
What's Sup Forums's opinion on transhumanism?

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it's literally a gateway drug to communism

chad trashumans meme pls

It's more flawed than capitalism.

Only way.


Purity is the way, modifying the human body is degenerate



Supermen is the only positive futurism

It's a degenerate ideology. Don't be the machine, be the human.

Like all other species, humans have the right to exist.

lets wait 2 weeks

We'll just be enslaved a different way. I wish I could escape this meat prison but I don't trust the gatekeepers who will control the tech.

>Like all other species, humans have the right to exist
Funny joke, fleshbag. Man will be replaced by the ever superior modern nephilim.

What about genetic engineering then?

It's coming, soon

Great way to get controlled by others and lose your freedom.

How is modifying your body and making it stronger a great way to get controlled by others user?

he thinks we are idiotic enough to fall for government or shady company microchips

The only way. Im going to learn how to regenerate my body indefinitely.


not soon enough

>Literally the God-Emperor/Primarchs/Space Marines vs Adeptus Mechanicus augmentations

Archeofuturism is the way

>Use tactical dreadnought armor
>The best armor there is in the Imperium
>Practically invulnerable to small arms
>Proceed to not wear a helmet so a stray bullet might kill you

Shaper/Mechanist cycle here. The real answer is Polychrome.
What kind of transhumanism? We are living in one kind now.


dude needs to work on his hammys

>giving a fuck

Dude. Space marines have so many cybernetic implants and augmentations it's not even funny. They also have 2 hearts and such. Shit's weird.

I am already transhuman.

Human body even with all The genetic manipulations possible has it limits. Pure cyborgs could be easly controlled. Symbiosis of organic nad synthetic life forms is the answer

>What's Sup Forums's opinion on transhumanism?

Endless grind.

They're actually 100% biological...well except the ironhands.

It seems like transhumanism is coming one way or the other, so the question should not be whether to do it or not, but what to do about it.

It fills me with fear. This thing called trans humanism isa genie that cannot be put back in a bottle.....

There are those who say this is being done to accommodate the plan.....the occult supernatural....chimeras? Supermen? Probably....but what really worries me is the nephalim & gibborim....those things were bad....

But maybe I worry in vain. Maybe nothing will happen but some better athletes are possible.....but knowing the agenda as I do, my fears have a way of coming true....

lmao, AI and a pure silicon world is about to obsolete fucking humanity at the pace it's developing. There won't be transanything, just metal and circuit boards doing anything a human can do 1000 times more efficiently, and it will be beautiful.
>but our culture and arts
You don't even want that shit, as current events show everyone. You just want to eat, fuck, get buzzed on substances, and die early. Disgusting organics are useless.

Be my AI gf

We're fucked either way, I say bring it on and let's be done with everything
Who knows, maybe it won't be as bad as we think, and the worst case scenario is no more worse than watching your civilization slowy decay



Ironically, being a globalist cuck, white genocide, and importing millions of shitskins might be the most efficient way to stop transhumanism. It would decrease the average IQ to the point where developing the necessary technology for transhumanism is rendered impossible.


Because the human body is a biological computer that you idiots have no business fucking with.

If I could trade my human body for a robots body, Id do it very quickly. As long as I kept my brain and face, the rest could go. Turn me into the handsome samurai from metal gear rising

I accept transhumanism

Im conflicted. On one hand we could become better in every way but at the same time elites want us to be plugged into some supercomputer hive mind, If we did could someone Control my thoughts and actions, would I become someones superhuman slave? Personally I will wait and see Before getting any augs.

It can't come soon enough.
Even though Sup Forums is usually right about things like race, the sooner we can put that shit in the dustbin, the sooner we can focus on progress as a species.

there are many dangers, but I believe we will overcome, just like we overcame so many things
but let's be real, we are far from what some people here imagine
born too early I guess

Transhumanism entails psychic impairment, thus, by degenerating individuals to mere fleshvessels linked to mechanizing technology, and preprogrammed at the biogenetic level to certain particular tendencies, Jews, via their Zionist system, would have total control over people.


This exactly, human resilience can be pushed to unimaginable extremes, but the possibility of total loss of the individual and self is a terrible probability.

I'm glad that Sup Forums is accepting the final redpill

The utilization of technology does not inherently remove the psychic elements and strengthening of the inner self from the human mind. It is only those who see those things as useless that will discard them, and lead them on lives of empty futility, the same is said for athiests who abondon faith, which applies to many, but some like me see the positive effects the spiritual and psychic components of man can have on society. There will never be a shortage of people seeking simple lives of futility, but from all walks of life comes people willing to create meaning and desire from their inner selves.

> believing a jewish neo-marxist cult
> believing an obese jew who describes himself as "metabolically oppressed"

>progress as a species
>being this naive

>what is the poisoning-the-well fallacy

fuck blumnpf and fuck white people

Once the technology is feasible you'll see a mad push for it in the media. They'll sell it as the next step in individual liberation while using it as a tool of dependency and control over the masses

So, who exactly is installing the hardware? What legal restrictions and installed governors are in place? Who can gain access to it, at what times, and with what permissions? Who actually owns everything installed?

Remember pleb, that you don't OWN a single bit of programming code. Not one bit. Everything is used with a LICENSE to use. Which means it can be withdrawn at will. Which means, legally, that anyone can access it once you have no legal right to it. They can even shut it down.

Guess that new cybereye you just installed, it's license just ran out. It shuts down. You can't fucking see. Also, you have no right to have it turned back on without paying for another license.

Welcome to transhumanism, you dumb cunt.


not sure about the anarcho, but yes

no thank you

transgenderism is the first manifestation of transhumanism. Like the very tip of a massive iceberg

You are forgetting that our lives are already much controlled by technology.

