What is the appeal of communism?

The weird thing about communism is that there is nothing "sexy" about it. All of its symbolism, all of its imagery, all of its slogans, are just straight up repulsive and ugly. Communism recalls images of ugly, forced multiculturalism, dirty societies, and dipshit philosophers controlling what gets produced.

Compare it to fascism, which, while I do not support that, at least you can see the appeal, there's a lot of sexiness in the imagery, the uniforms, the flags, the desire to build a great nation and to recall the best of your past...Communism has none of that. It is the unsexiest ideology of all time. Nothing about it seems to appeal to our primate needs or urges whatosever.

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The only symbolism related to communism you'll find is that of failed applications of the idea. And probably communism can´t work at all. But in theory it´s the only thing that can save us.

People can be as degenerate as they want as long as they work. I remember this one anarcho-commie on Sup Forums sperging out and saying (paraphrasing) "I can't wait for the revolution so I won't be considered a freak anymore!"

Young people on the left that want to be edgy

>he weird thing about communism is that there is nothing "sexy" about it.
Oh yeah?

I don't think you can even correctly define what communism is, also if you are a worker (wage-earner laborer of any kind) rather than an owner of the means of production privately for profit then you are the worst of cucks.

Commies may not have been as /fa/ as the nazis were, but they still had some aesthetic appeal.

Che was a chad, and Stalin was a looker himself in his younger days, no homo.

Plus, the Russkies had a whole platoon of qt snipers during the war.

>Communism has its deities
>It has its own chants
>It has its own platitudes
>It promises riches and alleviation of pain
>It provides guidelines on how to live one's own life
>It has its own heaven and its own devil
>Communism has even branched out into several denominations like feminism, 3rd worldism, marxism, ancomms, etc.
>Communism even has its own form of apologetics.
Its been turned into the new modern religion. People don't care how bad it failed or how it has been debunked, they just want to be a part of it because it promises so much.

It's ugly.
In everything it does, in everything it touches. But it takes any responsibility away from you, which is exactly what the failures want who advocate for it.
They do not want to work for a living, they do not want to be held responsible for their own actions.
They want a system where, at least in their own mind, they can be failures without having to feel bad for it, because any fuckup would be the States fault, not their own.

Communist Aesthetics


Sociaist realism is alright. They made some dank ass music too. Apart from that, Jonathan Bowden once talked about something similar.

>But never forget the thrill of transgression. Right-wing ideas are transgressive. And are therefore interesting, and sexy. Herbert Marcuse once wrote about the eroticism of the Right. Susan Sontag did as well. And the Right is more erotic than the Left, is more exciting than the Left. The Left is boring, the Left is extraordinarily grungy and erotically unexciting, you know, despite its prevalence and its penchant for decadence. There’s a degree to which it is not as radically outside the box.

>And my view is that people will be attracted in the future not by reason. They will read up with their reason once they have decided to emotionally commit. The important thing is to get people emotionally. And it’s to appeal to the forces and wellsprings in their mind which are eternal, and which underpin rationality. The power of irrational belief as spiritual codification, of mystical belief, of belief in identity, of the need for communitarianism, and the need to belong, is immensely powerful. Far more powerful than the anything the Left can offer.

How about reality?

It's appealing to lazy minimum wage workers because while it doesn't grant them any wealth, it does bring everyone else down to their level, so they don't have to feel envious of other people's prosperity.

Two types:

lazy degenerates who fail to realize in a real communist regime they'd be killed or sent to labor camps

students/profs who think they'll be the ones in charge of everything

Same things liberalism preaches, but without the money factor.
People would just be free, a few would work for the sake of many, yadda yadda. In the utopian communist society, you could like, get in line to get the latest playstation or pick up the iPhone 8 or build your gaming rig for free or whatever the fuck you teenagers of 20 something years are into these days.
Of course, things just doesn't work that way and you cannot fight human nature. Capitalism is a natural reflection of said nature.

I do, however, argue that had not Trotsky been betrayed and Lenin had not stroked twice and Stalin didn't usurp the revolution, because Stalin was basically commie Trump, a populist and a isolationist, we would probably be living in a communist world society.

Trotsky, for example, knew that in order for communism to work, the revolution might not be stopped at one country, and should spread (a disease for some, or a blessing for others) the entire world in order to work, as history proved us many and many times, you cannot be the only red in a world where capitalism exists everywhere else, it undermines your plans.

