Aliens were just fucking confirmed, and you guys are just shitposting and shillposting.

>12 earlier radio pulses from same source
>Now 15 powerful, repeated new radio pulses
>From a dwarf galaxy 3 billion light years away


Other urls found in this thread:



This one is closer and was originally covered up and hidden when Russia observed it.

>the guardian

ayy war when

>3 billion light years away
For all practical purposes they might just not exist. Wouldn't change anything.

Everyone is reporting this. It's from a Stephen Hawking project.
Probably not Ayys but still VERY big and interesting. We've never found a signal of this type that repeats and is consistently observable. There is currently not a single known explanation for this. Not at all.


somebody call X-COM and tell them to start researching

nigger this is a slide thread.

The fucking signals come from millions of LIGHT YEARS away. aka the signals were sent before the earth existed.


by that time,anything that sent that signal is already probably dead/destroyed/Extinct

Jews did 9/11

The Reapers got them.

>scientists decode the signal
>"beware of crooked noses"

Try billions
True but it's still interesting to know what causes it. It's similar to what a supernova does but is consistently repeating.
Definitely has non retards curious for sure.

Archive please.


Even if the aliens are infinity distance away, it still has some big implications for things like Religion and such.

>0 deaths

Earth has been around billions not millions brainlet

Is this how they start blue beam? Or is blue beam just jew niggers coming out as satanic lizard people

Natural phenomenon cause repeating signals like this as I'm sure the article explains.

It also wouldn't confirm the existence of Aliens. It would confirm that there were Aliens 3 billions years ago.

We absolutely have. Tesla observed some and assumed it was Aliens. It wasn't.

Oh, it's just another Galaxy only 3 billion light years away? Also, how log this signal has to travel to reach us?


This is not a natural phenomenon. IT'S HAPPENING

>all signals from space are the same
No, this type of signal has been observed (fast radio burst) about thirty times ever and only this one has ever repeated. Let alone as many times as it's repeated.

>What are gamme ray bursts / jets?

It's really sad but this. 3 billion years is a long time for a society to remain. Not to mention it would another several billion years until one of us could meet the other. Imagine going through all that and they all died of a virus or something.
This is just assuming we could even last long enough for the technology to become available to put an expedition together and that said expedition could last longer than all of human civilization. Space is big.

when it reaches earth, means it passed 3 billion years from source

>3 billion light years away

this won't matter in my lifetime

any interstellar vessel from a civilisation just a few decades more advanced from us would be travelling at the very near lightspeed velocity

honestly, (((they)) could be here in a century or less if their spaceship is the source

it's probably not ayys, tho

Would be interesting if it´s just their radio/tv broadcasts and we get to watch their culture evolve on tv. It can't be more crazy than Japanese television.

>what is pulsar

It's definitely not a pulsar or GRB.
Why are so many brainlets who obviously have no understanding at all about this shit even commenting?

How long until we can start exchanging rare pepes?

>three million light years away.
>this signal was generated 3 billion years ago
>they could have nuked themselves by now
yeah we know that statisticly there should be ayy lmaos, are there any here or what?

>radio signals from 3 billion light years away
>can't even get Sprint LTE near my house
they just larping for the bucks

>3 billion light years away
>3 billion light years away

My only major thought here:

If we get more signals, and they are tv signals, can we not have to pay to watch them?

What if they can go many billions of times the speed of light?
checkmate atheist

>implying it wouldn't kill you first

>burger education
if they were already travelling towards us when the signal was generated they wouldn't be far behind it, you fucking philistine

Light years means the length of time that would pass if you were traveling at the speed of light. You would either need to go faster than light, or circumvent space all together using a wormhole if you wanted to get there without traveling for 3 billion years.

This is true, it could also be true that they open up a wormhole at any moment now and suddenly cause a solar eclipse the entire world can see.

c'mon you KNOW there isn't gravity in space, therefore no G forces
All you have to do is get just far enough away from your planet and then ignite the FTL boosters so you only feel the force for literally 10^-1000 s or some shit

what if

what if they're standing still and we're travelling billions of times faster than the speed of light

toward them

and so is our reference frame

read this

I thought for some reason that radio waves travel at less speed than light. Oh well.

this is some bad shitposting,fyi there is gravity in space,"zero" gravity is a myth for brainlets to understand


Its Kek, he's back!

There's no fucking way it has an artificial source.
Too much power just to shitpost through time-space

Fuck the ayys

>3 billion light years away
wow, its nothing



Wait, where exactly this dwarf galaxy on the night sky?

