Alt-Right Reformation: They call us Nazis anyways!! <- shill edition

Alright listen up men because this is how things are going to work from now on. Either you follow these instructions or our race dies. The Alt-right needs to reject Neo-Nazis, and White Supremacists. White Identitarianism (& nationalism) is fine, we can easily sell this to millions of White people who are fed up with antiwhite rhetoric.

National Socialists you can keep your toxic ideology to yourselves, but you need to drop the TOXIC branding. Call yourselves White advocates or White identitarians or something from now on. It means the exact same thing but is more free from negative connotations... Or come up with another term. Branding/Optics are key to winning a propaganda battle for our people's minds.
>"PRKEK" isn't an argument

You're never again to paint Hitler or the Nazis in a positive light. This is an albatross around our race's neck, and needs to be thrown overboard. I wouldn't even waste your time trying to explain to people how "Yah know, the Nazis really weren't that bad". You're wasting everybody else's and your own time on this and you're better off sticking to tactics that you know everybody can get behind(e.g. Whites deserve to maintain their interests in their own country and not be subject to hate). You can still advocate on behalf of whites and oppose Jewish manipulators but you are NOT allowed use the utterly useless and counter-productive Nazi and "Fascist" branding. You are White identitarians or White advocates for all intents and purposes
>"BUT THEY'LL CALL US NAZIS ANYWAY" isn't an argument

>Again, this thread is for the reformation of the Alt-Right. Start working on some new aesthetics and new names.
We just started a discord for more serious posters.Anyone joining will be heavily vetted


Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone that has a problem with or violates these new rules will from hereon be deemed a shill or mentally unfit and will be cast out of this reformed Pro-White movement. This is paramount, and many of you know I'm right. Time to un-fringe ourselves and win our people's hearts and minds.

The left wants to stick us into the nazibox to shut off white people's minds from being open to our ideas, and we must fight this. Onward, brothers!

I've always had the suspicion that the neo-nazi movement and white supremacy has only been kept alive thanks to agent provocateurs. There are certain groups of people who benefit greatly from their existence, if you are white then you are not one of those groups.

>inb4 you get called a Jew 1000 times before this thread is over
True, user. Very true.

Fuck off no.

The alt right isnt real you idiot

Fuck dude, get out of my head.
I've been saying this shit for the last 6 months.
We can't go George Lincoln Rockwell on the normies, it doesn't work.

>this amazing argument
mind=blown 10/10 wow
Muh worldview = BTFO


nice numbers comrade, post what you think.

A lot of people feel like this deep down but don't want to say it because dumbasses scream "JIDF" if you have an honest conversation about the usefulness of NS in propaganda.

Just drop the "white" altogether or the tag will stick. When it stops being about ethnonationalism, people will listen.

Well fuck that. I'm motivated by the desire to preserve my race above all else. If you honestly don't give a solitary fuck about the fate of white people, I have to question our sanity. Either that, or you're lucky enough t live in a solidly majority white area....

88 will come in time. Seek 14 and truth. 88 is inevitable with the truth.

Yes goy.
You need to go mainstream goy.
You need to show yourself and play our game on our terf with our rules goy.
Stop talking about white genocide and muh jews goy, it'll never (((sell)))

Nazi iconography is a dead end. Use Amerfican flags, eagles and iconography.

>going mainstream
>radically pushing for white identity politics and the 14 words
pick 1

Reading comprehension, this is a prowhite thread m8

Begone Jew. We know who profits from Naziism and it's the Jewish Holocaust Industry. Fuck off.

>>radically pushing for white identity politics and the 14 words
I'll pick that one, and when your movement goes mainstream, is infiltrated and subverted and destroyed, ours will still be growing

tell me
was a Christian white society turned in a godless multicult "melting pot" over night? Or was it achieved through small, palatable steps so as to not alert the majority that major shifts were being directed at them?


fuck off, stormweenie

oh yea fucking right, like neo nazi shit isn't ripe to be jijacke by people who will act crazy as fuck and scare off 90% of the non-crazy supporters.

If I was a super-rich fuck who wanted to discredit an 88 movement, it'd be so fucking easy.