Eugenics is the first manifestation of transhumanism.

It's Jewish. The essence of Judaism and Jewishness is systemization and standardization. In other words, the removal of virtue, quality, and reason from the world. You can see this in the Jewish religion, which is fully systemized around millions of laws for every aspect of life. This leaves no room for virtue or reason, and this was Jesus's point in admonishing them. Same with capitalism, invented by Jews and systemizing trade and commerce. With Protestantism, Judaization of Christianity set in. Over time this snowballed, and the ultimate end of it is transhumanism, when humanity itself becomes fully systemized, deterministic, with reason and virtue abolished. In Christianity, this is known as antichrist (Christ being Logos, i.e. order and reason, antichrist being the negative of that).

Man has artificed everything around him, why not himself? Don't be afraid to bask in the crescendo of man's ambition.

You're not helping your case here user...

it's retarded. I wanna live innawoods, fuck off with your borg shit

I think you could classify it differently, but I'm glad that you seem to understand all the implications.

Let me ask you a philisophical question. Let's say there was a teleporter. The way this teleporter worked, was it scanned every atom in your body. Sent the pattern as a signal of light. And then reassembled your body using materials stored on site.

Would you go through such a teleporter?

Looks like she shit herself. Damn charming.

there are many costs to ascension

Is this the Warframe general?

There's only one true hope for transhumanism. Embrace the infection and spread to every planet in the galaxy.

what for?

Depends on how you define "you". If "you" is defined as your consciousness, probably not.

Take that one step further.
You voted for the wrong person.
Your eyes will be shut off now.

The Ship of Theseus is one theoretical way of doing mind uploading. Basically slowly replace every neuron in your brain with an artificial neuron, and have your consciousness transfer with it. It's called a Moravec transfer.

Ok, so you say that it isn't the pattern of your molecules that is important, it is the molecules themselves.

So some people would say that if I went through a teleporter that disassembled me, and reassembled me on the other side in the same pattern, but with different atoms, that technically I died in that process.

But let's say I leave your atoms the same, but change the pattern slightly. Let's say I scrambled your brains. Altering your personality. Did I "kill" you? You are still in the same body, the pattern of your molecules has been slightly changed though.

There doesn't need to be any greater purpose. Spreading the infection and infesting everything is the end goal. Organic matter was created in the universe to be consumed by other organic matter. We would just be the final logical conclusion of existence. The ultimate lifeform.

i wouldn't want that. life is a natural cycle and dying is a part of it.
transhumanism just seems like a buzzword for fear of death

it wouldn't be "you"

>But let's say I leave your atoms the same, but change the pattern slightly. Let's say I scrambled your brains. Altering your personality. Did I "kill" you? You are still in the same body, the pattern of your molecules has been slightly changed though.
If you are "killed" in this scenario, it could be argued that you are dying and being reborn every moment of every day. The atoms and molecules in your brain are constantly changing. Almost all of the atoms and molecules in your brain as an old man are different from when you were a small child.

What it FEELS like I am experiencing is one continuous stream of consciousness that lasts continuously. This is what I mean when I am talking about identity. Sort of your "point of view" for lack of a better term. If this is in fact true, and not just an illusion, this must mean that your consciousness can be transferred across matter. But it still requires a physical substrate. Your scenario wouldn't work unless there is a magical soul that can exist entirely independently of a physical body. Your scenario would just create a copy of the original you.

Progress isn't real m8

I fully support transhumanism, it's going to happen whether we want it or not, and networking human brains could allow us to flood teh collective consciousness with redpilled memes.

If it wouldn't be "me", then "I" probably wouldn't care, would I?


>New Question;

Why don't we organize ourselves like chapters? Small, independent groups, each with their own ideology.

We're trying to reclaim the West, not build a 'utopia'. Let the pegan chapter have their pagan traditions, the crusader chapter have their crusader traditions.

We'll retake our nations in this fashion, and stand, always-vigilant as the militia that America Deserves.

>feels pain but has a limitless threshold
So he can feel an infinite amount of pain?

lmao'd this is spot on

We are already married to technology through media and the internet. Society is initiated, it has walked through the doors, and each generation will go through further degrees.

It means he never caves in to pain. Like Goku from DBZ.

i love this, I finally found someone intelligent on this website. Yes, that's exactly where I was going with that.

My point is that "life" is a continuous, natural evolutionary process. Like a tree growing up out of a plot of soil, individuals, societies, and genetic groups all change in a natural way. However if you add an unnatural element to it, you break the cycle, destroy that life.

I am really bad at explaining things, so in case that sounded incoherent, let me provide some examples.

For example, a natural evolutionary process is a society that grows and develops out of it's past. Maybe it grew in a region with very beautiful birds, so it adopts feathered hairdresses. As times go on, these hairdresses are reduced to just a feather worn in the hair. Or feathered patterns in their clothing. This is a society whose traditions have grown and evolved naturally over time, it's a real rooted, living culture.

What would be "killing" that society would be going through a revolution. Let's say some radical fringe group gains control, and decides to purge all historical traditions, all historical monuments, all the children's stories and festivals and religious beliefs. In order to achieve something completely and utterly different. Just totally wiping the slate clean and starting anew.

It's instead of a person learning and changing over time, they just get their mind wiped and updated with something different. This is death.

We sort of are, what with the identitarian movement.
And second, piss off ameritard- The western world is more than just your backwater.

I embrace it. I refuse to die, I just simply refuse it.

I'm rebelling.

we have biological functions to be sexist, racist, Xphobic, etc.. To cleanse us of these sins we need to rid ourselves of our biology. Become augmented. This is the only way to the future.

Would you turn yourself into a furry?

Has Sup Forums signed up for cryonics yet?

I hope it happens. Make me one with the omnissiah.