Eid Mubarak from Iran to all my muslim brothers and sisters btfoing and triggering the kuffar, and defending our glorious religion of Islam.
Eid Mubarak from Iran to all my muslim brothers and sisters btfoing and triggering the kuffar...
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Iran will join the world one day.
We have no intention of joining the subhuman kaffir filth that is the west.
We will however, get rid of the pro western kaffir governments controlling other muslim nations by exporting our islamic revolution to them, uniting the muslim world, and then raising the flag of islam over every city in the west.
Your women will make fine vessels for breeding more muslim children.
show your flag.
this haram website is blocked in iran. i came to wish my muslim brothers and sisters who are defending islam in this filth and btfoing and triggering you kuffar eid mubarak
Habibi. Khodafes.
pls stop obsessing over my country which your parents shamefully fled from. you are not from here. you are american and from america. integrate into your own society and stop obsessing with a country that is over 99% muslim. kthx
I dont care about Iran. I want to get rid of Israel.
Does the lamb taste extra delicious after your entire family fills it up with cum before the slaughter?
Is semen halal?
the muslims will get rid of the occupiers and will free palestine. the muslim world is none of your business or concern you filthy kaffir.
Except I literally grew up in Jordan with Palestinian family.
it tastes the best when seasoned with your kaffir blood
are you muslim?
No. I don't believe in organized religion. But I believe in God.
Then I assume you reject our holy prophet (saw)? If so, then what I said before stands. You are kaffir.
Stay out of muslim affairs
shit thread.
you failed
kill yourself
from one iranian to another, you are worshiping a false god and are destroying iran.
Aids Mubarak to all of you, mudslimey pedo worshippers and goat fuckers! Unfortunately, you will all go to HELL!
Shoo shill shoo
You have failed. Muslims are conquering the west and there is nothing you can do about it. Soon the flag of Islam will wave across all your buildings.
t. diasporashit
>posting nazi memes
I have doubts you are even ethnically middle eastern. Either that, or you are full of self hatred
Your death will be a blessing
You are kuffar
Show you're flag you Israeli piece of shit.
Happy goat fucking holiday shitskin!
Narrated Anas: Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine). They did so, and after they had recovered from their ailment (became healthy) they turned renegades (reverted from Islam) and killed the shepherd of the camels and took the camels away. The Prophet sent (some people) in their pursuit and so they were (caught and) brought, and the Prophets ordered that their hands and legs should be cut off and that their eyes should be branded with heated pieces of iron, and that their cut hands and legs should not be cauterized, till they die. Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 8, Bk. 82, No. 794.
Worst than WH user LARPers
“I saw the prophet – pbuh – sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire)
He (the Prophet) lift up his (al Hassan’s) shirt and kissed his (little) penis..”
روى أنه صلى الله عليه و سلم قبل زبيبة الحسن أو الحسين
He (the prophet) kissed the (little) penis of al Hassan or al Husein
رأيت النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم فرج ما بين فخذي الحسين و قبل زبيبته
He (the prophet) put Husein’s legs apart and kissed his (little) penis
Another Hadith. Majma al-Zawa’id, Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Haythami, 299/9 مجمع الزوائد لعلي بن أبى بكر الهيثمي
رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فرج ما بين فخذي الحسين و قبل زبيبته
رواه الطبراني و إسناده حسن
translated into English: “I saw the Messenger of Allah pbuh putting Husein’s legs apart and kissing his (little) penis.”
Related by Al-Tabarani and it’s authentication is fully validated by Islamic scholars.
Saying Israeli is giving legitimacy to that illegitimate state dumbass. There is no such thing as Israeli. They are Europeans larping as Jews who are occupying muslim land.
Also, I already told you this website is blocked in Iran
t. kaffir
Have fun on Turban holiday muzzies (except for the ones in Europe and the US, go home)
>an islam thread
perfect, I have this burning question i've just realized, that I need to know
how come, whenever someone draws images of mohammahd, you guys all lose it, but whenever someone does the same thing about god/allah, no one gives a shit?
How come you've made your entire religion about one man, putting him above even god/allah?
Is that not the most profane of heresies? To put one man above even god?