This is the most important post to read. FUCK NAZI LARPERS! That is what they are.. LARPERS! Keep it in the bedroom Kraut we beat you once, now we got to beat them again on Sup Forums to save the white race.

Radical alt centrism... Protect our borders and people without the nazis fucking it up over and over.


How about you fuck off, and we start orbital bombing your retarded movement like we did in the beginning of 2017.

So you think you're going to pretend to not be a Nazi but still push white supremacy?

This is why you'll never prevail. European culture can be preserved simply by controlled immigration. Controlling immigration is something every country does (and we have done historically) and no one calls them racist for it. You make it a matter of national interest - not of special interest.

We can't pay for all the illegals. They are here breaking the law. Do we deport families who have lived in the country for decades and are contributing to society? I think the case can be made either way as long as it's properly framed. You pump the breaks on doing bad PR shit like this for a while - then you introduce reasonable legislation to change what needs to be changed.

But the change can't be posited by Trump at this point. What we need is a centrist who isn't a waffling piece of dogshit. That can pave the way for proper conservatism.

We can use the same tactic to dismantle the Fed but that will NEVER, NEVER happen (might never happen anyway) if it's perceived as an anti-semitic action.

I can't see the logic here. No sane person is Larping on the streets but 88 is essentially 14.

You can be a National Socialist, respect men like Herr Hitler, Sir Oswald Mosley, Adrian Arcand and GLR and learn from them without being full on 88ers.

Even if you could stop using the mongoloid interpretation of the 88 as HH ~ Heil Hitler and started using the true 88

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, Chapter 8, exactly 88 words:
"What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility."

It still wouldn't matter because 88 is etched into the public psyche.
It's okay to name the Jew, in fact, it's impossible to win without naming the Jew.
But LARPing as Neo-Nazis damages the movement.


Everyone Right of (((Marx))) is called a Nazi even cuckservatives. Every republican candidate since 65 has most likely been called a nazi even shabbos goyim like Bush.
We've been trying to do that for years. Long before Trump was ever elected.
This "You're a Nazi" bullshit. This literal IRL reducto ad Hitlerum has been going on as long as I can remember.

As soon as you admit you believe in racial differences and bio-diversity and the science of natural selection in human beings who evolved in different regions under different environmental conditions, you are automatically literally Hitler.

Checked. Adolf approves white taquia. Break out the flag boyz.

Brothers and sisters,
We can't have this movement be under the guise of 88. The redpilling that must take place for people to understand 88 is far to extensive and can actually take away from a more simpler approach, by promoting nationalism and white identity. Those two ideas have to be talked about because without nationalism we lose or identity, and lets face it America was meant to be white majority for whites.

I think we need to get rid of all these stupid cuck groups and sub groups; proud boys, alt knights, vanguard, etc. I was behind with Identity Evropa but with Domigo stepping down Im not sure how I feel. The Identitaire movement in europe might be something we want to get behind here in America.

Realize, that the goal is to bring normies to us not scare them away. We can do this by making the left look god awful, which antifa is doing a fine job of. Keep exposing the left while we maintain our composure, no running crows over with challengers.

It's like that frog analogy. You can't boil a frog by throwing him into warm water, you put him in cold water and slowly turn up the heat. Apply that to normies, snowball the redpills.

This, but stop fucking discussing it publicly like a mouthbreather. Everyone worth his salt knows this.

Who else but a muslim or jew would try and tie the idea of hiding your power level to taqiya, in effect attempting to make it seem like a dirty idea not worthy of pursuing?

True, but the growing identitarian movement which the media calls the "alt-right", is.
We have real potential to redefine right wing politics, we just need proper branding. We are the last hope of western civilization. Symbols are just propaganda tools. The reason the NSDAP choose the symbols they did was because they knew it would resonate with the people. Now all those symbols mean is "evil nazi". The message is golden and the timing is perfect. We just need new symbols

This place is great. We don't need to change Sup Forums at all. But it has to stay here.

[speaks in gibberish]
OK, cool. 10/10 fellow poaster!