Communism wants an harmonious community on this planet, your kind are the exploiting rats, just like the exploiting jews you hate so much there are exploiters of all colors and we want to liquidate all of them.

>Communism wants an harmonious community on this planet
By "Harmonious community" you of course mean "let's kill everyone who thinks differently from us".

No it appeals to all hard working proletariat who rather not get exploited by porky.

>Two types of capitalist:
>lazy degenerates who fail to realize in a real capitalist regime they'd die on the job wageslaving for porky
>teenagers/neckbeards who think they'll be the capitalists in charge of everything

>it appeals to all hard working proletariat
You've seen the /r/socialism poll, right?

>Stalin was a looker himself in his younger days
That wasn't him. Just some poor mook portraying what he wished he looked like then promptly disappeared after the photo shoot.

>an article

It was always a cult.

Only commies are slaves.

Leftists are straight up ugly and repulsive though, that's why they support islam, Communism, multiculturalism, and are anti-white. Ugly people need ugly things to make themselves feel better.

Because everyone wants to think that they will be the ones who would get stuff handed to them for no work

It's him in 1902.

This too. I've never seen a communist claim that he will happily be a sewage or factory worker under communism, it's always some shit like "I'll be the manager" or "I'll be an artist".

That's a bit too simplified. Leftism at its core is obsession with victimhood. With the desire to make a more "fair" and "equal" society, as they perceive it. It started with the proletariat who were perceived to be victims in capitalist societies and since then it has morphed into this unholy doctrine where anyone who isn't white, male and straight, can claim victim status. One of the side effects of this doctrine is that is often aesthetically boring. Egalitarianism is very boring indeed. It's the differences between things that creates the space for beauty, transcendence, glory. If you have nothing above you, you have nothing to aspire to.

Because Marx is right about a lot of the faults of capitalism. People are drawn in because they are dissatisfied with capitalism.

However, his execution of an alternative is pretty much psychotic, sensationalist, and unworkable. Marx had a poor grasp of the human condition.

It allows Jews to participate in ethnic advocacy while feeling good about themselves. Allows them to create a non-Jewish scapegoat to dupe the goy.

When Hitler created National Socialism, he managed to eliminate poverty without killing Germany's culture and turning all architecture into cement slabs.

It always works like this,
>Commies take power and everyone works hard in the beginning
>Eventually people start slacking and others are still busting their backs
>People under communism either work themselves to death and become disenfranchised or they just say fuck it and stop working all together
Communism promotes the free-rider issue.

gibs and no more feeling like a loser when a man that has become successful enters the room

1) Homosexuality
2) Need for a father figure
People who grew up without fathers are drawn to the photos of the bearded Commies, as are those who find them sexually appealing. Look at all those "social realism " posters - they are always muscly square-jawed men in dungarees with no shirt on, viewed from below (at blow-job level).

In communism each gives according to their ability and receives according to their need. This sounds egalitarian to you?

I'm a manager right now and nothing could make me happier than to be a sewage or a factory worker in a communist society.

Dude, you just want to smell shite, preferably on your own dick

What about distribution costs, packaging, tax, shipping, upkeep of machines, how did he buy the first machine? Why doesn't the worker start his own factory etc.

It does when 'need' and 'ability' are subjective terms.

Actually it supports un-egalitarianism in the worst way. I promotes being needy and unable, since that leads to the best rewards with the least effort. Why become a doctor or engineer when I can get the exact same reward from being an artist or writer that shits out a book every year or so.

They are objective and measurable.

Anything might be better for the genetic dead ends, the slaves, and and pussies. Even communism.

It's funny how commies call pigs to others because jews hate pigs

Communism represents a geometric thinking, which is natural for every human being. Communism was strengthened by the development of philosophy and rationalist thinking

Utopias are creations of a rationalistic mind. Why all those conflicts and differences if in our minds we can imagine an idealistic society?

And if we create an equal, unified society, then the system will achieve an equilibrium. To human beings, when something is asymmetrical, then it is annoying. Imagine an asymmetrical building - this would be considered by people weird

Same pattern of thinking applies to society. All inequalities are irrational and made up because of subjective prejudices, so the rationalistic mind seeks naturally for an ideally symmetric society, which wouldn't produce any imbalance in the system

Rewards are part of the socialist phase (people receive according to their contribution not their need), communism is much more technologically advanced and culturally evolved.

labor vouchers can be given to people as reward for their individual labor and exchanged for luxuries.