You've made everyone afraid of drawing mohammad, but you've not done a thing about people mocking and belittling god/allah
why is this so?
if its about the old egyptian gods, then where does Sup Forums and its worship of Kek come into play?
Is this why (((they))) have not shut us down?
We worship Kek and he is a god to. Energy goes where attention flows though. Gods are irrelevant. Sup Forums is concentrated consciousness so we literally use our consciousness to build a self fulfilling prophecy where we end up being right,
BOMB YURSELF OP we know you like it .
Pictures/Statues/etc = idol worship
We worship Allah (swt), not RasoolAllah (saw).
Worshipping anyone other than Allah (swt) is shirk.
In life or death, I'm with my God, Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for me and my sins! I will spend eternity in paradise because of his holy sacrifice. You are a goat fucking child of Satan, because you rape, kill and destroy, you will spend eternity in HELL!
FUCK YOU!!!!!!
>polytheist idol worshipper thinks he's going anywhere but hellfire
>Worshipping anyone other than Allah (swt) is shirk.
but a good chunk of you guys put Mohamed up on a metaphorical pedestal and act as if he is some sort of god though
its gone beyond just images, there's been plenty of cases of some teenager in pakistan for example making an angsty blog bitching about Mohammad and thousands riot and lynch him, acting as if he "dared to question their sacred cow", so to speak
I'm just trying to understand the baffling logic behind stuff like that, it just doesn't make sense, Mohammad may have been a great prophet of god, or something of that nature, but he was just a man, right?
>up on a metaphorical pedestal and act as if he is some sort of god though
Because Allah (swt) chose him as his messenger. He is a sinless and perfect human being. The role model for all of humanity to follow.
>but he was just a man, right?
A sinless and holy man. The perfect man. The ideal man.
Enjoy getting cucked by Arabs.
This is the only true right way for the Persians. Theocracy is for subhumans.
But in all seriousness I really hate Jews. If every Iranian abroad would acknowledge (((the problem))) we might actually have a chance at gaining some fucking dignity again.
but...what about before god chose him as his messenger?
And how are they certain it was god that contacted him, and not some sort of daemon of some sort? I'm not familiar with the details of the event, not being muslim, but I do know there are some anecdotes of such impersonations happening before, such as with satan.
>satanist pedo worshipper, raper, murderer, and terrorist who thinks he's going anywhere but hellfire
Fuck off nigger, is that sand-faggot for let's enjoy to fuck the sheep. You camel herding nigger?
>be submissive little allah buttboi during life
>lead a shit life as a result
>die and no allah
Truly a """religion""" for the lowest of subhumans kek
I don't think I'd be as concerned with islam if they were trying more to promote the teachings of Mohammad, in the way that much of modern Christianity tries to promote the teachings of jesus, rather then obsessing over jesus himself.
I thought it was supposed to be about making the world a better place, and being nice to your neighbor, educating them about why worshiping an idol such as a statue is a bad thing, for example, rather then killing them or yelling that they will only burn in hell over it?
I mean, I guess Islam wouldn't be so bad if they didn't keep trying to put Mohammad about their god, repeatedly insisting that he is perfect, sinless, etc etc.
I mean, isn't it only god or allah, or Yahweh, or whatever that is supposed to be perfect?
If one man was so sinless, and at the level of god as seems to be implied, what's stopping everyone from getting to that level, and making the idea of god meaningless?
Anyway, fingers crossed for another crane of peace this year.
>A fucking leaf
>intelligent conversation is just too much for him
at least the muslim larper made an effort
You are not Iranian if you are diaspora. You for instance are American, not Iranian.
In a few generations your kids will be perfectly assimilated into their western countries.
You bunch of parasites will no longer be we wuzzing in 100 years. At that time you will then no longer be a problem
>but...what about before god chose him as his messenger?
That was the time Allah (swt) was determining if he was fit to be his messenger.
>And how are they certain it was god that contacted him, and not some sort of daemon of some sort?
Ask a sheikh. They will be able to answer better than I.
As far as my knowledge from school goes, it was the angel Jabril (Gabriel as you know him) who came to RasoolAllah and guided him through is life of prophethood.
RasoolAllah never met Allah during his lifetime. He met Allah (swt) when he left this dunya. It was Jabril who revealed the Holy Qur'an to RasoolAllah on behalf of Allah (swt).
