Why do atheists vote like Jews? Why are they so left-wing?

Why do atheists vote like Jews? Why are they so left-wing?

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I'm Atheist and I'm more right wing.
Atheism isn't a group or ideology I'm a part of, it's just a descriptive word of my lack of belief or faith.



Even Assange knows

Atheism is the true religion of Western Jews

Not believing in Christ is only one step removed from hating Christ

Right wing atheists are like right wing spics. Sure, they exist and they're great and all, but letting in more spics is just going to hand the country over to leftists. Better to oppose it than risk letting things get out of hand.

I think most people on Sup Forums are agnostic-atheist and obviously center right to far right. It's just that the atheists here are more likely to put down "nothing in particular" on a census form than "(((atheist)))"

I'm atheist and I'm the most alpha, right wing dude you'll ever meet.


Also to add,
I've been this way my entire life. No one pushed this way of thinking on me, in fact when I was in school I had to attend mandatory bible studies as part of elementary school 3 times a week for about 6 years of my life at a time where I am susceptible to thinking its all real without question - yet I didn't. On my own accord. In my own head I would think how much of a ridiculous fantasy all of the bible sounds like, how I would use the measuring stick of real life (there are no talking snakes in real life) against what I was told. It sounded like a fairy tale to me so I never went for it.

I don't care if people are Christian, they are of no harm to me and I'm not going to berate them about it. I detest Islam though.


The word atheism doesn't even make a whole lot of sense when theism is properly defined

Again I'm not an Atheist because I define myself that way, I'm an Atheist because my lack of belief is defied by the word Atheism.

I don't care about the label, it just happens to be the word for my lack of belief.

You're still not getting it, you didn't read that pic or watch that video...

God is not a being that you believe may or may not exist. You're drawing this distinction between God and existence that really isn't there.

I don't get why atheists side with Muslims. Muslims hate atheists more than they hate anyone else. Islam straight up executed middle eastern atheists in the streets. Great solidarity with your atheist brethren in the middle East, supporting the people who murder and torture people while bashing on christfags for spreading their corny ass gospel. Anytime I meet an atheist that's against Islam my respect for that specific atheist sky rockets.

They're a part of the Jewish plot to destroy the west. In fact destroying Christianity is at the top of their agenda. So being an atheist is the ultimate shabbos goy

Nice article from the Guardian of all places, but I don't really see how it affects the definition of atheism. Also the last paragraph about attacking the "general understanding of evolution" is kind of a false equivalency. Most people who understand evolution share the same basic principles of the idea with the most expert scientists, even if they don't know all the details. On the other hand, belief in "superhero God" is way more prevalent among both regular people and theologists. Just think about how many people who believe in God also say that God/Jesus 'loves them' in a very human sense

Christians vs the rest
Don't take the wide road


Why do you people insist on all this Satanic sophist garbage when the truth is all right there in the Bible?

I'm atheist and I don't get it either. I think political belief is kind of like a sin wave, a lot of absolute morons are right wing, you move a little up the intelligence scale (college grads etc) and you see lots of liberals, then you go even smarter and people start to move back towards the center/right. It's probably got a lot to do with the fact that smart kids with good grades go to big universities where Marxists and morons alike shove social justice quackery down their impressionable throats. I grew up in a Muslim country; all these college liberals hate "muh chrishtyuns" because that's the kind of redneck moron they were exposed to. They don't realize there are other religious people with a different name who would literally behead them or execute them another way for apostasy

OP already posted the data. It's not a gratuitous generalization.
*tips fedora*


You know why Jews vote like Atheists, senpai.

Activate my autism

It's certainly an odd correlation, given that there's nothing intuitive to atheism that should make it inherently opposable to right-wing politics.

The only argument against this could be that the right tends to be religious, however this in and of itself fails to address why the left is irreligious, and the right conversely so to begin with.

Could it be correlated with a lack of respect and will to maintain tradition? That's the only argument I can think of at this time.

This is why people who would consider leaning right who are Atheists don't, because of people like you. kek. I can't believe the lack of self awareness.

Lol, ignore the meme flag, I just returned from thread more or less designated to banter.

