Morocco is by far BETTER than any eastern eur*pean country JUST LOOK AT THIS FUCKING VIDEO.

a random neighborhood in the capital of Morocco, so clean so beautiful.
look at the cars, i spotted atleast 10 range rovers in 2minutes.
Only the niggers of Morocco go to european countries, we send you the worst kind of people we have lmao.
so much better than any shitty european country, bulg*ria/serb*a/hung*ry etc .. they're all look same to me and they're all shit

>still in africa

>annoying sand nigger music
what a pice of shit country

Why are you in france then Amir?

A Moroccan immigrant stabbed a police man in the neck yesterday here in Sweden.

>only the useless immigrate
>US of A

we're not afric*ans, Allah created the natural Sahara fence to separate us from subhumans lol


Because the worst kind of people got sent to France.

>took 1 good picture and based his entire world opinion on it

Pierre, go clean up Calais, you fucking mongrel of a half-human.

>only the niggers of Morocco go to European countries
>said the Moroccan posting from a European country

I live surrounded of morocans and I can assure the majority of them look like light skinned niggers and smell really bad. The women are both fat and ugly.

If morocco is so great why are you in france?

hola Pablo remember ??
you're my fucking rape baby my blood flows in your vein desu

because i dont have to work to get paid in France lol
also i like white women lmao

And yet all your subhuman comerades keep coming here... I wonder why would they leave moorshitocco if it's such a nice place to live...

>Only the niggers of Morocco go to european countries
user look at your flag.

Imagine the amazing head that girl could give

Good, maybe you should fuck off back than. Also tell your dumb shitskin family to stop trying to climb into my country. Deporting shitskins daily gets old fast

rape baby crying again, 7 centuries of raping your women cry more

>posts hideous disgusting darkie sandnigger
>posts obnoxious sandnigger music

the place where I live was not controlled by subhumans for more than 50 years and we btfo quickly and efficiently

maybe in the past.

migrant "crisis" is tearing it a new asshole right now.

>they're all look same to me
Being inferior is not an argument.
I can assure you, that you have not a single gene that I don't have a better version of.

Morocco best country, it's such a good place that it can't afford having leeches like you.

>we aren't subhuman like africans
>takes wellfare with the same moral clout as a nigger

A moroccan just knifed a bunch of women here
few weeks ago. He chose women, men could have and did stop the little shit.
Moroccans are just pieces of shit.

>nigger music

Instantly muted.

> bulg*ria
Man, even there was a Moroccan to stab someone in Bulgaria. they even wen to so far to emmigrate.
Isn't all its richness controlled by your king and friends? 75% of economy?

That chicks not even hot

>send your retarded moroccan daughter to school with bus
>she get raped by other moroccans kids on the bus
>no one cares

>Only the niggers of Morocco go to european countries, we send you the worst kind of people we have lmao.
>says the Moroccan posting from a European country
You are not very smart, are you?


So that means you are the worst of Morocco ?

One of them just tried to go on a stabbing spree in Bulgaria.

Where are the traffic lights, you hash addled retard?

this is the same ruse the mexicans constantly spout: GUYS!! we are white actually!! we just send you the poor non whites!!! mexico = WHITE!!.

when in reality they all look like inbred monkeys. Mind you, this is cherrypicked, ALL Countries (except sub saharan ones) have at least one area belonging to the rich which looks relatively good, if anything it should be compared to a rich neighborhood in France, in said case the m*roccan shithole will pale in comparison

Moroccans are well off because their relatives send them money from Europe

Fuck you. The first terrorist attack in our country was done by Moroccan

Do you ever wonder why when people try to show the beauty of a non-european population they pick the most european looking examples of their population?
Case in point here, arab with blue eyes.

why do mestizas begin as ultra hot qts with fit bodies but then turn into the pic related abuelas there?

looks clean but the buildings look poverty as fuck. nice trees though

kek mines one wh*te, also nice to judge a whole population of 40 million of people because of what one person did.
+ no one cares about your country i wouldn't even know where to put it in the map kek

Olá ronaldo, you're my second favorite rape baby ( spain being the #1 obviously )
Moroccans are the real master race, they are everywhere in europe and thats a good thing lmao, we all love our king bro long live to MOHAMMED VI

I think the houses look alright

>suspicious terminology
>forgets history and that spain is still mainly R1b1
Are you by chance the same autistic turkroach that spammed the same anti white threads every day for 6 months? If so stop using welfare and work if you say you are not subhuman african, the powerful provides not recieves

You wont respond to my question will you?

Moroccans are alpha. They get hot european women and not afraid to stab filthy Kuffar

He won't respond to this either. By his own words he is a "nigger of Morocco" and "the worst kind of person they have in Morocco" since he is posting from Europe.
Moroccans are very stupid, far more stupid than Algerians and even niggers

Yet you still lost the war and we are independent and butthurt about the ethnic cleansing in Spain and moorish expulsion and purge

I know right
By the way im thinking that after uni i will live in Poland. What are best places to live
Im studying Genetic Engineering and Programming

i wouldn't have wikipedia on french if i was turkish you monkey, but of course i have seen threads of this turkish guy and it was very inspiring, always funny to laugh at deaths of people that hate you

Pity about the shitty soulless architecture.

Then again every country around the world does that

>Emigrate to Europe
>Hey the suburbs are complete and utter shitty ugly hellholes!
>Let's build using that and more modern styles of international functional shitblocks rather than build on our country's architectural tradition!

Op's video could have been shot in Saudi Arabia , Australia, Spain, wherever, the architecture would have been the same. This is depressing.