>Ability is objective

It's really convenient that Anti-fa always puts the hammer and sickle on their posts. Makes it much easier to identify retarded posts.

Instead of building on older foundations communism makes the mistake of trying to reinvent the wheel. Communists come in and destroy everything that makes a society work. This is why I say communism is a religion. Communists come in and erase the old religion with atheism, they tear down the family which is the foundation of support, they try to be the replacement for what they destroyed. There is also the issue that communism brings because all this cultural destruction is costly micromanagement. Commies try to police everything from art, to speech, clothing, life in general.

who gives a shit about how women feel

>each gives according to their ability and receives according to their need
Silly old slogan. Completely arbitrary. In any case, It is in reference to material needs. Leftists often assert that all men are created equal and that it is the corrupt, evil institutions of capitalism and white male privilege which skews this otherwise in-born equality. They reject biological essentialism because it would undermine a considerable portion of their theory.

>People are given luxuries when there are people starving in the world

Oink oink you capitalist pig.

>fascist obsessed with superficial aesthetics over substance
>feels > reals

>communism is much more technologically advanced and culturally evolved
Right, so under communism but not socialism I can do . Seems like communism is a downgrade from socialism.

>labor vouchers can be given to people as reward for their individual labor and exchanged for luxuries
And then I can use these labor vouchers and luxuries to make a profit, hire workers, and basically become a capitalist.

Now you are treading into capitalist territory.

Communism has/had one objective, and that was to remove all of the old aristocratic ruling families.

It's difficult to bribe someone who is both already wealthy and already politically idealistic, by contrast it's very easy to buy of some pleb made good, see Tony Blair, family worth when he entered politics around $200,000, current worth around $60,000,000 - That is a LOT of bribes!

This has more or less be completed now, even just 10 years ago the house of lords would have put up a decent fight against the shocking invasive anti-privacy laws recently introduced into the UK. but they're useless now, the house of lords in the UK is cucked and blackmailed into silence.

You have to understand this, George Orwell and his "the only hope lies in the proles" was a massive red herring, the main hope in resisting the NWO jewish illumiti was always with the wealthy aristocratic families.

>Rewards are part of the socialist phase (people receive according to their contribution not their need), communism is much more technologically advanced and culturally evolved.
>labor vouchers can be given to people as reward for their individual labor and exchanged for luxuries.
You still haven't understood socialism IS a phase of communism? Go read a fucking book instead of spending your time here.

Where's the smallpox scars, Comrade Cumguzzler?

When Marx says that labour certificates are no more money than a theatre
ticket we can draw certain implications:
(1) The certificates do not circulate; they can only be directly exchanged
against consumer goods.

(2) Like many tickets they would be non-transferable. Only the person who
had performed the labour could use them.
(3) They would be cancelled after a single use, just as a theatre ticket is
destroyed on entry to the theatre. When individuals withdrew goods
from a shop their vouchers would be cancelled. The shop, as a communal
organisation, has no need to buy in goods, it is just allocated them, so its
only interest in the labour vouchers is for record-keeping purposes.
(4) They would not serve as a store of value. They could have a ‘use by’ date
on them. Unless individuals redeemed their share of this year’s output
by the end of the year, it would be assumed that they did not want it.
If labour tokens are not spent then the goods that embodied the labour
would not be used. Many goods are perishable and they would have to be
disposed of somehow.
Nowadays one need not think in terms of paper certificates of work done.
Instead we can envisage the use of some form of labour credit card which keeps
track of how much work you have done. Deductions from your social labour
credit account could be made by filling in a slip, or using a direct debit terminal.
We are presented by Marx with a model—a skeletal one but a clear one—
of a socialist society in which there are no commodities (i.e. goods produced
specifically for exchange on a market). People are paid in labour credits for work
done. Deductions are made for communal needs. Goods are distributed on the
basis of their labour content, with corresponding deductions from people’s credit
accounts. Production is organised on a directly social basis with intermediate
products never assuming the form of commodities

I'd argue that the problems with the political class are more due to incompetence than bribery.

when I say communism I mean the communist society, which is not socialist phase obviously.

>use labour vouchers to buy luxuries
>use luxuries as currency instead of the vouchers
There, now I'm a glorious capitalist.


It's losers wanting to same amount as pie as the winners. It's a beta ideology that appeals to halfwits.

See image.