Definition of Atheism:
>Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

Source: en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/atheism

If there is no sharp distinction between God and existence then the term is pretty much meaningless. If what it means to be God is the subsistent act of to be itself, then to be an atheist would essentially be somebody who is denying reality.

When Moses asked God his named God replied
Exodus 3:14

When Paul described God to the greek philosophers he said:
>For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'
Acts 17:28

Because of lazy relativism? I know.
What percentage of atheists would need to be progressive before it's ok to say "latheists are progressive" sweetie?

Because most atheists are liberal.

It's because the religious right's bullshit agenda totally cucked the republican party. Every election season all i see is retards pandering to their retarded religious base and as long as they remind them about the "WAR ON CHRISTMAS," their pastors will tell them to vote. It sickens me to my core.

Democrats dont pander so obviously. I want the religious right to fail hard, at which point I will gladly champion republican ideals.

Because of the way you just treated me, someone who is on the same side as you politically and has zero issues with anyone else being Christian and I prefer to live in a culturally Christian nation over any other, yet you chastise me and try to make a fool of me. That is why people who would consider leaning right wing don't end up doing so. Because of people like you acting the way you do towards them specifically.

The Bible needs to be interpreted. The Bible is not another book in your collection of books. As stated within the Bible itself:

2 Thess. 3:6, "We instruct you, brothers, in the name of (our) Lord Jesus Christ, to shun any brother who conducts himself in a disorderly way and not according to the tradition they received from us.."

The Church is the pillar and foundation of truth (1 Timothy 3:15) so the Bible must be read within the walls of the Church, not outside.

Protestantism is what created a more splintered church in the west and led the way to (((atheism))).

Definition of God:
>(in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.

I admit that the word loses some meaning if you consider God to be synonymous with reality, but as I said before, that is not what is typically meant by God. Even then, your definition/diagram of classical theism doesn't define God as synonymous with reality, it defines God as encompassing all reality and also greater than reality. In this case "atheism" would simply be a rejection of that concept


>Democrats dont pander so obviously
I agreed with the rest of your post but come on, they literally invited an illegal immigrant onstage at the DNC

wow this is a really intriguing chart user

>look at all elements of society
>attempt to dismantle them

Wow yeah really interesting. Really makes you think

I can deal with pandering to illegal immigrants because it's inherently self-destructive and will end up alienating the majority of white people in the end, whereas the religious right has attempted to claim the republican party as their own.

The war on Christmas is one of the reasons why you have become atheist. You were crippled in the war on Christmas.

>muh demiurge isn't the only type of god for Atheists to argue against

Holy shit, that is a dumb argument. God being the "glue that binds the universe together" is an argument that requires philosophical reasoning. Where's the reasoning? The infinite regress fallacy? That may give some possible credence to a faceless metaphysical reality/entity.. but nothing more.

I honestly don't see much of a difference between superhero god and god that is subtly there all around us and gives us existence... maybe.

I actually think that the argument that the non-demiurge god not needing physical evidence is just an emotional plea. Silly theists. You know you have nothing but philosophical nonsense that may be true or may not be and that humanity may never figure that out... which points to the pointlessness of it all. It doesn't point to god being a relevant idea any more than the idea of a flying spaghetti monster. Both are impossible to disprove concepts. One of those ideas is just ingrained into our collective psyche a little more :)

Notice how I didn't use the dictionary to define God or theism? The theist is the who one gets to define their terms, not the negation of the theist. That's not how this works. When you delve into what the great teachers teach, and what Orthodox theology is all about, its clear that this whole atheism/theism debate is misguided.

>that is not what is typically meant by God.
As noted in the very article that you proclaimed to have read, it doesn't matter what the general public actually believes. If you are trying to refute evolution do you only knock down the popular understanding and then declare victory? No, you have to go after the real scientists who are experts on this. Anything else is just fear of going after the strongest possible argument.

>your definition/diagram of classical theism doesn't define God as synonymous with reality

I didn't say they were synonymous per se, just that there is no sharp distinction. Read the scripture I cited earlier:

When Moses asked God his named God replied
Exodus 3:14

When Paul described God to the greek philosophers he said:
>For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'
Acts 17:28

So to talk about God as if he may or may not exist is to talk about God as if he's a being, which is precisely what he is not... God is not a being, he is the ground of being.

