Is homeopathy a scam ?

Is homeopathy a scam ?

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>Is homeopathy a scam ?

Yep UK government just stop paying for all homeopathic medicines.


Yeah, its snake oil. Only it doesn't get you drunk or high.

placebo effect works, but naturopathy is actually effective for some things

Yes, but it can be really easy money.



Threadly reminder lavender lowers testosterone

pharmajew is one of babies first redpills, amazing more ppl on here dont realize naturopathy is )))legit(((

ask Steve Jobs

Some of the stuff works.

Eating local honey to avoid allergies works. Also there is some good tricks to get rid of earwax and popped ears.

For anything serious, no. The tar cancer treatment are funny as fuck. They burn holes in themselves, the best is the people who get diagnosed by a homeopathic doctor and they burn holes in themselves and it turns out they didn't even have cancer.

>Is homeopathy a scam ?

You're probably thinking of naturopaths. Homeopathy is the belief that infinitesimal concentrations of something in water have magical healing properties.
Its literally just a trick to sell dumb goyim water disguised as alternative medicine.

Homeopathic preparations are manufactured using a process of homeopathic dilution, in which a chosen substance is repeatedly diluted in alcohol or distilled water, each time with the containing vessel being bashed against an elastic material, (commonly a leather-bound book). Dilution typically continues well past the point where no molecules of the original substance remain. Homeopaths select homeopathics by consulting reference books known as repertories, and by considering the totality of the patient's symptoms, personal traits, physical and psychological state, and life history.

Well well, it makes money from the gullible by selling them useless shit like sugar pills diluted with some remnants of occult extracts in believing that it'll boost their immune system by inflicting weaker symptoms.

Who could be behind that?

Yes. I used to work at a "natural" grocery, though most of our profits came from our supplements section. The things they would say and do to get people to spend thousands of dollars on their products was actually pretty disgusting. Lots of people who had been diagnosed with cancer would come in seeking an "alternative cure" and the people who worked sales in the supplements section would swoop in on those people like vultures. Their tactic was to first convince the customer that their doctor was actually trying to poison them and had no interest in curing them, only billing them. Afterwards they would attempt to feel out how much cash they had on them. People who had money to throw around were given the red carpet and would go home with $1,000+ in basically worthless pills. Obviously not everyone could afford that. If it was the type of person who didn't even have a credit card they would tell them about "old tyme cancer remedies" which, I shit you not, was a treatment of alkaline water (4 dollars a gallon), grade B maple syrup, and aluminum free baking soda. This mixture (they claimed) was proven to "eat up" cancer. It was a scummy place and a scummy business but I worked there for a while because they pay was almost ok and I didn't have to buy groceries while I was there.


ohh ok.

That honey shit works.

Well, buying local products, that (if you know the person making them) are natural and not hit with pesticides are gonna be tastier and even healthier, though the price is really hefty imo.

I knew a guy that was making honey locally, bee breeding was kinda his hobby, shit sold like gangbusters and it was pretty tasty as well.

Yes you silly cunt.