Are spaniards and portugueses still white after Al-Andalus ?

Are spaniards and portugueses still white after Al-Andalus ?

Meds aren't white.

reconquista ethnically cleansed most of Spain.

I think especially that the problem of Islamization is due to the fact that Disney is at the center of all this shit

Why ?

I'm not sure about that

Why do you post iraquis? I get we look like sandniggers but it's not that bad (yet). Besides, you are Roman-German rapebabies.

A resounding and obvious no.

Yes. They are being targeted for white genocide as everyone with european ancestry.

They don't have that white pinkish skin Anglos, Germans, French, Scandinavians do. If Spics aren't considered white, even though there are some of 100% European descent, why would all meds?