This general is for identifying, discussing, mapping, researching and tracking human trafficking networks. There is a consistent trend of data showing that networks move though and rely on urban areas, specifically Sanctuary Cities. Feel free to submit tips or contribute with memes, infographs etc. We are especially looking for people who are good at making maps that we can use to analyze shipping routes, suspected trafficking hubs and routes, and the whole nine yards. Anyone who knows how to make these and is willing to do so would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED AND ADMIRED!!!

Do not encourage violence here, we aren't trying to give them any excuses to shut it down.

Why human trafficking is a big deal:



>archives of past threads

Past threads of interest:

>full of google maps investigation; Port Angeles, Anacortes, Bellingham

>alleged member of human trafficking operation for South America to US/Canada shared info

>data dump of a lot of compiled info

>compiled info

Thread's attempted focus for today is to find one of the larger distribution centers in Los Angeles, CA, specifically front companies in the area that we have narrowed the search zone down to. Reminder that all info is being compiled into a list.

Other urls found in this thread:


Starting Points: Areas with a Consistent Rate of Disappearances and Breeding Grounds

Where are they getting the kids and adults that they use for human trafficking? Where are places that large groups of people usually converge or stay at for an extended period? Here are 3 categories:

Where lots of kids meet and stay:

Where lots of adults meet and stay:

Where a mix of children and adults meet and stay:

Once we have determined possibility, we must assess probability. Is it likely that people would be abducted from these areas? Do the traffickers have enough cover to hide behind to get away with abducting people in these areas without too much suspicion? Do these areas have efficient escape routes to where the traffickers can quickly disperse abducted people into trafficking networks or directly to certain locations and people? Lastly, do these areas have enough funding, resources, and number of traffickers with the skills needed to conduct human trafficking operations there?

Next, start looking for connections between people, groups, and already confirmed trafficking networks in these areas. At this step, it is a good idea to bounce around between the midpoints and end points as well to help you find connections.

Breeding grounds are likely not as common as abduction sites and would be harder to figure out, but I think that they are a possibility worth putting on the table.

If worthwhile connections are found between people and groups that have reasonable probability to be connected to trafficking in that area, then it’s time to move on to connecting that starting point to midpoints and end points in whichever order you choose. You can also start to look for connections between other starting points in the trafficking networks if you think that it will lead to something. Connecting these starting points to the midpoints and the end points will help to further validate them.


Midpoints: Routes, Pit Stops, and Distribution Centers

What means of transport are they using to distribute people? What means of transport are available in that location and would be both economically efficient and unsuspicious? Where would those certain means of transport most easily be able to travel to? Where are those certain means of transportation most commonly going?

Look for the places that the transportation is immediately going to. Do not immediately assume that these are ending points, for they may be midpoints (pit stops or distribution centers). See if anything is being transported to and from these locations, for this will determine if it is either a pit stop or a distribution center, and if it is indeed a midpoint. Something to remember about midpoints, and starting points to some extent, is that there are certain resources required for the transport of people (things like food, drugs for sedation, and etc;). Places that distribute these resources work as assets to the networks and may not be used for relocating people.

Pit stops will follow along the same route, while distribution centers will branch off into a different one. Pit stops will also generally be smaller than distribution centers and have less access to different routes. Pit stops usually work as refueling stations for the transportation and as temporary lodgings. Pits stops in-between distribution centers and end points are important for maintaining a state of confidentiality, as people would start noticing if the routes all directly went to just one place.

Distribution centers are usually a warehouse, a fulfillment center, a cross-dock facility, a bulk break center, or a package handling center. This is where people are sold and transported to their respective ending points. These are especially required to remain hidden or non-suspect, and must be large enough to accommodate for large groups of people.


End Points: Individuals, Locations, and Organizations

Who are the ones receiving all of these people in the end? It can either be individuals who are looking for personal sex slaves or for people to use as sacrifices.

They can be specific locations which function as a type of Bohemian Grove or for places where they conduct orgies, mass torture, cannibalism (Spirit Cooking comes to mind, along with Spirit Eating), or group sacrifices. Group indoctrination, hazing ceremonies, and blackmail can also occur at these places.

Other locations include military bases, labs, and secret underground bases for genetic experiments, cloning, and for Super Soldier programs. Since some of these locations are top secret it may not be possible to find them, but you can find the trafficking networks that ultimately go to them. Locations like these are also likely to be tied to various groups.

Groups are numerous and varied. Examples are big pharma companies, bio-tech companies, IRL umbrella corporations, and large-scale cults and globalist groups. These groups can conduct any mixture of the previously mentioned activities that require people from human trafficking. These ending points in of themselves would have their own connections within them to different groups and individuals. The “end product” that these groups produce from the people they get through human trafficking may also be relocated and distributed to different places and organizations.