>So you think you're going to pretend to not be a Nazi but still push white supremacy?
What the fuck doe "white supremacy" mean, faggot? We are pushing for Whites to have the exact same rights as other groups already all have: self determination, respect, the ability to organize themselves without being physically attacked, etc. Fuck off m8

>88 is essentially 14.
Nope. Natsoc was a Germanic supremacist ideology in a time when White people weren't at risk of dying out, at all. Our circumstances are totally different. Neo-Natsocs dn't unerstand Hitler, pretend he wasn't a believer in Slavic inferiority, etc.

Also, I never said we should just stop talking about Jews. But branding is key. Good optics is the key to successful persuasion of new people to our ideas. Dropping the Nazi shit = we have an easier time of it.

>European culture can be preserved simply by controlled immigration.
Nice logic man. Let's preserve European culture by importing non-Europeans.

>Doesn't into white Sharia memes
Call it whatever ausbro

PRcuck shilling: the thread

Just stop posting.

"Defensive Identity"
Say it with me. Normies will like it, I think.

>implying Hitler did anything wrong
ummm sorry sweetie, come back when you grow a sack and admit to yourself National Socialism is the answer

Nothing is real if it's just a label. Some people identify as "Altright". Whatever. I'm concerned with the ability for White identity politics and pro-white ideas to prosper and win. Nazi shit just confuses normies and makes them think the anti-white propaganda ("they are just evil haters") is true.

We need to be smart and appeal to as many rightwing whites as possible- many of whom are fed up with antiwhite rhetoric.

[faggot who has no argument: the post]

The 88 always drags the 14.

>criticizes the Jews in any way, shape, or form
>gets labeled a Nazi

wow that really makes my race go extinct

It's about perception, not industry. One group can care for their own, the other one can not. Why, because one other is perceived as antithesis to a decent human being, the embodiment of oppression and murder. You can't do shit now, you're on a hole and the practice of these ideologies, or strategies only makes the hole deeper. Ironically, in reality you are yourself oppressed in a sense yet the public perception is king.

At least that's the way I see it.

By creating a symbol
You are creating a target, something that can be identified
Just as the alt right moniker is being used to describe basically anyone outside of the far left
its playing into your opponents hands to legitimise the term they use to target you

my 2 cents is that you need to continue pushing dominant logic out at a grass roots level ie dominate Sup Forums and its subsidiaries

when they face a united argument that is coming from multiple different groups with varying degrees of palatability, its harder to pin as the work of a cult, an evil group, supremacists etc
yes they try
but they dont succeed because they dont control the internet narrative

hiding in plain sight


Stop trying to appeal to normies and the media, we need to go full 1488 already.

Hitler's rightness or wrongness or goodness or badness aren't important. Pragmatism is what's important. We need to win. Educating people about Hitler's qualities is irrelevant and most people who hear you talking about Hitler at all will think you're a crazyfuck.

Just stahp!

>oh yea fucking right, like neo nazi shit isn't ripe to be jijacke
Only if the idiots show up to more Charlottesvilles.
I totally agree if you wanna go out in the open and be seen and heard by everyone, that the "blood and soil" shit is a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd idea. A really fuckin bad idea.
I just think being underground is the way to go.
We're limited underground but we're also less likely to be subverted by what the CIA does so well, breaking political movements.
They still might do it on the internet, but they're treading in unknown waters.
>If I was a super-rich fuck who wanted to discredit an 88 movement, it'd be so fucking easy.
Yes. It would be very easy, because you'd be discrediting it to an audience that doesn't find them credible to begin with. Very easy.
But discrediting it to redpilled folks, not gonna happen.

I dont tie having fun to referencing sharia and islam, no. Its odd to me that you do. it suggests that you are an arab pretending to be white and here because of a shared enemy.

This, the perfect imagery to use is old fashioned patriotic American imagery. The media will still try to call us nazis, but if the public sees us marching and waving American flags, then any negative press will just push middle america in our direction.
We can't be seen as nazis fighting commies, people will side with the commies. However if we are seen as patriots fighting commies then we can use 50 years of Jewish brainwashing against them

We have to talk about the JQ, but doing it in an angry over-the-top way will also just make normies feel sympathy for Jews. Angry antiJew posting sounds like crazyfuckspeak to normies.