Answer this same question
By your logic only the niggers of your shithole hasshish infested country come to here or Spain
Then what the hell are you doing leaching welfare like a subhuman negroid

I don't know desu. I'm not Polish

Fuck. Saw flag wrong way round


All the degenerates flee Morocco then commit terrorism acts. Morocco as a country is based. First country to officially recognize the USA.

>can't make so much as a reliable barrier
Give me divine powers and I guarantee not a single shitskin will make it to europe.

morocco is an african shithole and will always be one

best thing i read all day on /pol

>Only the niggers of Morocco go to european countries
Nafri showing a french flag

>bronze skin
>light eyes
>chocolate hair
The true master race

because those mestizas have 90% indian blood flowing through em while your definition of hot mestizas got 50/50

>because i dont have to work to get paid in France
Come on Amir
You're in France because you're a nafri and nafris are nothing else than a mix of niggers jews arabs turks and gypsies who can't do nothing but bringing shit everywhere they go

>also i like white women
There's no white women in Morocco that's for sure just like Algeria and Tunisia not mentioning Libya

Funny photo about a sham marriage by the way

>Only the niggers of Morocco go to european countries, we send you the worst kind of people we have lmao.
>French flag
Almonds fully activated

>that congo jungle noise

There are contradicting numbers about that.

Pity we can't stand you.

| >A Global Chronology of Conflict, ed. Spencer C. Tucker, (ABC-CLIO, 2010), 534;"Sebastian spends considerable sums to euqip a large fleet of some 500 ships and gather a force of 23,000 men.."..."They then march into the interior, where the sultan has collected a large force of at least 60,000 and perhaps as many as 100,000 men."

You're not fooling anyone m'jid...
you have internet in prison?

>also i like white women lmao
Get in line nigger, desiring white women is an international non-white pastime

Was Morocco a Spanish colony?

Please do not lump us with this faggot,if a moroccan is not communicating with you under a moroccan flag than you can be 100 percent sure he's a reject,the trash of society who prefer to go and polluate europe for gibs instead of staying in his own country and improve it !

Also morocco isnt that much of a shithole,i think its the second most good african country after south africa.

AMA before i get banned for bypassing the moroccan {{{Sup Forums ban}}}

>Only the niggers of Morocco go to european countries

this is same for turkey :D and this is the best thing I love about immigration lolikek

but at the meantime, syria and iraq send their worst to us :( this is sad.

It helps when all the scum of Morocco leaves for Europe.

That are a lot of hot Moroccan women, isn't prositutuion legal there? What's the min age?

Can you go the fuck back to morocco amir?

| Is this statement true?
It's Makhzen and King control 75% of your economy?

escort services are illegal,if you look like a beta and get caught by the cops be ready to pay a nice fine/make a deal with the cop that caugh you or go to jail.

the state min age of consent is 18,but it doesnt stop the fact that people marry 14-17 years old,also you might,MIGHT find underage escort in shady (would not recommend) underground bordellos

I love morocco, the capital is better than many cities in asspain, poor conquistadorks

Okay Yusuf

Now you're just confirming that you're all subhumans. Nice.

>7 centuries of raping your women
When nafris are raping their own sisters daughters and mothers it does not count

Well it kind of counts but only for the nafris themselves since they're the product of continuous incests for quite a while

It's funny because I travelled to Morocco a month ago, I went to Tanger, Fez, Meknes, Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakech, among other spots like the desert and Chefchaouen... and your country is shit. Still better than full-nigger Africa, otherwise I wouldn't even go there, but certainly worse than any European country even the worst ones in Eastern Europe.

Funny how you can create tiers for subhuman filth. Everyone in Morocco wants your money over anything and there's a generalized shit smell. But still, you can spend a couple weeks among the usual moroccan sandniggers. Every now and then you stop at a traffic light where a group of muscular blacker than black niggers (very muscular when compared to the smaller moroccan sandniggers) are gathered to beg for money, and it's kinda scary if you by any chance forgot to close your car window... >10 uncivilized unpredictable animals that can chimp out at any time and you're vulnerable in a fucking african country.

Didn't see any of those niggers anywhere else, no niggers at medinas and touristic spots. When you'll you make an ethnic cleansing?


i have to remind you that we are a MONARCHY, and that nothing can stop the king from approriating anything built on the moroccan land.
to answer your question, its a yes or no kinda answer, yes the state aka makhzen controls alot of the economy ( keeping price of gas,oil,bread... necessities down to below 5 euros ) , the gov. also makes billions off from taxes and such, but yeah the state also loosen the rope to allow foreign investement and brands to settle in.
people are legit baffled when i tell them that we have almost or even more brands than even in europe.


OP could easily be an American mulatto girl.
The only difference is one was created in a single generation and the other was created over hundreds.

linking worst get after leaf pls be my ai gf get.


You have a great imagination Ahmed

All nafris are less than insects

>burger education

>Morocco as a country is based
No it's not
just like the other nafri countries

layn3aal 3do rab zamal bok a 3ebbad lgwer, ban f casa n5assar l97bat mok wjhek

are the territorial disputes with spain a big deal for the moroccan people, do you see them becoming an issue anytime soon?

say the faggot behind the EU meme flag,remove your country so that i can laugh at you.

>tfw almost all act of terrorism commited in europe are made by moroccans yet their country is unharmed.

Couldn't last 15 seconds into that ridiculous nigger noise

>a random neighborhood in the capital of Morocco, so clean so beautiful.
>Houses near the main road in a country that relies on tourism is clean.
What a surprise.

Only the niggers of Morocco go to european countries, we send you the worst kind of people we have lmao.
So you are a Moroccan living in France? You just admitted to being the worst kind of people Morocco has to offer, then again we can see this from the quality of your threads.
