What happened?

What happened?

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More like: WHAT HAPPENED???

>What happened?
she won

Liberals proved to be their own worst enemy. They can still manage to lose to Cheeto Berlusconi who had admitted to wanting to bring back Prima Nocta.

Fake news was lying but didn't realize for once people weren't swallowing it.

The libshit media's attempts to discourage Trump voters by saying he had no chance didn't work.

There was never a moment during the campaign where Hillary was actually winning.

She won the popular vote and should technically be President.

The models thought people liked Hillary Clinton, and would turn out to vote for her like they did Obama.
Nate Tinfoil tried to deny this is what happened, but he lied.

people lied to the pollsters out of fear of reprisals from liberals

If you think their models didn't account for the electoral college, you're retarded.

>she won
That's why she actually lost. Democrats thought that the election is decided by popular vote.



>Leaf education

Big round of applause for Mr 1%, Dr Donald Trump, President of the United States of America!

She won a game no one else was playing

reminder that is literally the same margin of victory hilary had in commifornia

the electoral college exists solely so big states like new york and California don't get to pick the president

>she won

One word, 8 syllables

Trump has a 1% approval rating also......... hmmm really makes you think the media is lying to us....... hmmmmmmmmmmm

> what happened
my sides achieved warp speed


Liberals lie so much they believe themselves, just like they always do.

Fuck you leaf. The electoral college protects us from fagoots like you.

Idk from what I gather it was supposed to be her turn.

Based leaf

>What happened?
Overconfidence levels that are usually reserved for the losing side of a world war.


Gonna be honest, the moment Trump mentioned the wall for the first time I knew he was going to win. The amount of butthurt it caused everywhere was incredible, but it was still (partly) true. Hillary never stood a chance, the average man doesn't want politicians, they want people that tell things like they are, and Hilary was (and still is) a terrible liar.

on the contrary, models like these werent a sign of overconfidence rather than a demorilization tactic to make trump voters stay home. the media moniters all social media and demographics trends they knew full well trump had immense support and an equal shot at winning. the polls were purely about voter suppression

deranged 50 points ahead rant, her 9/11 incident, "deplorables", a war against a cartoon frog..
i mean honestly, this page is still up and available to read: hillaryclinton.com/feed/donald-trump-pepe-the-frog-and-white-supremacists-an-explainer/

it's insane how the DNC kept doubling down

A "poll" is just another term for a survey. You can ask a random group of people a question, no matter who they are or how small in number, and it's a valid poll. Which is why polls never mean anything.

>Gonna be honest, the moment Trump mentioned the wall for the first time I knew it was never going to happen
Fixed that for you, Juan Christopher.

The polls were rigged

Stuff like that got dems so comfy they didnt hit the voter booths on election day. I think left media actually had a part to play in her losing.

You're sad

I wasn't talking specifically about the wall but the reason for it ("most migrants are criminals"). He touched a topic that a shitload of Americans had in their minds but never dared to speak about it. Trump told those people that it was OK to talk about it and that political correctness was a thing of the past.


Or was the election. Queue inception music

>but the reason for it ("most migrants are criminals")
Which is bullshit, anyway. Keep dreaming about that white skin, chilango. One larp at a time.

Sun Tsu happened.

what a weird, maladjusted, unbalanced video to release. she was so surrounded by "yas queen" muppets that nobody said "maybe screaming your indignation over things not going your way into a screen in an unprompted video will be bad for the numbers. maybe we should focus on what you could offer the country or just about anything else"

it just shows how stupid and incompetent women are on average. she managed to convince half of the vote that a privileged billionaire who has never sacrificed anything in his life would do a better job, and she still lacks all humility

>tfw you will never relive election night

They forgot to ask people outside their own bubble.

why doesn't every one write checks to the King Of Nigeria?
Out of every 10,000 people they probably get 100 victims.
Fake news just got over powered by reality while the left slipped into actual delusion

Hahaha, nice bait, but still, fuck you to anyone that doesn't know WHY we have the electoral college here in the states.

What do you think went through their heads at 11pm election night when data was showing Trump about the cross the 270 threshold and his victory was all but assured? What do you think they were saying to each other as Trump was about to give his acceptance speech?

Democratic election officials have literally admitted to allowing the dead and non-citizens to vote in Florida.

Thena report comes out a few days ago that there are more registered voters in almost every major city in Cali then there are residents in those cities.

Kinda makes you ponder..


Sup Forums



memes are more trustworthy than the entire media

Data scientist and Democrat here.

No, I don't believe Nate Silvers models accounted for the electoral college and voting trends by EC communities. I don't think Silver realized how many people in the rust belt simply didn't like either candidate. All it took was 70,000 votes.

Nate also predicted both the Cavs and the Cubs would lose. You know, technically, their opponents outscored them, if you look at all points across all games. Just like Hillary won the popular vote.

Unfortunately, that's not how the games work.

Nate Silver kind of sucks. He's a rock star in a field that requires quiet scientific minds. He's self assured in a field that requires self skepticism.

I wouldn't even get your hopes up for a DNC Congress takeover in 2018.

That said, 2020 looks bad for Trump. First of all, he's going to get primaried. Second of all, if the DNC can quickly coalesce he's going to have a mountain of negative campaigning to overcome. Third, he hasn't delivered on *any* promises for new shovel ready jobs to folks in the rust belt. They left the DNC to vote for him. They can swing back real easy. They're fickle motherfuckers. And they hate Nazis.

Most polls made the mistake of weighting the demographics as though blacks, Hispanics, and women were all going to be so outraged by Trump that they'd be driven to vote in huge numbers. Partially this was because blacks voted in large numbers for Obama.