They don't understand why we are skeptical of Jews or why we dislike Jews. We need to calmly explain things, because the JQ triggers people, easily.

Except YOU seem to be missing the point, how is it pragmatic for me to lie to myself or others? Especially given no one on this site with NatSoc inclination will ever be in a position to change anything?

>Stop trying to appeal to normies
no dumbass

>and the media
I don't want to appeal to the media

stop being snowflakes and converge into the republican party


we wouldnt be in this mess now if you guys didnt try to fraction our party even more

Should have voted ron paul in, romeny was a joke and Sup Forums was better before the bipartisan retardation was brought in full force with romney vs obongo

Real Aussie can't be this humorless. Found the chink.

>pragmatic for me to lie to myself or others
If you personally like Hiler, don't be a dumbass and tell others, or just lie, ling isn't the worst thing ever

I like Hitler a little bit, I am probably never going to tell that to a normie. It's called pragmatism, pleb. Learn2propaganda.

And be lead by jews? Lol.

By the way, unless you literally want to start a political party, this is a retarded topic of discussion. Start a party, and take it from there. This is not a chan issue.

>believes that Sup Forums is some sort of movement and not an imageboard
>unironically calls people who browse here as "alt-right"
>thinks he can makes us drop the nazi memes because he said so and because it hurts the "movement"
Either a shill or a genuine normie who's involved into politics and tries to create his own personal army.
Get fucked,kike.

t. some arab fuckwit
Humor is a trojan horse
You're just a sharia plant, get fucked nigger cunt.

JQ can be dealt with as SJWs. Muh over representation. Etc. Muh 1% lol

t. literal brainlet and/or a straight up shill.

kys faggot

Sorry, I don't think I can align myself with whatever IMMORAL and LYING ideology you're trying to preach.

I'll keep faith with Uncle Adolf, thanks.

With what army?

Back to r*ddit, please.

You are either lying or simply ignorant.

I never said drop edgy fun Nazi memes, just drop the "AKSHULLY LEMME TELL U ABOUT NATIONAL SOCIALIST ECONOMICS AND HOW MULTICULTURAL NATIONAL SOCIALISM WAS" autism. It only hurts us.


Oh god, shut the fuck up. The racists and nazis are on our side. They speak TRUTHS.

This. Use old european symbols, they carry the same message without the stigma of 6 gorillion

You're a cultist.

So go tell a bunch of people in our local area how much you love Hitler, go on, d it. I'm waiting...


I support this, great ideas

["I don't understand how to be pragmatic whatsoever: the post]

Thanks, Italibro


Are things honestly that bad in the US you would expect to be physically assaulted for doing so lmao? Maybe whatever cuck shit you're talking about is the best option for you given this information.

And telling them about how we should not miscegenate achieves what?

You've struck on nerve with this one. This is literally the one idea which makes the machine nervous.

Lmao my taxi driver yesterday tried redpilling me on the JQ. Where worldjewry has not influenced politics people don't have mentral blocks against ethnic tribalism.

The more radical and intolerant you are the better off your chances of success

How come no one else thought about it before?

14 in public 88 in private.

No, fuck this. NatSoc is the only way.

This is true. But the level of ideological intolerance is not dependent on a specific aesthetic.

WHOA GUYS, I know how we can win. Let's stop being anti gay because then normies won't like us if we are against gays!!!!

1488 in public.

You can easily be targeted for having "far right" beliefs or potentially denied employment. Why risk it? Telling someone you like Hitler is just making them think you're a nutjob, most of the time. You won't change anyone's mind like that.

JQ shit is actually increasing a lot largely because of Muslims. Sad but true. People can know all about the JQ but not give a fuck about whites dying out.

fair enough

[citation needed]

I don't get what you're trying to say/ask with this?


>Let's stop being anti gay because then normies won't like us if we are against gays!!!!

