Rightards are hypocrites


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nazis were the guys in ww2
not some guy with a flag

More proof that the left can't meme.

i want to be a nazi too

the real fascist will persecute someone for holding a flag, an intelligent person persecutes based on ideas.

>individual member of general far-right grouping practices National-Socialism
>all far-fighters are Nat-Doc
I'm a Conservative Fascist.

>If the person is holding a Nazi flag, saying racial slurs and making Nazi salutes doesn't mean he's a Nazi sympathiser

exactly, that is the way it works.(or is supposed to) until he acts on his words he is just trolling for all anyone knows.

Statistically speaking that's actually correct. Over 50% of reported hate crimes are falsified

Literally ONE NERD with a flag that even pol can't dox and in 24 hours everyone to the right of Nancy Pelosi is a Nazi. Damn Brown SHirt Media.

>nazi sympathizers are nazis now

There is no Nat Soc party in Germany

You cannot be a literal Nazi


In this case probably closer to 99.9%. SOB probably works for CNN.

this alt right """""""""argument""""""""" is always fucking hilarious and dead in the water

why does the feminist whisper she wants to kill all blacks ?

Yes, as an individual. The problem with the alt-right is that it has no concrete platform, so the loudest wins.

The KKK was started by the democrats.

Then you have to ask whether he's serious or whether he's just taking the piss.

Just because I make a few jokes about gassing Jews doesn't fucking mean I would actually want to see real-life Jews injured or killed in reality.


Rape-culture goes against their ideology.


They were conservatives then.

>antifa starts destroying public and private property and physically hurting people en mass
>media does nothing

>one guy kills somebody with the car
>OMG these people are evil!!!!

Two-faced hypocrisy.

How far is too far though? Can I ironically kill Jews?

the most disgruntled wins, how do you make people disgruntled? not allow them to express their ideas.


Deep. Powerful. Brave.

>unsubstantiated blown up claims because little white nazis are scared

>actually committing mass murder recorded for all to see because he didn't like non-nazis

gee I wonder why Sup Forums school of false equivalence

No said the chaps at Berkley weren't Nazis.

You can't physically hurt another person who isn't actively trying to harm you.

If a Jew happens to come at you with a weapon then sure, kill him. But otherwise you belong in jail or a mental institution.

Everyone that are openly involved in politics and talk about their opinions in public will experience a lot of retarded claims and beliefs. It comes with the territory if you decide to expose yourself

One of the ways to seperate yourself from idiots is to filter through the basic ad hominem and understand the difference between a chanting mob and those that have a genuine interest for discussions. Those that manage to do this won't bother that much with normie mobs and bashing their "rethoric" is pointless

To sum up OP's pic: It's a moron mocking other morons

Yes, because COMMUNISTS are good people we should be siding with.

Fun fact, but they're the ones responsible for Hitler coming into power in the 1st place.

Stop pretending like you have the moral high-ground by supporting domestic terrorist who are fighting LARPers.

just waiting for the right to act as violently as the left. remember kids, warning shots are not authorized

>DA GOMMIES !!1111

>Is there a registered National Socialist Party or a party assuming a majority of National Socialist ideology operating in America?
If your answer is no, then even holding a nazi flag and making the roman salute does, in fact, not count as being a Nazi. (at best, it would be a Nazi sympathizer, at worst an IRL troll)

>kill all blacks!
>not "gas the kikes, race war now!"

Truer words cannot be spoken.

The strawman is strong with this one.

>It's another episode of a Democrat that can't stop talking down to everyone around him while acting self righteous and like God himself ordained only his thinking as the right thinking, and then can't understand why everyone hates Dems these days.

I hate reruns.

>wall o' text
>did not read

Nazis don't exist.
They are not real.
Neo-Nazis exist.
Most of the people presently accused of being Nazis are not Neo-Nazis.
The Neo-Nazis are already considered domestic terrorists and criminal gangs.
Stop misrepresenting the current climate to suit your agenda.
Free speech activists aren't Nazis.
Republicans aren't Nazis.
Patriots aren't Nazis.
White Supremacists aren't Nazis.
A few demented old men and women in rest homes in europe are former Nazis.
There is no Nazi party.

>muh feminazi comparison
Notice how that word isn't Nazi.
It's a new term, describing radical feminists as so authoritarian they resemble Nazis. It's not saying that they are literal National Socialists.

TL;DR Nazis don't exist.

That's not anything real or actually existing.

It attempts to make the following false portrayal:

when a guy is waving a giant Swastika flag, and leftists call that person a nazi, then the same people usually speaking about "feminazis" tell them to stop.

But this doesn't happen. Particularly the first step: leftists don't simply call people waving Nazi flags Nazi, they instead call enormous massive sweeping huge crowds of people Nazis.

Again: The lie in this image is to pretend and give the impression that leftists are specific in their criticism, calling people nazis when they wave nazi flags and not when they don't.

This is false - leftists call massive numbers of people Nazis whether they wave nazi flags or not. This in turn justifies telling them not to call everyone they disagree with nazis.

Just another sign of the psychopathic Left, engaged in a false propaganda war. The only person in recent history who has done anything meaningful at all to stop them is Breivik. Nothing else has had any effect.

You didn't miss anything, it's an entire page of


This guy fucking gets it.