Slovenian posters

>Slovenian posters
>Estonian posters
>Bulgarian posters
the fuck is this shit? How do they post here? Do you recall ever meeting a person of these nationality's? THEY DON'T EXIST.


>>Estonian posters
I love Estonians

I've met a fair share of Bosnians and Serbs. ya'll are tall ass motherfuckers.


the absolute state of leaf shitposters...i don't believe i'm writing this but...your shitposting literally got worse...

never met a finn desu
probably have met only 1 or 2 Turks. Only ever met 1 burger, really makes you think

>tfw there's only 2.5 million of your kind

>Slovenian posters
what about it?have you haver been to it?
first world country and also really gorgeus

I've never come across Slovenian diaspora, didn't know it existed until Melania Trump.