Guessing certain end points and seeing if the starting and midpoints happen to go to them, or are within the proximity of them, can be a valid strategy for finding them out.


Look for these kinds of things to map out the trafficking networks (courtesy of Anon5):

1) [Secret Compartments in Vehicles/Ships/Aircraft & Types of Transport](Vans, Semi-Trucks, Buses, Trains etc for Land, Yachts, Cruise Ships, Container/Cargo Ships, Ferry's etc for Sea, Private Jets, Commercial/Cargo Flights, etc for Air.)(Sewers & Subway Tunnels can also be used).

2) [Abandoned Large Buildings in/around Sanctuary Cities.](Big enough to act as Distribution Centers/Warehouses for Trafficking Networks(Weapons, Drugs, People, Body parts/remains, etc))

3) [2016 Election District Map's Blue Parts](In relation to Trafficking Routes, Sanctuary Cities, etc. Work on combining different Maps to see the full picture/patterns.)

Pedo's are not the only groups the Kids are going to & Trafficking has several different categories:

1) [Government]

(For things like Super Soldier programs, Cloning & Body Modifications)

2) [Corporation/Business]

(For things like Genetic Testing/Experimentation & Chimera's)

3) [Criminal]

(Drugs, Weapons, Sex Slaves & Children)

4) [Cult]

(Sacrifices, Blackmail & Indoctrination)

5) [Intel Agencies]

(Brainwashing for Spy/Informant programs & Special Agent operations)

6) [Breeding/Harvesting Farms]

(Selectively Bred/Produced Humans, Organs/Fetuses/Blood & Supplying Trafficking Networks/Centers)

7) [Hollywood]

(Truman Show breeding/handling operations.)

Another thing to note is the use of trafficking for organ harvesting and slave labor (think Qatar for instance).

I'm only here to remind everyone Anonymous5 is a faggot (as he usually pops into these threads to try claim credit for other people's hard work). That's all for now. Carry on as you were, chaps.

Here is our current search vector for the MDC in LA.




user 5 is mossad too

Here is our dot map for the search vector area.

That's a pretty quick burst of spam you got there. You're really trying to convince people that I'm Mossad? Funny.


>claim credit for other people's hard work
Anything come from these threads unrelated to anon5? I always thought this was his project, but I haven't been following too closely.

This is our dot map for the city of LA. Seeing how the MDC connects to the clusters and POI's on the map should get us further in the investigation. Also identifying the clusters themselves is probably a good idea.

A5 is just a contributor, you can see what we've worked on by looking at the posts I've made in the thread. We made those maps that we're using.

One thing that we're trying to do is look at traffic maps to find patterns that could allow us to pinpoint the routes the traffickers are using.



I just see the same stuff reposted in thse threads, it doesn't interest me. I am convinced that human traficking is a major problem but it is questionable if these threads are as productive as others which take a more tradiotional approach.
Good for you. You're the tard that own the crayons here, right? Perhaps you would like to help him make his "They Live" glasses a reality, or to research his giant monsters that may be seen from orbit.

Do you realize that this means nothing because the whole shit is going to be blown wide open you fucking CIA NIGGER

These threads are a distraction to keep you occupied making you think you're doing important work when in fact theres other more important shit you could be learning about....

Like this.

I don't make the dot maps, I do make the search vector outlines though. I am simply willing to try a different approach to things.

Wait, so I'm CIA now? Why can't you keep your story straight? If you don't like the thread you can simply ignore it. It's just one out of multiple ones in the catalog. You are free to make your own if you'd like.


If you are willing to try something different, please stop colouring roads in on maps and make different, it's autistic as fuck. I love a good pizza/CFG thread but there's no meat in these threads.

CIA and Mossad are the same thing kike.

Well that's because these aren't pizzagate threads. We intentionally try to be different than them. The threads get shilled rather hard for something that's apparently making no progress. Why don't you go make your own pizzagate thread if you'd rather be in that?

Wew lad, you clearly don't know much about the IC and the agencies within them.

Here is a link to the last thread btw, I forgot to title it.

Maybe I will. So you, please, keep on colouring in roads on maps. You have the whole of the USA to cover. That's a lot of crayons you're gonna need. Have you discovered anything of interest? No.

Actually looking at the search vector and the city of LA to be precise. Also we're using Google traffic maps, which color in the roads for you. Either way, I wish you luck on your pizzagate thread.

keep up the good fight

So... you're just filling a thread with photos from Google maps? That's even dafter than colouring them in.There was sweet fuck all in that last thread you linked to. I was in the first 2 or 3 of these threads when they kicked off but I'm not convenced of their vailidity any more, and this is not my fault for being skeptical, but I do not see anything happening.

