If you had the option would you vote for american style gun laws in your country?
Gun laws
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It would be total chaos. Anglos are sub human.
Of course. I live in one of the highest per capita gun states and life is good. Nobody fucks with me, which I like.
When in lived in MA my place got broken into twice.
You would die.
Yes. More specifically, something along the lines of PA or TX gun laws.
No, because our current laws are shit, and any firearm law after 1965 is fucking treasonous horse shit.
Also reagan was a fucking nigger for his hand in buttfucking our gun rights.
Eu will have them in a few years
This is what it is all about , gun market in the eu
Only for constitutional law.
Which means no laws at all.
Yes, and would also be illegal to try to disarm the populace by penalty of death if I had my say.
Yes and no.
They have more access to better weapons, but I got some in my country and likely would have been turned down for a license in the US.
PA master race life is good.
I'd get you first paki
Yes, I want to see happenings
I bet you say the same thing about your country legalizing spoons.
True but still the current gun laws are the best in the world
Yes, absolutely.
No i don't think civilians should ever be allowed to own military rifles.
Go back to Pakistan, filthy inbred.
Reagan dude? Are you fucking serious?
You do realize the Dems are commies now? They're gonna gulag you for not paying your fair share of taxes--which is 100%--and sell your fucking organs to George Soros.
I'm not even joking. Get your shit together, mate. The villains on the left are far worse for you than the villains on the right.
I miss my guns. Had to leave them with my father in the US when I moved. It would be nice to go hunting here, but I doubt I could get a moose permit and the only other thing this far fucking north is reindeer and the Sami will gut you if you touch their herds.
Then you are a race traitor and an evil person.
Constitutional carry. It's the only way.
I would like it very much if the US had US-style gun laws. Yes, I would indeed. Maybe we'll have something closer some day.
They should. All citizens must have the right to be armed to the teeth. Nukes for everyone!
At least you didnt say assault weapon. Ill give you points for that
Reagan was a faggot, he gave amnesty to a bunch of illegal spics and supported gun laws after being shot like a pussy
No. I'm not as dumb as an American.
God, I hate Leafs.
I want the U.S. to annex you only so you heathens can be summarily executed.
The only exception will be Alberta.
Yes though only for Anglos. There are too many shitskins and niggers in the UK now and having a not shit means of defending oneself would be a boon quite frankly.
I unironically support nukes for every country.
I am a pure bred council estate white English chav. I am telling you this nation would be a failed state within a month of this happening.
So? Your nigger president fucks a dude on the daily and wasn't even born here.
The only exception will be the one province with an openly communist government?
Good thinking, burger.
No, because there's too many restrictions.
Yes, so long as all violent criminals are executed.
post pretty guns
>I want the U.S. to annex you only so you heathens can be summarily executed.
You sound like a terrorist, you should not be allowed to own guns, especially someone as mentally unstable as you.
We are talking about gun laws not niggers
I never said i liked obama faggot, i said that reagan was a faggot
It already is, you retard.
The caliphate is on its way and the only option you'll have is paying the Dhimmi tax or getting beheaded.
For my own amusement I hope you're beheaded on television.
Tis a glorious feeling.
If people can't be trusted with guns, it's a failed state anyway.
Yes. Things were fine when he had guns, nothing changed when we made them restricted except only criminals have guns now.
I have rights and there's not a damned thing you can do about it.
Not that you're relevant at all.
Fucking leaf.
You're talking about wanting to execute people, that's not what a responsible gun owner does. I hope someone has an eye on you.
Liveleak will be much better in 2030.
>democrats are terrible
>that means you have to like the neocon republicans even though they're terrible too
I dunno.
All the different splinter groups of IRA would use the guns to wage a turf war for control of drug territory. Some would definitely target civilians in NI ISIS style and do a massive disservice to Irish nationalism. Would lead to disorder and degeneracy.
If Ireland was free from degenerates and was a Catholic ethnostate, then definitely yes but currently, no.
Why Alberta bro
You know what is actually wrong with the UK and its chav underclass?
The fact that we haven't had a serious civil war to wipe out the scum bloodlines as they have done in many European nations.