Atheism is more of a political ideology.

So called "atheists" are usually pro-Islamic cucks.

no I'm just not a huge faggot

It's been coopted by the kikes to be like that but atheism itself is nothing more than a rejection of theism. That is a philosophical stance that has the same (if not more) legitimacy as theism.

Atheism isn't an ideology. It's the lack of an ideology, by definition.

>As noted in the very article that you proclaimed to have read, it doesn't matter what the general public actually believes. If you are trying to refute evolution do you only knock down the popular understanding and then declare victory? No, you have to go after the real scientists who are experts on this. Anything else is just fear of going after the strongest possible argument.
I don't think you read my original response very clearly either. I did say that the evolution example was a false equivalency and stated why.

I'm not defending atheism or disavowing theism, I'm just being an etymological stickler and defending the word "atheism" itself which you claimed was contradictory. "Theism" has a common definition; it references "God," which has a common definition, which I cited, and it is defined as unbelief in said God. Only the "God" which is typically defined by the word, not the God you describe which, in common English, would usually be considered pantheistic.

>scholasticism is the only way!
The ultimate fedora kind of epistemology right here that bred (((atheism))) across the west.

"In the estimation of the spiritual fathers of the Orthodox Church, knowing God is not just another kind of knowledge. ...knowing God is not just another intellectual exercise. It is the kind of Knowledge that commits your entire existence, it is an existential, experiential, apophatic, and doxological Knowledge. We know God when we experience His presence as filling and overtaking us, when we feel completely dependent on him, "as infants feel dependent upon their mothers" (St. Basil). We know God not through our concepts and ideas only, but beyond and above them: for our entire existence is united with Him. We know God when we are familiar with Him as "the cattle are familiar with their manger." We know God when "we breath Him," when we feel His presence any place we are or go; we know God when we constantly depend on Him, when our lives belong to Him, when our lives become a constant praise of His Holy Name. ... Our Christian God, then, is not the "God of Philosophers." He is not a "Supreme Being" similar to other beings, another "essence" among many essences. The Christian God is "super-essential" and "super-existent" only in the sense that He is totally different from created existence. "If everything else is being, God is not a being," said St. Gregory Palamas."

Source: goarch.org/ourfaith/ourfaith8038

This is classical snakelike behaviour.

>Yeah bro god is just whatever allows us to exist
>Proceeds to shill about the bible, Christianity, salvation, heaven, hell, miracles, and why we should give 10% of our paychecks to the church

God is either an agent that judges us for our morality (that he defines) or he isn't. Otherwise there is no reason to feel reverence for the cause of the universe because it is also the cause of your reverence. There is nothing noble about religion.

Just stop

This was supposed to go you:

This. The global marxist/kike cabal has coopted and perverted "atheism" much like they have perverted "muh science"

Because the GOP and Christians (minus Anglicans, couple other denoms) have been allied since 1980. Forty years of accusing people of being child-molesting moral degenerates tends to turn them against you AND make them think you are full of shit on every other issue.

>Why do atheists vote like Jews?

Pets tend to take on the traits of their owners

Jesus was a thought criminal. They would rather kill Jesus because he used his freedom of speech instead of Barabass who was a murderer and a thief.

An atheist willingly remove his only protection against religious and and ideological extremists, Jesus Christ and becomes a high quality willing sacrifice for the Lucifarian ruling elite.

> I did say that the evolution example was a false equivalency

You're missing the point behind the analogy (typical fedora). You don't go after low hanging fruit and then declare victory. That's the epitome of a straw man. You go after the strongest possible argument. You go after the experts. The best of the best. Anything else is just an admission that you're afraid you'll get intellectually dominated which mean you know your beliefs are full of it deep down...

I've got no fucking clue what you're on about.