They didn't consider that non-whites were voting along racial lines and really just voted against a white presidential candidate in 2008 and 2012 as they were blinded by their liberalism.

Come 2016, we got to see what happened when white people felt driven to vote due to having multiculturalism shoved down their throats. Which was the opposite of what the media expected to happen. The media and liberals figure that if you live in a 'diverse' community that you'll be less racist when the opposite is true, having more people encountering illegals, blacks, and rapefugees made more of America feel like they needed to vote to save their country.

Here's your $0.25

Fuck you.

No really.

There are some insane literal cultists on this board. They believe Sandy Hook was staged, they believe the Earth is flat, they believed in Jade Helm.

Posts like yours are ironic or edgy or so hilarious, but they feed these fucked up unhealthy narcissistic beliefs in idiots who can't hear sarcasm.

You're ruining the board every time you suggest this board is being raised by the government

damn, they should have read the rules. i thought they claim to be the smarter side too lol

another 25 cents for you kid.

>a rural or suburban retard's vote is worth more than a citydweller*

(*who uses less public resources AND pay more tax)

*sips tea*

Nice. Logic. Sweetie.

Huffpo bought the polling firm, what a shitty investment lol

How do you figure city dwellers use less public resources than rural/suburbanites, retard?

Most of the polls were faked, in fact the Clintons have a long history of faking polls which can be seen as far back as 1996. Early voting began in mid-september, it was clear just looking at the returns that Hillary's numbers were wildly inflated, she had basically lost Iowa and Florida a month out from the election but the media was reporting favorable polls and even early vote numbers for her, pic related.

In short it was all a giant bluff.

>We asked 1,000 potterheads of our fanbase "WHO WILL WIN? HARRY OR VOLDEMORT? XDD" and most of them answered Harry so that's why Hillary is pretty much mathematically already in the white house

The election was rigged in favor of Hillary, and she STILL couldn't win


Um Technically no she shouldn't be president. The popular vote means nothing for who becomes president.

It really depends on the quality of those rural/suburban retards, you get a few pockets of red welfare recipients but by and large you can trace the blue counties by state based on the food stamp usage


The site actually has a race filter if you want to check it out, basically Appalachian whites are shit.


Archive please

anyone have the image of gary johnson playing UNO

Here's another one for other government programs, interesting stuff.


what happened? the polls were right

being politically correct backfired, why someone would honestly say they're going to vote for trump if that will unleash a shitstorm?

>What happened?

>a) the math was wrong (unlikely)
>b) old-fashioned polling methods weren't reaching a representative sample of voters (likely)
>c) voters lied to the pollsters (most likely)
>d) an outside factor influenced the numbers (not likely)

IMO it was voters lying to pollsters about their Trump vote out of fear of racism/sexism.

Clinton and the MSM underestimated the Donald's message and the anger of the Rust Belt, and more broadly the white working class.
Her strategy was fundamentally flawed and, really, quite lazy from the get-go. The roaches didn't come out en masse to vote her into power like she thought, nobody wanted an establishment whore. Appealing only to minorities = losing strategy.

>the average man doesn't want politicians, they want people that tell things like they are

>Her strategy was fundamentally flawed and, really, quite lazy from the get-go.

This describes why she lost,
but does not describe why the polls were wrong.
The polls should have reflected the Rust Belt change, but they didn't.
This is a question about flawed polling, not flawed election strategy.

I'm gay and live brit dick any takers?

The polls weren't right, before the election the polling companies did a few real popular vote polls after weeks of spamming Hillary +15% shit, state by state polls were still pretty terrible, for example every poll put Hillary up by 6-10% in Wisconsin and by 5% in Michigan and Pennsylvania. There were even a few fake polls pushed out to convince people Hillary was winning in places like Arizona, Georgia, and Texas, this was particularly absurd because early voting was already coming in from those states and she was getting destroyed.


There was no way they could allow it. She was too careless and they knew (((this))) would come out eventually. Couldnt have two Clinton impeachment trials. Bye bye.

1.6%, duh.


When given the chance to vote anonymously people made a choice that they would often be ridiculed for in public.


the national polls were right sweetie


will explain

the tacit thread of violence against anyone speaking out in favor of Trump

If Hillary had won the electoral college but blumpf had won the popular vote, do you think right-wingers would still be crying about it almost a full year later?

No we'd just start a war and kill you all.

The RNG in the game of life gives no fucks

they would be calling for violent revolution

>straight talk
That image looks like some neocon shit John McCain's kike handlers wrote. I don't think I've ever heard normal people say Donald Trump is a "straight talker".


Whatever happened to the election committee that was looking to prove illegal voting occurred en masse

People don't understand probability. Even worse forming models for one off rare events like this is actually impossible.

If one of these had taken weather conditions into account it could change everything.

That's not even how it works here either.

I see a whole lot of Clinton in that image and the President appears to be a whole lot of Trump.

Who cares? Are you retards still worshiping Donald Cuck?! Melania Trump is already a household name at (((Blacked.com))) !!

Quit the Trump worshiping crap and prepare for the post-Trump era when alt-lighters and cuckservatives will start flooding the alt-right, this is where the action is.

Think in medium-long terms instead of being niggers fixated on the immediate.

Super liberals that live on the coasts believe that they should have voting power over the entire nation. The electoral college prevents this. Because people in Iowa, regardless of race and gender, may not want the same things as a person that lives in LA.



I'm not denying Trump is the president.

Are you a fucking retard?