Why do Americans hate America?

Why do some Americans, and it seems like a lot, hate America? What drives a person to hate their own Country? It just seems so counter productive.

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They want approval and recognition from other countries. Namely Yurop and Yurop Jr.

Mainstream media propaganda, which is used to push the generally ignorant population into directions of the media's choosing.

For the media, a population that hates their own country is a good thing, because they have an ulterior motive that involves the dissolution of all nation-states into a world-state government with no borders, no race, no rights, and no culture.

All the easier to control.

How many of them are actually american?

Because they are leftists.

I don't hate America, I just hate the people who control it and its citizens.

Do they think Europe will pay for the cost of running their country? If they destroy America who hands out the gibs?

The media that originated in the nation state will go as well. A new media will take over. Do they think they will survive that transition?

I'm not talking about native Americans or foreign nationals that are attempting to subvert. I'm talking about actual United States citizens that hate America.

Your mistake is that you seek to destroy the system. You do not realize that in turn you will also destroy everyone who depends on that system; including yourself ironically.

you know who
you know why

I have serious concerns with the Jewish conspiracy. Are they all in on it?

Edit: I have serious concerns with the validity of the Jewish conspiracy

>What drives a person to hate their own Country?

If i managed to convince you that your home was so garbage that not even rats would live in it, would you sell it for a high price or a low price? Do you think so many people would want 3rd worlders to flood our land if they didn't think it was nearly worthless?


did tucker actually air this? nigga might be more redpilled than i thought

>Guevara fought this people to his deathbed.

I agree that the whole subversion devalues their country in their own mind thus making it easier to give up. But I disagree about the immigrants. I think they want to feel altruistic by giving these poor immigrants a better life. This whole thing though, those two contradicting ideas, is just another example of leftist doublethink.

fug if true

All of them? No. But the higher up the hierarchy you go, the higher the concentration of them. Especially when you leave the official channels of power and dig into who pulls the strings.

Our country is twisted, decadent, ignorant, and whipped. And all the West is following us down the path of damnation. Our country single handedly ruined the Western world.

Ok so its an elite group. Do you have to be Jewish to be in this elite cabal of people who control the world?




vocal minority make it seem like its a lot, it really isnt.
same with the left, and with everything

I love America
I also hate it
It's complicated


By definition, they are traitors.

Because it's only America in name. The great place it could have been vanished long long ago. People bang on and on about all of the rights we have yet they have no clue how little we actually have as opposed to what we should have. When this is pointed out to them they retort, "well we still have more that most countries!" Dumb shits. I love America, unfortunately it ceased to exist long before I was even born, so what am I loving? Only an ideal that shall never be.

>America doesn't exist at all
wow that is some subversive shit right there.

There is literally nothing wrong to hate america. Everyone does it.

Word. They can move out if they don't like it here, as there is a whole rest of the world were they could go.

their weak europeon genes are acting up the only cure is death or deportation

Because, the flag of our once great nation no longer stirs my soul, I see only a perverse symbol tainted by the vices of greed and gluttony. Virtue is a fashion statement in this society, not a lifestyle. Our soldiers fight for foreign interests and a false cause, I dont blame them, since they are merely finding purpose of their own in their fellow soldiers. It saddens me when they come home, weary and beaten only to be spit on and called bigots, murderers, and thugs. Violence sweeps our streets while the bankers and nobles sit in their gated communities, demanding the floodgates of immigration be opened further. They spout that we are a melting pot, but the only culture melting is the American culture. I have been stricken by terrible apathy, for my flag, my countrymen, and our sucess as a nation. It pains me to be this way, to feel that if our sovreign nation was attacked, I would turn away, but it does not persuade me to take up arms for it. I feel lost, looking for others to share my sorrow with, but the eye of society is ever watchful, and forces people in similar situations into putting up a facade. I long desperately for purpose, I do not find it in religion, I do not believe in it. I do not find it in morality, for I see it being broken every day, and innocents who are drug down with it by those willing to throw ethics away for victory. I do not find it in my country. Perhaps a new start can bring a purpose, perhaps it will inspire others as well, and at last we can be free, strong, and revived, with our souls ready to work and prosper. Until then, this accursed Union must get better or hurry uo and die.

He's completely right though. The American our forefathers imagined and bled over has long been gone.


idk how he's getting away with this

America does not exist anymore, it died in 1964 when the cultural-Marxist jewish sub-swin got their way. How can anyone love a country who's gov, media, academia, and corporations have been everything they can to make the majority and founding stock a denigrated and subjugated minority in our own nation?

In short, shits fucked up, as long as Ive got mine fuck everyone else. The American dream is a sham and this country is the equivalent of a snake oil salesman.

I don't hate America. I hate a lot of Americans though.

A country is made up of its own people. If you hate the people you are hating the country.

Burgerbros, you were perfect in the 1950's. But you fell off the tracks thanks to boomer identity and exeptionalism.

Nice logic, retard. Too bad it's flawed

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of positives, but even with the positives one mostly loses in the end. America's kind of like Walmart, it's nothing like it started out and as history has shown, countries are like transmissions that lack reverse.

>flawed because i say so
what ever you say chief

I hate America.

I hate it because it is no longer my country. It belongs to the SJWs and shitskins now.

Fuck them and fuck their country.


What is that thing?

show flag

Bashing America is a Liberal virtue, it means you are "sophisticated" and above the masses. I grew up in the 80's and it goes all the way back to that time, all my Liberal friends thought they were so cool when they criticized America and Americans. It is an elitist sensibility. You see it today in the Huffington Post and Salon, and on SNL and The Daily Show spin-offs. It is just elitism.

oh shit I thought that was a guy

by hating America it seems like they are destroying the very power structure that made them elites in the first place

they are likely poor and the very same people that are made even poorer in the name of giving some nigger and spic free cash to replace us.

we're just as pozzed up as Europe, only replace kebab with fried chicken and tacos.



>If they destroy America who hands out the gibs?
Implying they have the foresight to realize that.

They don't think that far. They are highly educated, but also highly unintelligent. They think intelligence and education are the same thing, that is how stupid they are.


Lena Dunham



being a liberal is the first step

Look at it this way, someone who talks shit about themselves all the time are mainly doing it as a self defense, if I say it first, the bullies can't say it.

The way they talk shit about America is much the same. Not only does it protect them from the people that hate America (because they can say they aren't like other Americans, after all, they hate America), but it makes them feel superior to other Americans.

Basically, we've been told every country in the world looks down on us, so some of us decided to distance themselves from the rest of the country. It's like how Canadians act like they are nothing like us, despite being carbon copies.