 'guns and freedom of speech' and get excited without realizing we have those things to defend ourselves from the spics and nigs. The only real benefit i could see is taxes, and to even live in a white community in a city you have to make a lot of money, so you'll get taxed alot anyways. As for raising children in America? 50% of kids under 10 are non-white.
they're great at pirating laws
This is why you never complement america.
Learn this. The american will always hate everyone whos not american and they have no history so they dont have a clue about the achievements of others.
But the way of life for most british people throughout England's history has been poverty and disenfranchisement. Your middle class basically didn't exist until we had already seized the reigns of power globally.
I'm not saying the british empire wasn't mighty. Just like Sup Forums, although it was once a great power, Britain was never good.
t. eating a burger and saluting the flag
buhuhuuu someone is not kissing my ass
Would not move to 'murica even if i'd get paid to do so.
The Transcontinental Railroad built in the 19th Century was pretty nice, lad.
you mean like butt pirating laws?
t. remember when that guy gave his grandma a 40gb link for the lulz
Europeans are 6 gorjillion times more jingoistic than even the most enthusiastic flag waving American.
Because you live in fuckin finland
>since 1968
Poster since 2015 detected.
You really need to shut up, we aren't in a better state as them. Britain made us who were are today, Blind Americanism is pretty retarded.
lol literally where?
>mexico calling literally anyone else fat
There's literally nothing wrong with blind Americanism. It's how I as a Yank can cartrip down to the South and I'll bring a six pack and they'll bring the bbq and we'll all have fun cussing at each other for the rest of the night, and maybe shooting things, even if they're just fireworks.
Your constitution, liberty and working culture based on it.
Most of us had enough of socialism but it's far too hard to get rid of it here.
My dad has 3 open rooms hes looking to rent to people, within walking distance of a train station near a major american city. would any of you realistically be looking for a place to work/stay?
Even the founding fathers criticized flaws with this country, and decided to make them better. If they were Yes men we wouldn't have survived.
Im trying to get the fuck out of the US, it is a rootless, soulless culture, I would like to move to Norway
Western Europe except for the spanish in my experience. Never seen so many mindless goon fights in my life.
Wtf are you even talking about man, since when does negativity towards Britain = blind americanism? Its a fact that the majority of british people were peasant tier for the duration of British imperial hegemony.
America was originally formed as a European output. It became great. Then it fell because of the Great Brown Flood.
Excuse me sir, cowering like a cuckold is not a noble thing to do.
I am not demanding anyone kiss British ass, simply pointing out the irrefutable fact that without British inventions, america would not even exist, along with many other things.
And they never shot each other but rather came up with something everybody could agree to. Possibly the most brilliant stroke of diplomacy the world has ever seen.
Didn't turn out like utopia, but nobody was promised a free ride.
>getting this rustled by a shitpost
Western Europe except for the spanish in my experience. Never seen so many mindless goon fights in my life.
>ridding trains infested with Basketball-Americans
No thanks, I rather take the train to Auschwitz, at least the company there will try to sell me shitty loans at worst
Svalbard is bigger then Pennsylvania and Ohio combined. It has 2,000 people most of which are Russian and Norwegian.
I can't wait until we get our immigration system fixed soon enough.
Those Spaniards gave us the Mexishit problem we are currently facing. Had they genocide the natives we wouldn't be having this problem.
upcoming civil war
Europe is a walking dead man. massive terrorist attacks coming soon
leftists have taken over, meanwhile
>Those Spaniards gave us the Mexishit problem we are currently facing. Had they genocide the natives we wouldn't be having this problem.
Talking about the demeanor of the people, not how advantageous/disadvantageous their old empire's foreign policy has turned out to be.
You're missing out. I was on a bus in Florida the other day
They confined themselves to the back of the bus for some reason. Plenty of room at the front where I was at, but I don't get it.
