Are the Irish the worlds best looking people?

Even the meh ones have bright blue eyes and decent features. Epitome of an Aryan model.It's sad that they are being ethnically replaced by disgustingly ugly looking Arabs and middle easterners.



>potato apes

Africans aren't people though.

Burger saying people aren't goodlooking the gall.

Says the person too afraid to show his flag.

irish people are beautiful OP. i don't know what the deal is with the "irish people aren't white" meme. they might be my favorite single nation of peoples in europe. i banged at least 3 of them and i hope to bang more in the future. i think it's just an intentionally absurd thing that people say ironically.

also i'm not a nigger or anything, i've got nice light hair and gorgeous green eyes, so this isn't coming from a non-white. go irish!

seriously, humans evolved from blacks. everyone knows this. therefore the black cannot be human




you ugly


>Are the Irish the worlds best looking people?

>what are slavic russians

>are Irish the best looking people who bathe regularly?

All irish people have perfect straight teeth. Their eyes are perfectly placed. And they have light colored features, blonde, blue eyes, red hair, green eyes etc...

Nords always have spaced apart bug eyes. All their women are whores and trash. Anglos have fucked up crooked and rotten teeth. All their women are ugly and fat.
German girls are weird looking much like nordics, but coupled with manly beefy shoulders and fridge-like body shapes.

Only slavic women can compete with irish women. But irish men have no equal and are on top.

>dem women except bottom right

I've always thought Irish were beautiful they are like elves or something

Slavs are good looking sort of but only until about age 20. Then suddenly babushka!

Yes, we are.

I'm sorry that you can't compete white boi.

What makes you think they don't bathe you stupid mart sharter

>the catholic church evolved from jesus' teachings. everyone knows this. therefore christ's original followers cannot be christian

One, three and eight.