Dunno, if they got that far theyre probably real good eggs. If theyre at the point where they can broadcast shit to entire different galaxies they can colonize multiple planets, making it pretty hard for them to get whiped out

3 Billion years ago we were slime (((according to some)))

by now those aliens are either extinct, or super-evolved like the Q from Star Trek: TNG

>in recent news the awe inspiring last words of the kang exo-peoples have been deciphered
Ayo bix nood mutha fuka we be da greys n shieet senpai until them jealous ass dracos had to take da science away

the probability of the source still existing is next to null

>Hurr it dubint matter cuz it far away hurr

yes, but the ad revenue from that headline alone



Real Christians would have confirmation from finding aliens. Most people have only lightly read some parts of an English translation.


>mfw we pirate content form Ayyy kikes


Yeah it must be from the Delta quadrant, we won't be assimilated for a few hundred years at warp 10.

>yfw its just syndicated reruns of 3rd rock from the sun

They would be traveling at the exact same speed of the signal: light speed. They would have arrived at the same time if what you proposed was true. You literally are subhuman.

I genuinely laughed at this.

shut it down

Radio pulses are natural.

you idiot, you think they can't bend space?
Like an Ant walking on papper, a human can bend that paper and make the ant go to one END of the papper to the OTHER END in seconds.
You think ayy lmaos can't do that and get here much faster?
>"but it's impossible to reach speed of light"
>"even if they hit speed of light 3 billion years, we would never see them"
>"muh 3 million, too far"
implying that space matters
also there are more evidence here on earth we been visited that this "official" report crap.
This is just an introduction of aliens to the Normies, now it will be inevitable and Normies have to be mentally ready or they will freak out on the streets.
It's just a smooth introduction, like the "water on x planets possible" and other crap "official" news.

Except light speed for a spacecraft is impossible and in my first post I clearly stated near light speed, you illiterate nigger

>Except light speed for a spacecraft is impossible


Do you think there aren't ways around friction?

There are 4 possiblities and 4 facts for alien life,and I've come to this conclusion after years of research and interest in not only science, but civilizational progression and statistics.

>Universe is 14 billion years old
>There is no evidence of "great galactic civilizations" existing
>We have had no solid contact or evidence of aliens in any way
>There have been planets habitable for life for billions of years before us in countless thousands of starsystems

Now, assuming life can occur wherever it is statistically possible, one would assume that there have been countless alien civilizations within the last several billion years, and during that time, there has been many individual civilizations amongst all the different stars and galaxies. Assuming this is the case, we would also assume that even by slower than FTL travel, at least a handful of these civilizations would have gone on to colonize entire galaxies, and if they are billions of years old, possibly entire sections of the universe.
Yet we see no evidence of intergalactic wars, no dimmed stars from dyson spheres, no massive explosions in space as evidence of planets being destroyed, and no "galactic government" showed up once we developed nuclear weapons and spacetravel to "restrain us."

Now these facts mean that the following are possible:
>We are the fist civilization in the universe, therefore there are no aliens to discover.
>We are not the first, but the others are so far away, and developed only within the last few billion years, so we couldnt possibly contact them yet.
>There are alien civilizations all over the place, but we are in a "protected area of space" where we are being shown a "fake" bubble universe, to make us believe we are alone.
>There is an ancient alien civilization which colonized the enire universe and became so advanced that it decided it should control all life and monitors our universe from the outside and destroys any civilization that gets too advanced.


your bait isn't fooling me, but nice try


>what if they be sooper sanic muh dick XDD

typical burger education


>still living in an Einstein gravity-mass model universe
Get with it user. Tesla electro magnetic universe is correct.

>ship in vacuum of space
Bro, do you even physics?


No shit, and you aren't getting double layer electrostatic plasma propulsion for a century and a half because it breaks the fossil fuel paradigm.

This is likely just a weather balloon. Go to sleep.

i forgot
>inb4 bend space facepalm.jpg
what i meant by "bend space" was "teleportation".

>3 billion light years away

So if there was any aliens on that planet they'll all be dead by now for sure.

Pls crop an ayy face on that. Would be /thread

Theres clouds of gas and particles all over the place,Even the empty spaces have pretty much a few hydrogens per cubic meter. Try ramming your lightspeed ship into those. That space is a perfect vaccuum is for the normies to understand that you cant breathe there,

Soon we will have portals, they already exists around the magnetic poles of earth and scientists have made mini ones in labs.

if they are radio pulses then they have been traveling for eons to get here. The aliens that sent it (if aliens) are either dead or incredibly advanced by now.

Finally utilizing magnetic reconnection, are we?


>>your mentally superior brother ; pic

Actual brainlet you are.
>Earths been around 4,5 billion years
>This galaxy is 3 billion LIGHTYEARS (not years you stupid RETARD) away
>It takes ~37.200 years to travel just 1 (ONE) lightyear
fucking mericans

>3billion light years
they are probably already extinct