Not white is not right

Not white is not right

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israel honorary slav?

Good on you again, Hungary. Also props to Eastern Europe in general.

O kurwa

Full list

>Gallup poll uses acceptance of immigrants as de facto "good" and "correct" for the "top" score

We WILL destroy white countries




Iceland is so desperate for migrants because they are afraid of incest lmao



Earth belongs to the white man. We lived in peace, alone until the fucking reptilians blew up our home planet Mars (this is why we have a different body clock and muscle density) and we found refuge here on Earth in Europe. The reptilians were using black and brown people for slaves until the white man tried to free them. We almost destroyed the reptilians, they fled into inside the Earth. Then we had a ice age. During this period of time we thrived, making our way from Europe to American known as "Solutreans" long before the mongoloids. If it was not for the white man saving the sub humans from the Reptilians and creating civilization, there would be no "countries" or "gibs me dat" to fight over. Black and brown people should be worshiping us. We continue fighting the Reptilians to this day. They are the Jews, The Serpent, The Synagogue of Satan. We will win. Trump will also help rebuild our home planet Mars.





Most of the top ten are fucking black majority nations... Op is a faggot

Nice false flag, paint white nationalists as crazy. Standard tactic. 0 for originality




5 of 10 is not most, you fucking retarded yank.

Where the fuck are all the women?

We couldn't save them in time ;_;

They, along with thier children, are back at the warzones.

No. You only defeated us because you blue eyed freaks were immune to our hypno ray. You think you were so clever to induce an ice-age to force us us into hybernation. But guess what. Once we have bred the last of you into extinction with our slave races we will reclaim our world and have the prodigy of Urbuk dig gold for us with their bare hands for a million years.