Thats true,
our immigration problem will never be fixed bra, basketball americans and mayans will continue to erodes us, unless white people wake up
This. In the 80s we watched all the action movies.
Everyone wants to be Rambo.
A well behaving negro knows that his spot is in the back of the bus?
Even at 30% white americans will be be reigning all-time champs of European expansion on Earth. We just set such an incredible logic-defying high expectation by getting to 90% on a whole continent in the first place.
I always knew Rosa Parks was just a Jewish trick.
The RAISE act will replace the current 1965 immigration act if it passes. It will make the majority of our immigration come from Europe, Australia and Canada.
Why move to a country where there are 6 million Jews?
You guys are delirious
europe has no future
*8 million
hi merkel
Amerikaner shit, I will feel happier once we are a minority, The afrikaners only made up 19% and still controlled everything
Do yourself a favor and don't. Every day I hear muh colonialism and muh America is a nation of immigrants. You will hear terrible verbatim such as:
>You must be forgetting that immigrants came to this land and killed the actual owners of it to near genocide. Natives are the only one who should be able to talk about immigrants taking their shit LOL
Don't be a dick bro
2 million more reasons to stay put!
But they don't control a lot now. I wouldn't be excited to become a racial minority, but i'm just pointing out that the moment of oblivion for white americans is still a very far way off. Things will just get shittier for a long time.
4 million more to fill the ovens
Wow you're right, Herr Washington. Such a Germanic sound to it.
Germans hadn't settled America at that time you UTTER MORON. How the fuck do you not learn this in school? How do they not teach you about the thirteen colonies?
>Washington was of primarily English gentry descent
The name "Washington" comes from a town in the north-east of England. You fucking idiot. Yes, his ancestors inherited the name from the town, it says so here:
Clearly you don't know a single thing about Britain. You realise all the liberal ideas written into the Constitution came from ENGLISH LIBERALISM? You realise WE ARE THE ONES WHO INVENTED THOSE IDEAS?! The Constitution is a wholesale rip off of the ideas of John Locke. Do they not teach you this in school? If not, how the fuck is that the case?
I don't know what you mean by this
I used to think whites should have a right to live and work in any other while country, until I found out the French Fags here voted 95% Macron.
>I don't know what you mean by this
It's a Jewish plaque they put on our gift from France that says we have to have to accept unlimited shit washing up on our shores.
Europe might know what (((they))) meant by this.
they are too cowardly to take a stand against sand niggers so they would rather come here and then eventually vote in their lame, beta, effeminate policies and fuck us, too.
Washington was of primarily English gentry descent, especially from Sulgrave, England.
Washington is an English surname.
So I can shoot niggers
>Clearly you don't know a single thing about Britain. You realise all the liberal ideas written into the Constitution came from ENGLISH LIBERALISM? You realise WE ARE THE ONES WHO INVENTED THOSE IDEAS?!
Most of the bill of rights has its direct precedents in the german peasants charter. Our governmental system is half based on you and half based on the Romans.
Obviously our culture and language came from England, but the political system was a deliberately novel construction based on philosophical principals constructed in direct opposition to the ancient regime of British tradition.
Seems like easy hunting in the UK these days.
Why you keep making this thread?
every day until you finish with the wall, paco
It's a struggle to get a gun
I thought hunting was one of the easy ways, no?
we don't.
>t.pablo and tyrone
I wonder why you guys don't mind your violent hordes coming here yet you flip your shit when Europeans want to come here? You're probably going to go full on anti-white once they start coming here.
Because they're retarded. If you're not born here, you'll be miserable in this country.
its about damn time we had some white immigration! refugees welcome! kek
Pretty much
But my point was that I want to fight a war and die so I can make this hellhole a better place or die trying.
That is fundamentally what we are missing, Spengler talks of Americans as the NorthWestern euros who came here and now have no roots except mcdonalds and consumerism, it is not worth dying for
t. Salty immigrant
If you don't like it you can git out!