There is literally 100,000 or so individuals in family groups that cause 90% of the crime and anti social behaviour in the UK. They do it generation after generation.
Give the cunts access to guns and they would be wiped out in a fucking month by decent members of society.
Canadians aren't people.
Yeah. As long as it comes with a castle doctrine.
That problem could easily be solved though if you had guns to fight back with. The IRA ALREADY HAVE GUNS.
Yes. Our entire legal system and rule of law in this country is a few years away from complete collapse. Would like being able to protect myself.
>t.Mohammad abullah
Do you not /k/? There are plenty of gun owning leafs on there.
even the us laws are a bit restrictive for my liking
But you do like Obama. It's self evident. If you want to shit on a President over gun rights there is no bigger offender than that prick.
That you choose to mention Reagan, who is not only dead and gone but literally saved this country from the curse of communism for a time, over some useless self-important tranny-fucking douchebag speaks volumes.
You fucking love Obama.
Lol, we're only following your example. The degeneration of the individual leads to the collapse of society. You have all those guns and bibles and all that money and what does your nation give to the world? Sodomy and drone strikes against children.
Good point. Nonetheless I would prefer to remain alive.
>the eternal califaggot strikes again.
We should pass a mandatory shoot on site for anyone seeking government positions after having ever lived in california.
Its for their own good.
Fuck you, I own a bunch of them.
Our firearm laws should be a close as possible to whatever state has the most freedom.
Fucking hell yes, I don't want to have a knife fight with Abdul and his mates because I'm eating a bacon sarnie very much
>Amerifats gun laws
Wake me up when we have the vote for legal fully Auto and RPGs. Semi autos are for cucks
Not really, cause then we would get a legit civil war with the gypsies, they are troublesome enough as it is.
It must really suck not being able to own an Enfield SMLE MkIII. Your country did a fine job with that rifle. I've got one currently on layaway.
>Our entire legal system and rule of law in this country is a few years away from complete collapse.
It has protected the worst elements of our society from justice - time for it to go
Abdul at least values his family and perhaps even his own existence. You would be gunned down outside of your local post office by a toothless ESA recipient.
Nope, our laws are superior.
Those aren't against the law in the UK.
No, but it does mean you have to shit on Democrats harder.
American gun laws are fucking shit. The NFA is unconstitutional and nobody cares.
I don't give a fuck what your beloved muzzies value, I want to defend myself without having to see who can take the most stabs to the gut.
If that means risking some nutcase shooting me for no reason I would take that risk.
Either way, I'm sure they're not easy to obtain. And I'm sure the ammo also requires a rigorous cavity search.
I do like the old bolt actions. But when society breaks down, I'd much rather have my AR.
that mini nugget
fucking double hell yes
i fucking hate eurocucks
they're inferior, you just have less nigs and browns at the moment.
Democrats are more invasive these days than conservacucks. When the SJW shit blows over we will forget about them
A fuckin beast right? Always draws attention at the range. Possibly the sound. Or the large fireball it throws out.
No thanks, I don't want to get shot.
Government forces (likely mercenaries) would open fire on any "citizen" at the first breath of insurrection. The current regime cut off the head of the actual fucking king you clueless mongrel. We would be under complete martial law and sent back into peasanthood, and that's in the highly unlikely event that you can muster enough disciplined individuals who actually deserve freedom enough to fight for it, which would not be the case.
this tbqhwy
Well we can have almost allkinds of weapons
but automatic if we are not criminal or insane
so i donĀ“t know.
Would be nice to have automatic desu.
Give it time.
Once Trump gets to the end of his first term, he's going to need to raise an army from all the progunners to keep him in power.
Perfect time for a NFA repeal then. Ideally after Antifa and other leftist militants have been partially purged by the right wing militias, supremcists, and federal allies.
Yes but we have more Morokkans and Turks.
I brush my teeth with your flag
without hesitation but for Whits only
Fuck you. I just finished jumping through hoops in cuckanada for a simple weapon and here you are deciding things for the rest of us. You make me sick.
>gunned down
That's fucking cute coming from a gunless europoorian manchild. Are you even allowed to get hard without a rape conviction?
Should the towel heads decide to stone you, is it Islamaphobic to run away?