>If one man was so sinless, and at the level of god as seems to be implied
Not at the level of god
not a larper, but i know talking about my religion here triggers a bunch of kaffir scumbags, so i do it for the glory of islam
booger eating yankie? kek
Islam is gay as FUCK and you faggots pray with your face near another man's ass and stinky feet.
>That was the time Allah (swt) was determining if he was fit to be his messenger.
but could Allah have not overlooked some transgressions knowing he was picking him for a greater purpose?
>Ask a sheikh. They will be able to answer better than I.
I'll have to try to find one sometime, despite the whole "a lot of you guys want to completely murderize everyone in the west for our alleged sins", there's a lot of interesting lore and history behind Islam. From a safe distance of course.
>As far as my knowledge from school goes, it was the angel Jabril (Gabriel as you know him) who came to RasoolAllah and guided him through is life of prophethood.
wouldn't that mean that a lot of his teachings came from Gabriel/Jabril, who well could have tampered with the message? I mean, it wouldn't be the first time by far that some angel interfered with God's work, there was the whole satan thing.
>Not at the level of god
then what is the difference, other then power? if he was allegedly perfect and sinless in every way, then what's the difference between them other then power, such as omniscience and all that?
>not a larper
you're acting a bit stereotypical for me to really believe that,
Also, I've got to ask
What is it with the whole kaffir thing? Weren't the kaffirs those guys that the catholic church got all pissy about that tried to teach to follow the teachings of god, rather then the teachings of the church?
or is it just a mistranslation?
>using juvenile insults
>gloating about not reading
kk buddy whatever you say
why don't you faggots get busy killing some jews, it is the only thing other than goatfucking you are even moderately good at
>triggering the kuffar
also, regardless of if you're a larper or not, thank you for maintaining such a reasonable conversation. its a nice change of pace to not have someone yelling they will behead you, or crucify you for asking questions about their religion.
I like how you believe a bunch of horseshit with no basis in reality because it got wrote down a long time ago in your part of the wotld
is it necessary to draw that lame so cute ?
it will become furry bait you know
I am not a faggot and I have no sister to marry. Can I still be a Muslim?
Mohammed was a retard, he thought Mary and Miriam the sister of Moses are the same person. He couldnt read or write and he thought he was possessed by a demon. He was a child fucker and kissed and licked the penises of young boys.
This is the person muslims consider PERFECT and strive to be more like him. Imagine how retarded they are if that is someone they see as better than themselves.
>but could Allah have not overlooked some transgressions knowing he was picking him for a greater purpose?
I'm not Allah (swt)
To question Allah (swt) is to imply you as his creation are even comparable to him.
>I'll have to try to find one sometime, despite the whole "a lot of you guys want to completely murderize everyone in the west for our alleged sins", there's a lot of interesting lore and history behind Islam. From a safe distance of course.
We also want to convert you to Islam. So there would be no harm in going to a mosque and asking the sheikh questions.
>wouldn't that mean that a lot of his teachings came from Gabriel/Jabril, who well could have tampered with the message? I mean, it wouldn't be the first time by far that some angel interfered with God's work, there was the whole satan thing.
And look what happened to satan. Allah (swt) is all knowing and all powerful. If such a thing were to have occurred, then Allah (swt) would have done something about it.
>then what is the difference, other then power? if he was allegedly perfect and sinless in every way, then what's the difference between them other then power, such as omniscience and all that?
Perfect for a human being. You cannot compare a human being to Allah (swt).
>you're acting a bit stereotypical for me to really believe that,
How so? I'm not trying to act anything. Just came here to wish my muslim brothers and sisters around the world eid mubarak.
>What is it with the whole kaffir thing? Weren't the kaffirs those guys that the catholic church got all pissy about that tried to teach to follow the teachings of god, rather then the teachings of the church?
Kaffir = infidel
Kuffar = infidels
>or is it just a mistranslation?
I'm not a catholic so I wouldn't know what they do
Sure. Since you were genuinely curious, it is my duty as a muslim to do my best to guide you to Allah (swt)
The illiterate retard is you
Anyways gtg sleep now that I prayed Fajr.
Thank you.
Eid Mubarak