>atheism itself is nothing more than a rejection of theism

Sounds like a certain... guy... named... Molymeme

because identifying as an atheist makes you a shabbos goy

Not Theist
No Theistic Tendencies
A Lack of Theistic Beliefs and Practices
Not looking towards the Mystic Incomprehensible to Guide My Personal Actions


>I totally understand what the theist is talking about here. I'm not straw manning him in any way
>lower case g

Yeah you don't even know what is meant by the word God. You think when I talk about God you think I'm about about the greek gods yet there's only one of them. Like as if there's just Zeus with no pantheon. I have given you resources to understand my position and you choose ignorance... This is the fate of (((atheists)))

In their attempts to be champions of science and reason, they reject any attempts to actually gain understanding

It's not even that, honestly. It's just an absence of theism. I'm an atheist because my parents never mentioned religion at all when I was growing up. I found out people believed in God in 3rd grade.

because they're schooling them

> nothing more than a rejection of theism
Sounds familiar

>I'm an atheist because my parents never mentioned religion at all when I was growing up. I found out people believed in God in 3rd grade.

So essentially you are kind of implying (maybe not directly) that people only believe religion is real because they are brainwashed to believe something is the unquestionable truth from birth?

>You're missing the point behind the analogy (typical fedora). You don't go after low hanging fruit and then declare victory. That's the epitome of a straw man. You go after the strongest possible argument. You go after the experts.
Apparently you are still missing my points yourself. Many theologians who are widely considered to be "the best of the best" subscribe to the superhero God model. In fact, the sophistic, pantheistic and generally obscure version of God you and others have laid out here is neat, and more believable than superhero God, but it is not the mainstream argument NOR is it considered the most qualified. Who are you to say that pantheistic God is the superior argument?

The evolution example is a false equivalency because evolution is scientific and there is clear expert opinion which you can engage. All the experts agree with all the other experts about the basic mechanism. Theism has no such unified school, so the theism to engage typically ends up being the most mainstream.

>books don't exist!

if you've reduced philosophy to molymeme then you've fallen for the molymeme

How do you teach something that isn't a religion or ideology?

Atheist dont care about the future. They have a don't care attitude about everything other than whats happening now and how they personally can benefit. Its an ideology of greed.

They dont care about their children, grandchildren or their people or country since when they are dead they are dead so why bother caring?

Because Athiests in America are usually edgy teens rebelling against the "christian" majority.

Thier ideas are just based on wanting to be different rather than backed up by logical thought.

You don't understand because you´re atheist. The Lucifarian elite believes in ritual sacrifice of willing subjects. That is why they have a two party democratic system controlled by them where the only substantial result is that you made the choice to be ruled by them and sacrificed by them.

In today's society, as it was in the time of Jesus Christ, a thought criminal, a blasphemer, is considered a worse person then a murderer or a thief.

The reason for this is because you challenge their right to rule you. Jesus Christ was killed because he challenged their extremists right to rule your life. Jesus message and gift was freedom from religious and ideological extremism.

An atheist have no such protection and is a willing prey in the eyes of the Lucifarian ruling elite.


Triggered, christcuck? Should i have added (PBUH) to my posts? What, are you gonna go allah akbar on me now? I literally just addressed your meaning of GOD as some ethereal presence that binds the universe. Your stupid little club then takes wayyy to many liberties in extrapolating this to Jesus, Bible, etc.

I'm an Atheist and I care about the future.
Atheism is the lack of an ideology.
I'm right wing.
I prefer Christianity to any other religion culturally, I would not want to live in any other nation.

Atheism is preferrred by lgbt

It's not brainwashing because no previous thought is being overwritten. They're just taught.

Atheists are the best goys

Exactly. This is what Rick and Morty preaches every episode. They're afraid of death. They can't accept that death has been conquered by Christ, so they desperately grasp at the little pleasures they can get before they die. Those YOLO types at the club are the most boring desperate people you'll ever meet.

I'm an atheist and I don't fear death, and there are Christians who do fear death. You're describing normies, not atheists.

>Should i have added (PBUH) to my posts?

>Exactly, this is what Church preaches every episode. They're afraid of death. They can't accept that life is transitory and all that awaits them is nothingness, so they desperately submit themselves to the church in attempt to stave off the psychological horror of obvlivion. These Christcuck types are the most brainwashed, docile idiots you will ever meet.

I can do it too, user.

>Triggered, christcuck?

You think this about being triggered? No. I brought up the lower case because it implies you don't understand what is meant by the word God. I've explained this multiple times and yet you still talk about God as if he's a being.

>w-well I can talk about GOD as if he's a really really big being! see? i did it!

