Why dose pol hate turkey?
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Do you even need to ask?
I hate every culture of filthy animal people who still act like they're superior
Objectively worst posters.
Because we set their asses on fire.
We singlehandedly destroyed their wh*Te """""supremacy""""" by posting black men lmao
i'M not even talking about Amerimutts, they have been hit very hard in the head by us they're practically more retarded and butthurt than ever
Because you guys almost genocided all the Armenians but white boi couldn't genocide all the degenerates,gay,Jews, and subhumans
They hate you because of their inferiority complex
Because they're mad about the ottoman empire being long gone and they take it out on others because of it
Because they occupy Greek clay.
Its simple, no one likes filthy roaches which is what turks are.
Muslims are psychotic because their world is strictly separated from representations of sexuality. They are not used to thinking for themselves so they lose their mind on Sup Forums. They also have NO REASON to be on pol as Islamofacist Nationalists that has nothing comparable in the Western world. Fuck off Turkroaches. You don't belong on this board mainly because there is no gay or tranny porn, the only thing your country has in common with Sup Forums
Because they suck at fighting so much they have to use either genocide or force foreigners to fight for them if they ever actually win. Plus they invade other countries with their shittiest people and use the idea of dual citizenship to advance their national policy in their host country. And yes, by host I mean like a parasite slowly kills its host, because that is what turks will do to your country. Just ask the Armenians or the Greeks, pretty soon the Germans as well.
Turkey is best countrey. Turkey is real Europe. Much better is than asian Finnish and subhumna eastern SLAVS. POL just doesn't can't accept facts.
Im 1/4 Armenian I hate mudslimes and arabs. trurks will never be white. I also hate the Lardassians.
We don't hate turkey, we just don't care about the non country. What has turkey done for western civilisation! Nothing. Turkey is so shit, Turks leave it like cockroaches leaving a burning building. Unfortunately the cockroChes are trying to find new homes to infest and destroy. Get out roach get out.
Fucking Armenian Fuck. Stop crying you little Armenian rat, you will never be Europe. No one believes your fake "genocide". Ottoman empire will come back rise again and Fuck your contrey. Then a real genocide starts and I will laugh at you.
Half roach half leaf, fully abominable. Has science gone too far?
Haha! My ancestors raped your ugly women and took your beta men. You grandfather fought in my army. Your grandmother was a slave hahaha. We will kill you too, genocide will not miss the draculaniggers haha
You can just feel the inbreeding defects from this post.
because pol wants to fuck turkroaches
>Turkey is not Europe
This is what our average woman looks like, idiots.
>>Turkey is not Europe
Because venerable /pol is bestiality-free board
they lie
>An Amerimutt calling anyone inbred
Fuck off mutt before i kick your mongrel skull in.
>a literal BALKANRAPEBABY calling anyone "roach"
Reminder that my ancestors literally beat the shit out of your ancestors and raped their wives in front of them lmoa
you're literally a BALKANRAPEBABY. a BALKANRAPEBABY is always inferior to other people. Even to subhuman wh*Tes
Look, I get it's bait and all, but why would go into that territory when your holy book literally commands you to inbreed and you lose 5 out of 10 infants to deformities? It's not even funny Ahmed.
that's a trap so I don't doubt it roach
same reason we hate mexicans
theyre invading white majority lands
The fuck are you talking about you subhuman amerimutt
Seriously when will i get to behead an Amerimutt subhuman at incirlik? Amerimutts can't win wars as proven in Afghanistan, Korea and Vietnam so we would be perfectly fine
That is a very shitty understanding of mythologized history, but I shouldn't be surprised.
A few points:
1. the blood tax was very rarely applied in the territory of current day Romania.
2. The Ottoman empire couldn't enforce its culture due to the multitude of people that lived in it and had to be placated to avoid open revolt
3. The Janissary core had to be formed because the Sultan couldn't trust his own people
4. All those people that "fought" in your army ultimately pushed further and further and then had to be dissolved.
nig fight da Jew and stop being their puppets. America is not your enemy same as you are not ours. You know the fucking kikes run the shit we are all in the middle, stop being a goat fucker
>Kosovo flag
>goatfuckers stabbing a corpse after it's already turned into charcoal
You aren't helping your case here, Ahmed. I'm trying to help your bants.
it's not a regular corpse. it's an amerimutt corpse.
Shhh, quite little roach. Now run along and be useful to your american overlords or you'll outlive your usefulness and every country around you will rush to grab a slice of you without care or worry.
s a g e
Something went wrong in the balkans.
this is your name. always remember it. Balkanrapebaby country #7
What does goat pussy feel like anyway?
because unlike white faggots we are not ashamed / feel guilty of our ancestors and our history.
unlike white faggots, we are nationalist and traditionalist for our own values, nation, religion.
unlike white faggots, liberals and leftists are very tiny minority in our country.
and unlike other middle easterners, we are also free to wear whatever we want, drink alcohol and do whatever we want under modern laws.
we as a non-european nation can do what you faggots dream of doing in your countries.
>we as a non-european nation can do what you faggots dream of doing in your countries.
Does it hurt? Knowing what you lost? Is it hard to be a lapdog to the kaffir? To know you're nothing but a pawn to use as spend as need arises?
are those all your boyfriends akbar?
>it's not a regular corpse. it's an amerimutt corpse
those are your mother's bulls
roaches are the unambiguous antagonists of Sup Forums
friendly reminder that turkey is an example to follow in that they reject the claims of genocide just elaborated to strip shekels out of them by the failed kikes aka armenians
Turkey is a fuckin Turkey dog
your smaller than a paki
>implying roaches like women
>all this rage and butthurt itt
keep it up western scum, love threads like these when they spray fire out of their ass
Anyone that would buy oil off a CIA funded terrorist organization are rats by default, they knew what they were doing
same goes for the fake ass coup, gotta give Erdogan props for securing his failed presidency by kiling hundreds of his own citizens
Just look at this try hard faggot keep going
mudslimes are failures all they can do is reproduce buttbabby refugees
I was never fond of pests.
> t. leafposter
>An Amerimutt calling anyone inbred
I think you forgot leafs and strays
missing some funny greentext
The picture kinda sums it up nicely.
>An Amerimutt calling anyone inbred
mutt is exact opposite of inbred you retarded faggot sand kike
The only thing wrong with Turkey is that it's full of Turks.
prima nocta it is then
never seen a turkish poster that i liked
nice bod,
hourglass figure
c-cup natural tits
I know this sand kike didn't just call someone a Jew
Yeah Greeks tell me they hate roaches because roaches ate their lunch one time
top kek
european women love the guy on the right
you jelly cause you hungry bro?