>Slovenian posters
>Estonian posters
>Bulgarian posters
the fuck is this shit? How do they post here? Do you recall ever meeting a person of these nationality's? THEY DON'T EXIST.
Slovenian posters
Robert Sanders
Hunter Perry
Xavier James
>>Estonian posters
I love Estonians
Jose Cook
I've met a fair share of Bosnians and Serbs. ya'll are tall ass motherfuckers.
Asher Lee
Aaron Jenkins
the absolute state of leaf shitposters...i don't believe i'm writing this but...your shitposting literally got worse...
Blake Jackson
never met a finn desu
probably have met only 1 or 2 Turks. Only ever met 1 burger, really makes you think
Michael Rivera
>tfw there's only 2.5 million of your kind
Camden Wood
>Slovenian posters
what about it?have you haver been to it?
first world country and also really gorgeus
James Gomez
I've never come across Slovenian diaspora, didn't know it existed until Melania Trump.