No you still fail. Please read my posts.

See? You're trying to salvage yourself by saying "well see?

Too many atheists believe that you have to accept the leftists world view simply because you are atheist. To deny that ideology and be atheist is a rare sight but a mark of an educated mind.

As a right wing atheist I can't disagree with you. I too am disgusted by fedoras.

user if you can't articulate your ideas and latch on to whether or not I capitalize a certain word then you literally haven't said anything to me.

>Read a book

Lol OK idiot. Let other people do the arguing for you.

>not all!

you people use the exact same arguments as SJW's and you still think you're not one of them?

If you can't even address what I'm saying and all you can do is straw man, then you yourself know your position is full of it. I can't offer you a rebuttal because you haven't attacked my position. You're still stuck attacking the demiurge even though you're aware of this criticism...

But that isn't because they are Atheists, that is because they are leftists to start with.

If an Atheist was truly on the fence politically though unless they are heavily searching for the right answers, they would be pushed left because of (see people in this thread hating Atheists who are on their side politically and hate Islam and agree with them on everything but the belief of religion, which is a person thing anyway).

As an atheist WN I've been trying to figure it out myself. The only thing I can come up with is that most leftists are atheists. Nothin in atheism requires one to be a leftist but almost all leftists will rebel against Christianity because they hate all things west and white...even though Jesus was a Jewish socialist cuck.

This. A lot of people use atheism as a form of social signalling.
>i'm a part of the edgy crowd
>fuck you, dad
>fuck The System
The people who genuinely just don't believe in supernatural things are a minority. I'm not too familiar with the social politics of the other side, but I'd imagine likewise a lot of Christians aren't actually religious, and just use their church as a platform for gossip. Most people don't have an ideology.

>Citing a bell curve
user this implies you know where the averages lies, as well as the standard deviation. Chances are you've encountered only 14yo fedoralords on reddit. Which you should go back to.

Because one of the plainest goals to see among the religious right is to be anti-science and keep their base as stupid as possible. How do you think that aligns with atheist values?

>you people use the exact same arguments as SJW's and you still think you're not one of them?
Yes? Cops and robbers both use guns. Doesn't make them the same.

I meant see

Yes. Jesus called it the wide road. They're all on the same side. Marxists, muslims, jews, Lucifarians. There's a reason for it.

The old testament and the talmud describes man failing to achieve his own salvation through religion. In the garden of eden there was only one rule, god said if you eat from that tree you will die and the devil said if you eat from that tree you will know good from evil and become like gods.

After eating they saw they were naked and thought it was shameful and ran to hide themselves. They had created their own religion and had left god. The old testament then describes mans constant failure to chose accurately between good and evil.

The ten commandments tells you how to be good but its far from what we traditionally consider to be good. It doesn't say anything about sharing or making sacrifices to temples or priests. The new testament describes salvation as a gift from God. No sacrifices, taxes or punishment is needed. This is why Jesus is so hated, because he liberates us from "good" people who want to force us to follow their rules and not the simplicity of the ten commandments.

If you have to earn your own salvation you will fall prey to other peoples rules and be in competition to be the most dedicated and good person in the group and will degrade into satanism where the most dedicated and good people will sacrifice their own children to prevent global warming and please the heavens (atmosphere) or murder rich people to distribute their wealth.

This is why communists and islamists are such good friends. They both hate and reject Jesus Christ. They are doing satans work, hunting and murdering sinners against what they consider to be good and righteous according to their Lucifarian lie of right and wrong.

Because God is civilIizing and atheism is nihilism.

To all the exceptions to the rule: nobody cares. You're still fedora/LARPagan trash.

YOU haven't even provided an argument for your conception of GOD other than a picture of the different conceptions of God. And I addressed that. I actually believe in that conception of GOD as "that which binds the universe" because its the lest tangible form of god and can never be proven or disproven. Anything above this conception is just false extrapolation and its funny to see you shill for church.

All the rest of your posts are just worthless fluff whining about misrepresentation.

That's believable. Leftism is probably a more powerful status symbol than atheism (look at my empathy, i'm so compassionate, etc.), so people are likely drawn to it first. Then once you're a leftist, not many religions will be compatible if you're the least bit intellectually honest.