Chink insectoids

Remind me again pol, are Chinese insectoids or humanoids?

Other urls found in this thread:

They're insects. Literal soulless insects. Chinese lives are worth absolutely nothing.

he would have grown up to eat that dog anyway

is this the daily chink hate thread?, count me in.




dat 0:30 frame

Even the dog showed more concern than everyone else during that entire time.



It's as if all the massacres and enslavements that the chinks suffered throughout their history were karmic retributions. The chinks seriously deserved the Rape of Nanjing.

While I am similarly revolted by this kind of shit, China's the most populous country on earth. Plus, they're commies, so everyone's a commodity who exists for the betterment of the country.

So, honestly, I can understand why they don't bat an eyelash at kids dying to stupid shit like this.


>the blood on the side of the car

last one for now

GotDamned! Someone up there hates you when something like that happens. Fucking shit.

Rape of nanking never happened but it should have.

ah yes the amerniggers desperate attempt at propaganda.

>eurocuck want chink shrimp dick

that filename hahahaha

Whenever I see chinese throwing / kicking kids I honestly wonder if they are the worst country on earth. I mean, shit I've seen middle eastern and indian shit all over the internet, but the chinese are the only ones I constantly see fucking up their children. What the fuck is wrong with them?

How does a blood spatter that size on the car wind up happening!?

>Rape of nanking never happened
Why do Americans love to deny things that happened and then tell us about hundreds million killed in GULAGs? Don't you Americans feel cognitive dissonance?

he ded

That's Brazil

Back in 1997 I met a 80 year old that was there. It did happen. However, she also said that the Chinese Army killed just as many civilians as the Japanese did. Just as these webms show, they don't give two-shits about each other. The only people who really tried to save them on mass were the whites.

Theres no better type of thread. Bonus points when the mexican that despises them and the other asians join in on the fun

My sides kek

What's wrong with dissing your enemies? You attack them with everything you have under whatever circumstances. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, attacking them is the important part.


There's no fucking way that's blood. What the fuck?


What a mistake that turned out to be. Should've let the nips killed them all and then simply nuked the nips out of existence. The less competition for the US the better

They're literally the most soulless race on earth. It's not because of communism either.

This ones my personal favorite, just so weird

Also mexibro is probably banned alot since he shits on the chinese so much and it makes the janitors mad for (((some reason)))

I was hoping the dog would eat the kid. A little revenge.

>There's no fucking way that's blood. What the fuck?
He did appear to be carrying a small plastic bag of something. Probably kittens or puppies is my guess.

It looks like his head must have exploded like a watermelon instantly on impact

>What's wrong with dissing your enemies?
Because it's a tactic for cowardly bitches and niggers, it rarely works. And when enemy beats you he will deny you basic respect and courtesy he would normally have for anyone worthy of respect.

Jesus not a single person even bent down to look at the child or even get within a couple feet. They all maintained a perimeter around the body. That is truly fucked up.

The US has never had the balls to actually do something like that and that have lost them a massive amount of power.

>Rape of nanking never happened but it should have.
Right, because Asians are such empathic, wonderful people (as this thread shows over and over), that they would never ever do something so horrible.

Here's the solution to all the problems ITT

this ones my fav

What makes you think anyone can defeat us? Why would we want the respect from a loser like Russia? Also you don't have to worry about getting captured by your enemies if you are stronger than them. Thinking about losing and hoping your enemies are going to show you mercy is about as beta and faggotory as you can be. At that stage you might as well just give up and kys

forgot webm, fuck sake

Holy shit, that looks fake as fuck



Grand Theft Auto Beijing like wtf

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: China is a living organism, and it hates the Chinese.

>Holy shit, that looks fake as fuck

nah nigga, its just China


When is China going to be so polluted that it becomes uninhabitable?

>What makes you think anyone can defeat us?
Defeating degenerate country with 5th columns of every flavor, rogue CIA, divided population and all important assets on its coasts? Gee, I wonder.
>Thinking about losing and hoping your enemies are going to show you mercy
Yep, more pussy talk from a bitch nigger. Cry more about muh BBC and Trump impeachment.

Technically parts of it already are, though people still live there because China is hilarious.

So many failures on pretty much every front.
>Kid lacks environmental awareness
>Truck driver can't see shit
>No one else gives a shit

Literally everyone is at fault. It's just sad.

We need to help them pollute it more honestly. Start exporting coal to them


/x/ said they were cross-breeds between humans and reptiloids, thus lack of emotions and sadism.

>Start exporting coal to them
China is the world leader in coal production, bitch nigga


That's why their environment is shit. We should help to make it shittier.

just imagine how shitty that would be both literally and metaphorically

like your arm or leg gets caught on one of the rungs of the manhole ladder and then your bike falls on you, breaking it, and this happening more than a few times on the way down

And just think, these people are competing in a capitalistic fashion with the West... now do you understand why China is going to win?

It's like Rube Goldberg of safety violations

the way the moped goes in looks really iffy, calling bullshit on this one

They can lose 10 million people to their industries a year and it would actually be beneficial to them. Stalin proved that you can solve most problems by just throwing millions of humans at them, with or without the proper training / equipment.

Nah. It's not sad.

It's evolution. The inferior are being culled from their society. Give it another hundred years and a race of square jawed, 6'5 Chinese supermen will take over the world.

Link related, chink eats millipede.

Win what? Most polluted shithole on earth award? Most kid fatality award?

Post the ones where factories explode

Lmao, chinks can't win jack shit. We outsourced labor to them because they are cheap and we get our quality of life improved at little to no cost. They can't develop anything worth shit

With no morals and no democracy China is as efficient as it can get.


its called quality control. if white people didnt coddle their kids they would have higher standardized test scores.

fuck if black people could stomach getting rid of 50% of their dumbest black males they would end up in the acceptable range

They fucking ruthless, they have not goals or morals, they are just looking to win. 1 staple of Chinese competition is, not only do you have to win but you have to destroy your opponent.

Also this.

The only thing that keeps America ahead is it's ingenuity that being strangled by Crony Capitalism.

What the hell is the story behind this?

fucking pigscumfucking americans, man...



that's fucking disgusting. i'm more disturbed by the amount of work that he puts into it than him actually eating it.

Nuke test under real condition?

the video is sped up

this is a china hate thread. if you want to hate america you're going to have to make a new thread about it. thank you for your cooperation.

>the only solution

The guy fucking survived that

fucking die, pig

neck your fucking self

We have to do everything we can to destroy them. Don't buy their stuff, take their women away, feed liberal ideas to them and destabilize their government. The insect chink is our greatest threat and we must do everything we can to beat them.

Please tell me the story behind this!

what is the guy with the camera saying? what if it's one of those rich chinks paying a poor security guard to eat a bug just for his own amusement?

Kiwi chink you mad?

That is a centipede my dude

better insectoids than savage nigger apes

seriously, any day a million times over they are hundreds of times better than niggers

Let's talk about the invasion of Poland, and the activities in Siberia.

Lived in China for a year. This happened to one of my friends. I'm genuinely surprised I made it out alive.

The more I keep hearing chinks and gooks refereed to as insectoids the more I get noticing that Asian women really do look like bugs.

Fuck you and your constant brainwashing Sup Forums.

US/globalists struck China's secret underground weapons development facility in Tianjin with a Rod of God to remind them who's boss
brainlets will tell you flammable chemicals caused this, LMAO

Do fucking chinks just glitch like an NPC an stand there? Man, they really are soulless rape babies.