Although shouting "GAS THE FAGS ORLANDO SHOOTING #2" in public is kind of shit-tier optics, too, ya know

>posts some article written by a nappyheaded islamic sand nigger gloating about islam taking over because intolerance trumps tolerance

always remember since the first year of Sup Forums
there have been muslims pretending to be white natsoc here

Here in Sweden the nazis uses the symbol of the viking-god Tyr. Swastikas just makes me think of filthy indians.

Why even be right wing at all?
Let's take your "logic" to its fullest conclusion and become liberals so we will never be hated again.

>JQ shit is actually increasing a lot largely because of Muslims.
>JQ shit
I have seen 3 muslims in my life and you seem like a bluepilled idiot.

t.literal LARPing faggot whose autism is so severe that he literally believes that an imageboard can save Europeans from extinction
National socialist economics are pretty based and they were the only moments in post-modern Greece's history that i would say i'm proud to be Greek.
Or maybe i should go with teh free market and let T*rks businessmen buy us off.I don't know,let me think about this.

So you're on board with being pro gay so w e dont SCARE off the normies?

Lots of people have, but whenever it's brought up the shills shit their pants and goes full on nazi larp mode because they know they'd lose their moral highground which is their single largest source of power.

It's fucked but it seems that everyone is racing to become more of a "helpless" victim than the other group because it yields a fuckton of everything you'd want to further your cause, whatever that might be.

>What the fuck doe "white supremacy" mean, faggot?
I think it's a word filter for smooth-brained inbreds whose only accomplishment is being born white.

>Nice logic man. Let's preserve European culture by importing non-Europeans.
Not at all what I was suggesting. I don't want more fucking immigrants. I'm just saying play the long game. Keep the ones that are hard-working, don't give their families and media the ammunition for a public shitfit.

The come round the back and restrict the shit out of the ability for more of these cunts to come over. No one's going to let us ship em off to an island and call it New Nigeria. We gotta be realistic. Let the ones here die off. Stop the rest from coming in the future unless they're absolutely going to make this country better as a result of their inclusion.

Does this not make any sense? It's really fun to LARP mass deportation but you know that's not happening.

If we are willing to concede on symbols we open to conceding on more. A defiance of the past system must be in total. We must have no limits, no taboo we will not defy and that includes swastikas. Make your own symbols sure and don't use swastikas as your full front yourself but never remove people or symbols like this, that is the quickest way to division.

Why is it that Sup Forums is inundated with 'if you don't get rid of nazis you'll be screwed' and 8 chan is filled with 'if they aren't literal nazis 24/7 you're not worthy'? Two Sup Forums boards that should be working together are pushed towards division by opposite shills... makes ya think...

It's chicken brain basic shit that has been tried over and over. There's no goal to it, just aimless flailing just because some e-celeb ordered it on a podcast.

Good post brother. Cripple pol is unfortunately full of renegay shills and we're full of PRcuck shills.

So what is the middle ground we're all being manipulated away from?

No, because it's not about avoiding liberals hating us. They always will. The people we need to like us (or be neutral on us) are rightwing white people. It isn't that hard to get openminded rightwing whites to re-think race and demographics.

whatever asshole.

I know a Pakistani guy who knows fucking everything about the JQ. Of course, he isn't worried about white displacement. The JQ doesn't automatically make someone 100% based is my point.

no dude, reading comprehension

>If we are willing to concede on symbols we open to conceding on more
but the swastika was never my symbol to begin with, I'm an American white guy who loves western culture and my race.

I was forced to deal with this shitty issue by neo nazism existing and forcibly tying m racial identity to the third reich and the swastika. The left memed neo nazis into existence, basically. Pro-88 is codeword for antiwhite.

The middle ground is that we've actually won in Cville. Alt-lite cucked, Rebel Media destroyed, Antifa disowned by the media and ruined the image of democrats and cuckservatives who defended them before they destroyed the monuments, a discussion about free speech has been opened up, and the overton window was flung to the right.

>I know a Pakistani guy who knows fucking everything about the JQ
Of course he does.
>Of course, he isn't worried about white displacement.
Oh wow I wonder how exactly did he arrive in America? Couldn't be because of the Immigration Act 1965?

Been saying this for a long time now. Normies are open to zero immigration, hate BLM and muslims, it's ours to lose if we don't drop the nazi shit