Notice the Cameras Don't Even Shake. And Look How High Up The Cameras Are

Prove nuclear weapons are real.

Jews control Russia & America. They terrorized both with the threat of a nuclear (there's that word again) holocaust.

Today the Jew world order uses the WMD nuke excuse as a reason to invade for more territory.

Hiroshima after the bombing looks like any other WWII city that was fire bombed.
The fallout didn't keep the plants from immediately growing back and the city is fine today.

Einstein was a plagiarist and 'Jewish physics' isn't just Nazi hatespeech. Look at the state of science today. Climate change, string theory, the Bill Nye's sex junk, big pharma.

We are dropping MOABs. Nobody has used a nuke in 70 years even though the USSR collapsed into organized crime syndicates, nobody ever sold anybody refined uranium to anyone that sold it to somebody that might use it. Have you seen what they did to each other in the Middle-East and Africa in the past 70 years?

The refined uranium A-bomb is said to be very easy to make. The uranium just needs to be slammed into more of the same uranium. And WHY would that rip apart atoms? The plutonium bomb is said to be just some plutonium that is common but you rig up simultaneous explosions all around it. But again, why would that rip apart atoms?

The old test footage of the blasts look like any gasoline or dynamite explosion. That is, burning hydrocarbons.
The other footage just looks like a zoomed in, sped up video of a sun rise.
In the pic related, notice how high the camera is and it's not even shaken. Even if they built it on a sturdy metal frame, you might be thinking, look at the metal frames getting blasted in the video.

It would be possible for only a few in the club to know they were fake.
I might think faking nukes would be impossible if we didn't already know about,
The holohoax
The climate change myth
The central banking scam
and many more

Other urls found in this thread:


the camera shakes in your webm. ur retarded

nice meme

notice how the north koreans aren't scared of nukes and suddenly got some random nuke arsenal? they found out the plot

No it dosn't
Affix your eye to parts of the structures getting moved the least.


About camera vibration:

>Later, in the 50s, the camera was upgraded the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE) in order to study the British atomic bomb explosions.
To avoid vibrations – and thus shaky images – the C4 AWRE camera is bolted to massive rectangular steel frame. The camera uses a mirror rotating at a very high and constant velocity driven by a small helium turbine, or an electric motor. The objective lens forms an image if the object is on the face of the mirror. As the mirror rotates, it reflects successive images of the object through a couple of secondary lenses around the edge of the mirror onto a long photographic film strip attached to the inner wall of a cylindric metal drum:

Nukes are exaggerated fear propaganda


I agree op, anyone who defends these lies always frame it like this;

>You need more (((education)))
>You're too stupid to understand
>Herpa derp derp

There's no evidence at all, and we lost the technology to go to the moon!



I'm not asking about footage of the blast itself. I'm talking about the camera 30 to 40 feet in the air filming that house.
Show the photo of what they built to keep that camera in place.

>2 destroyed cities
Ok, that doesnt prove nukes

No clue. Researching it now. Looks like the camera itself was reinforced, but I can't find anything about fixtures/placements/bunkers etc etc.

if nuikes exist sarah cannah's skeletal remains wouldnt be able to hold on to that fence. /thread

The earth is round because linear perspective won't allow the sun to be the same apparent size all day unless it's pretty much the same distance all day.
In the round earth model the sun is pretty much the same distance all day.
In the flat earth model the sun is 2 and 3 times the distance away. So we don't live on a flat earth.
See how I, the OP did that?
Now you do the same for the nukes.

this supposed h-bomb just looks like a sunrise and some burnt film

I wonder if anyone has some straight audio of Kim talking about nukes.

Alright, here's the technical document on the cameras used for Operation Teapot.
>18 ft high camera stands mounted in reinforced concrete bunkers buried underground.

French ones look pretty neat too.

But the Earth is Flat



I know the game quite well. In fact I have had personnel nukes for 3 years now. I can say what ever I fucking want to whom ever I want. I can do what I please because I HAVE THE BOMBS.
>Seriously though, at least 2 have existed and used in the last 70yrs.

Soviets made artificial lakes in Kazakhstan with atomic blasts.

That thing would have shaken. The electric utility equipment in the OP video is much more re-inforced than the thing in your picture and it shook. The camera didn't shake because they were movie effect models.

Those French 'tests' look like more cheap camera tricks. A zoom in on the sun overlaid on footage of the sky and some orb in a fish tank or something. Then it cuts to the real explosions which look like hydrocarbons again. Typical of a Mexican oil refinery explosion without the smoke from the fire that caused the blast.

Tokyo didn't get nuked dude.

Nukes are plenty real, it's just the idea of the world ending from them that is false.

Maybe it's all fake and a bunch of TNT boxes stacked on top of each other, but damn these boats got btfo.

Look at the Chagan test. Lots of shaking, but the trees falling over were pretty cheesy looking.

a massive i beam is pretty strong senpai


A lot of something burning up in that video around 2:02. Like a hydrocarbon would burn.
The Jews definitely ran Russia at the time this was made. And why make a film about it?

i hate this place i cant believe im here forever

I'm sure the camera would shake there because that was real explosion.
Maybe we can get a nuclear physicist to explain why a nuclear blast burns up like dynamite or gasoline exploding.

Literally a ten second google search will bring you to a shit ton of sources, basically nuclear warfare while massively devastating to specific cities, is not enough to either cause a nation to collapse or end humanity.

Paranoid schizophrenia

The 'literally shit-ton of evidence everywhere' 'literally everyone knows' argument is not acceptable here
I killed the flat earth model with hard falsifying facts

>Joogle it and believe what you read goy, there's no lies on the internet! Your gubmint loves you, and keeps you safe.

$0.02 deposited Shlomo. Wikipedia is not evidence, and you're a jew, literally and figuratively.

Oblique sphereroid pear shaped earth you mean

An I-beam is going to catch a lot of wind stuck straight up like that.
Also, the camera is higher than 18ft in the section showing the 2 story house. My red lines should be at least 20 feet high and you can see from how they're making a slight V we are somewhere higher. Maybe 24 to 28ft

I mean, it doesn't make much sense to me, prove to me that it's fake. Wouldn't it be much cheaper to use chemical weapons or something similar as an excuse for war? Or you know, literally anything else, since such excuses can be flimsy as fuck.

The Jews don't want 'cheaper' they want to demoralize and instill fear. Fear increases the military budget. It raises taxes and government debt. It's a cover for Vietnam opium wars by calling it the threat of Communism. I don't know all the ins and outs but it would be the perfect fake weapon. Nobody would know it was fake. When you run the military you run the colleges.

I asked to see proof it was real. Everything we consider real should have already been falsified. This never has. It looks like hydrocarbons burning and my OP video from way back looks fake.

Weev is /ourguy/ and he knows physics.
What do you think of his assessment?

Brother weev is always on it. Goat.sec exposed a gaping hole so big it got him vanned.

Pass on regards if you could.

That's the point dude. Tokyo was repeatedly firebombed. The damage looks identical to Hiroshima which was allegedly nuked.

I think OP may not be a fag for once and actually on to something. His points are pretty interesting.