Why is it morally right to spend valuable resources and labour on movie theatres and other luxuries when these resources could be used to lift people out of poverty?

>What about distribution
Workers distribute the products with the aid of technology
No tax under communism
Workers ship the products
>upkeep of machines
Workers trained with specific machinery help maintain and keep the machines up and running
>how did he buy the first machine
In the capitalist system, capital
>Why doesn't the worker start his own factory
In the capitalist system, he needs capital

>who gives a shit about how women feel
Women and men. Women can pursue romantic relationships, enjoy themselves, and raise families. Men want wives who can raise a family and enjoy sex with. Also, they don't have to sell their bodies for money.

It's based off a Russian cartoon

Women don't want Beta Communist Numales.

Biologically they naturally want fascist Chads.

>when I say communism I mean the communist society, which is not socialist phase obviously.
It fucking IS: socialism is just another name for the first phase of the communist society.

Here's an entire documentary.


That's wishful thinking. What was the response of fascist women to a prospect of a commie invasion? "Then we will spread them"?

>>Why doesn't the worker start his own factory
>In the capitalist system, he needs capital
Which can be easily acquire by forming a worker commune and pooling their money together.

>[under communism] Women can ... raise families
o boy i am laffin


If you look at Germany under Hitler, you'll see that there are constant efforts to maintain and revel in the German spirit that the Jews were trying to crush under a totalitarian Bolshevist state.

The Jews were trying to crush the same sort of Germanic spirit and cultural feeling that we feel very deeply during Christmas.



>getting Left-Coms to get off their ass
Too unrealistic.

How is Nazism a slave morality? Also


>ideology is based around submission to the state
>not slave morality


>The weird thing about communism is that there is nothing "sexy" about it. All of its symbolism, all of its imagery, all of its slogans, are just straight up repulsive and ugly.
They write good anthems though, you have to give them that.

oh, you're retarded. that explains it

And Communism isn't? What is the dictatorship of the proletariat? Able-bodied, fit, healthy workers become slaves to the masses. They are sent under Communist work directives to slave away producing for the state.

Admittedly this, although the fascist song is quite good


Hey retard, you seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that under communism, there is absolutely 0 incentive to work, so most people work as little as possible.

Also, having more sexual pleasure in no way indicates that you're having a more fulfilling life, in fact usually the opposite is true (a caring wife/mother vs. a dirty slut, whose life do you think is more fulfilling?).

Communism fits squarely into the second category.

But you still haven't convinced anyone at all that people are equal

People are unequal from birth. Surely you've met enough to see this

Under Communism, the workers, the masses and the state are the same.

Did you draw this? Is fucking excellent

Bowden is a genius of the highest order

I cannot believe he's not higher profile . I think one day people will look back on him as a visionary

>Hey retard, you seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that under communism, there is absolutely 0 incentive to work
You never clean your dishes?

>People are unequal from birth. Surely you've met enough to see this

But that's what I said, that people are different and all have different abilities, needs and contributions.

I do, why?

*Under Communist theory

What's your incentive to do it?

Well that's how the theory goes. Paradoxically, in every case, Communist societies always ended up with a small elite at the top. And they had their own channels, their own luxuries, their own corrupt systems that kept their children out of military service and so on. But that's human nature. We are predisposed to hierarchies, contrary to false Marxian assertions.

I didn't, I found it earlier on. Yes, Bowden is sorely missed.

But not different rewards? Not hiigjer positions in heirachy?

All societies naturally form classes. I don't think that's a bad thing. That's why I can't accept communism

Communism is bleak, depressing, and largely controlled by Jews


>the state apparatus falls to bureaucracy and corruption
>this is proof we are predisposed to hierarchies

There is incentive for me to wash my dishes; I don't want to be eating from moldy, greasy plates. What do dishes have to do with anything though?

See here

The 'Political Class' is a relatively new term, The first I ever heard it used was when Tony Bliar himself used it, referring to himself, and people like him, not referring to the old wealthy and influential families.

The 'incompetence' argument is another red herring I think, think of how the average Joe thinks of someone like George Bush junior, not as some sell-out traitor, but as some idiot who somehow managed to getr into power. Goy was trying his best, he was just stupid and incompetent

inferior people want to change the "rules" of nature: that is the essence of communism/socialism.

Well there is incentive for everyone to do our part in a communist society: we don't want to be naked, hungry and sick; we want to get shit done.