Alt-Right Reformation: They call us Nazis anyways!! <- shill edition

Alright listen up men because this is how things are going to work from now on. Either you follow these instructions or our race dies. The Alt-right needs to reject Neo-Nazis, and White Supremacists. White Identitarianism (& nationalism) is fine, we can easily sell this to millions of White people who are fed up with antiwhite rhetoric.

National Socialists you can keep your toxic ideology to yourselves, but you need to drop the TOXIC branding. Call yourselves White advocates or White identitarians or something from now on. It means the exact same thing but is more free from negative connotations... Or come up with another term. Branding/Optics are key to winning a propaganda battle for our people's minds.
>"PRKEK" isn't an argument

You're never again to paint Hitler or the Nazis in a positive light. This is an albatross around our race's neck, and needs to be thrown overboard. I wouldn't even waste your time trying to explain to people how "Yah know, the Nazis really weren't that bad". You're wasting everybody else's and your own time on this and you're better off sticking to tactics that you know everybody can get behind(e.g. Whites deserve to maintain their interests in their own country and not be subject to hate). You can still advocate on behalf of whites and oppose Jewish manipulators but you are NOT allowed use the utterly useless and counter-productive Nazi and "Fascist" branding. You are White identitarians or White advocates for all intents and purposes
>"BUT THEY'LL CALL US NAZIS ANYWAY" isn't an argument

>Again, this thread is for the reformation of the Alt-Right. Start working on some new aesthetics and new names.
We just started a discord for more serious posters.Anyone joining will be heavily vetted


Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone that has a problem with or violates these new rules will from hereon be deemed a shill or mentally unfit and will be cast out of this reformed Pro-White movement. This is paramount, and many of you know I'm right. Time to un-fringe ourselves and win our people's hearts and minds.

The left wants to stick us into the nazibox to shut off white people's minds from being open to our ideas, and we must fight this. Onward, brothers!

I've always had the suspicion that the neo-nazi movement and white supremacy has only been kept alive thanks to agent provocateurs. There are certain groups of people who benefit greatly from their existence, if you are white then you are not one of those groups.

>inb4 you get called a Jew 1000 times before this thread is over
True, user. Very true.

Fuck off no.

The alt right isnt real you idiot

Fuck dude, get out of my head.
I've been saying this shit for the last 6 months.
We can't go George Lincoln Rockwell on the normies, it doesn't work.

>this amazing argument
mind=blown 10/10 wow
Muh worldview = BTFO


nice numbers comrade, post what you think.

A lot of people feel like this deep down but don't want to say it because dumbasses scream "JIDF" if you have an honest conversation about the usefulness of NS in propaganda.

Just drop the "white" altogether or the tag will stick. When it stops being about ethnonationalism, people will listen.

Well fuck that. I'm motivated by the desire to preserve my race above all else. If you honestly don't give a solitary fuck about the fate of white people, I have to question our sanity. Either that, or you're lucky enough t live in a solidly majority white area....