I'm sorry the the threads are not to your liking. We only have around 3 consistent anons (including me) so we're low on man power. Again, this is taking a different approach to investigating human trafficking.

If that is truly your aim, fair enough. but I think it may be a good while before I see some other user make a thread that begins: "HOLY SHIT! GET IN HERE! LOOK WHAT THE HTG ANONS FOUND! WE NEED PEOPLE ON THIS HOT LEAD RIGHT NOW!"
Again, I wish you luck, but I feel your energies could be used to more productive ends.

I'll take your input into consideration.

Peace be with you.

mate how about you kys, do you not realize the rothschilds just got fucking BTFO by the new FOIA releases?

Kek, I saw those threads. They're only several pages long each and much of the information within them is redacted. They're interesting snippets of information, but they are not conclusive.


What will happen soon?

Well september 23rd was supposed to be the day the kikes kick off the NWO, but that's been neutralized.

I see, I'm curious what becomes of that date.





Daily Dose:


fucking stop making this thread

If anybody knows anything about Cargill Foods that could help us that would be appreciated. Someone brought them up in the last thread and they're in a location that I suspect.

Kind of too deep in it now to stop.

Hey welcome back. Did you had a chance to look at colorgraphics? The one i posted yesterday. Dont know if its something it just looked like a good location.

Hey, you'd have to remind me of what colorgraphics you are referring to.

Hey spook

>Kind of too deep in it now to stop.
I haven't seen anything except for retards posting google maps

Yup, that's what we do.

130 N mission Rd, i am looking at locations near primary schools, with safe warehouses and near traintracks for a fast transportation. And a fast way to abduct and move somebody without noticing. I don't know if i'm on a right track with my logic correct me if i'm wrong.

I don't think it would be near schools or residential areas in general. You're better off looking at industrial areas for things.

Allright but piggy backyard is easy accesible and with loads of traintracks thats why i looked at that area.

Well it's kind outside of our search vector as well, which is why I don't heavily suspect it.

Places along South Santa Fe road might be a good idea. I've noticed things along that route. Alameda too.

Figure out the most ideal/efficient Routes between the MDC Location & the Clusters/POI around the City.

Products have deadlines/schedules.

Allright no problem. But its just a gate with a lock to get in, didnt see any surveillance either with loads of storage area things. I will look at those areas as soon as i'm back at my laptop, mobile right now.

whaddup Frank

Hi anon5 glad you're here. I have a story for you. An escort girl from paris had a stalker. That stalker hired a mossad agent to abduct her and sell her to some saudi guys so the market for young attractive girls wirh a double life is big in saudia. Interpol has those 2 guys on their list now. Girl is safe.

different dogs, different owners, but both owners are owned by the same "owner" if you see where I'm going

Hey A5.

Like looking at which rail ways happen to go to all/ a lot of the clusters? Would that be a good place to start?

Is Frank autistic? You know how stupid/idiotic you sound/appear when you just add synonyms? Do you think important people/insiders talk like this or did your dad drop you on your head/cranium when you were a toddler/little?

Shill fuck off
Look at missing children in the area aswell obviously you are more pro at this than me. But it might be helpful to find out who has been abducted and fro
Where they are.

> province

Stop making me so angry

dumping my frank folder





Here you autists go:

HEY FAGGOT DROP THE TRIP!!! you attract too much negative attention, counter productive to the thread, demoralize people, promote all kinds of faggotry.

Also to the rest of you, AT LEAST GET THE TUNNEL MAP FROM DC!

points of interest:
-adoption centers
-abortion clinics
-hospitals with maternity
-obscure businesses where high profile people could be seen entering (that could include many things, from strip/prostitutionclubs to bars, discos, freemason lodges... but always with a elite side to it, I guess)




I'm just a humble cartoonist.


What is your fucking problem? We are talking about ht and you are just posting useless shit. Fuck off

Now the shills are just straight up spamming the thread.



But hardcore. Respond to my last question/reply. Ignore the shills i actually wonder

Traffic Maps & GPS Routes/Methods can be used.

LA Rail-Yards "point" to interesting places on the Map.

Frank has been monitored since 2015. Finding someone with a slightly similar typing style has been useful.




no, seriously, kys you atistic fuck, literally no fucking reason for you to be tripfagging

last one I got. Keep digging guys. If we find the 120 year old insider, we can find the MDC.

Kill yourself frank

Frank has honestly topped jessi slaughter in terms of JUST status

hilarious, kids are dying and getting raped btw, so if you could, you know, drop your fuckng tripfagging and autism for the children that'd be great!

ps. kys

>even the FIDF is turning on Frank

>when the thread is already on fire